
Rugby World Cup 2023

Want to see England and Wales at Rugby World Cup France 2023? Join Gullivers Sports Travel who is offering a fantastic package to take in both England v Japan and Wales v Qualifier(预选赛) Winner in an action packed weekend in Nice.

Day One-Arrive in Nice

Check-in at London Gatwick or Birmingham for your flight to Nice. On arrival we will transfer you by coach to your hotel where you can check in for a three-night stay for Rugby World Cup France 2023.

Day Two-Match Day

Today sees Wales play the Qualifier Winner. Kick off is at 17:45 local time.

Day Three-Match Day

Today sees England play Japan. Kick off is at 21:00 local time.

Day Four-Return to the UK

Check out of your hotel this morning. We will transfer you by coach to the airport for your return flight to your chosen departure airport.

Official Travel Agent:

Gullivar Sports Travel is an Official Travel Agent for Rugby World Cup France 2023. They have taken over 50,000 supporters to follow their teams since the very first Rugby World Cup back in 1987 and this will be the eighth official appointment for a Rugby World Cup.

Price: £2,199 per person

Departure: September 15, 2023

Price Includes

√ Airport transfers√ Three nights' accommodation

√ Official Match tickets for England v Japan

√ Official Match tickets for Wales v Qualifier Winner

√ Return flights from Stansted or Gatwick or Birmingham to Nice

(1) How many nights will people stay in Nice? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
(2) How much will a couple pay for the package? A. £2,199. B. £4. 398. C. £4. 418. D. £6,597.
(3) Where is this text probably taken from? A. A course plan. B. An academic article. C. A popular magazine. D. A chemistry textbook.
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Emma Li spent almost three years on China's '996 schedule': working from nine in the morning to nine in the evening, six days a week." I was deprived of all my personal life," says she. Usually, she had a small window to eat, shower and go to bed-but she sacrificed sleep to regain some personal time. Often, Li would stay up surfing the internet, reading the news and watching online videos until well after midnight.

Li was doing what the Chinese have called 'bàofüxingáoyè' — or 'revenge bedtime procrastination' (RBP). The phrase spread rapidly on Twitter in June after a post by journalist Daphne K Lee. She described the phenomenon as when "people who don't have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late-night hours".

Psychology may explain the reason why people would choose to regain this leisure time even at the expense of sleep. A growing body of evidence points to the importance of time away from work pressure. "One of the most important parts of recovery from work is sleep. However, sleep is affected by how well we separate ourselves from stress," says Sheffield University's Kelly. It's important, she explains, to have a rest when we can be mentally distanced from work, which would explain why people are willing to sacrifice sleep for post-work leisure.

In fact, experts have long warned that insufficient sleep is an ignored global public-health epidemic (流行病). A 2019 survey showed that 62% of adults worldwide feel they don't get enough sleep. People mentioned various reasons for this lack, including stress and their sleeping environment, but 37% blamed their heavy work or school schedule. Long hours at the office aside, another part of the problem is that modern working patterns mean people find it harder to draw boundaries between work and home.

(1) Why does the author mention the example of Emma Li in the first paragraph? A. To make comparisons. B. To introduce the topic. C. To support her argument. D. To provide examples.
(2) Which of the following is the cause of the "RBP"? A. The intention of refreshing oneself. B. The desire to get rid of work stress. C. The unwillingness to sleep early. D. The lack of sleeping environment.
(3) What can be the best title of the passage? A. The Psychology behind the "RBP" B. The Harmful Effects of the "RBP" C. The Insufficient Sleep of Adults D. The Popularity of "996 Schedule"
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I ask every student I interview for admission to my institution,Pitzer College,the same question,"What do you look forward to the most in college?"I was astonished and delighted recently when a student replied,"I look forward to the possibility of failure."Of course,this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures,but this young man took a risk.

"You see,my parents have never let me fail,"he said."When I want to take a chance at something, they remind me it's not a safe route to take.Taking a more demanding course or trying an activity I may not succeed in,they tell me,will ruin my chances at college admission."

I wish I could tell you this is an uncommon story,but kids all over the world admit they are under great pressure to be per feet.When I was traveling in China last fall and asked a Chinese student what she did for fun,she replied:"I thought I wasn't supposed to tell you that? I wouldn't want you to think I am not serious about my work!"

Students are usually in shock when I laugh and tell them I never expect perfection.Of course,this goes against everything they've been told.How could a dean of admission at one of America's most selective institutions not want the best and the brightest?The reality is,perfection doesn't exist,and we don't expect to see it in a college application.In fact, admission officers tend to question students who present themselves as individuals without shortcomings.

We get the most excited when we read an application that seems real.It's so rare to hear stories of defeat.If their perspectives are of lessons learned,these applicants tend to jump to the top at highly selective colleges.We believe an error in high school should not define the rest of your life,but how you respond could shape you forever.

(1) What can we learn about the student in the first two paragraphs? A. He is seldom allowed to take part in activities. B. He tries to avoid any chance of failure C. He cares little about his academic futures. D. He is taught not to take risks.
(2) Why does the author mention the Chinese student in paragraph 3? A. To illustrate the widespread stress on students. B. To compare students from different countries. C. To give an example of the students he favors. D. To emphasize the importance of hard work.
(3) What is probably admission officers' attitude towards a perfect application? A. Favorable. B. Confused. C. Doubtful. D. Casual.
(4) What is the key to success in college according to the author? A. A desire for perfection. B. The ability to learn from defeats. C. The opportunity of making mistakes. D. An experience of defeat in high school.
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Many of our family traditions centered around food. We'd gather in the kitchen for every birthday and holiday and enjoy delicious food. My grandparents always held Christmas dinner, which included chicken cacciatore, sausage, meatballs and salad. But right before we sat down to eat, my grandmother would pull me aside to show me the dish she made just for me: fresh pasta (意大利面) with tomato sauce.

It was a simple dish, but to me it was warm food that filled me with happiness. But more than that, it made me feel like I belonged. I was a shy kid and, in many situations, I felt ignored. And here was my grandmother, showing me that I mattered.

Years went by; I moved away and got married. I'd visit throughout the years and my grandmother would serve up a plate of pasta.

When my daughter was born in 2020, for the first time in my life I wasn't about to make the trip back home for Christmas. I cooked my family's traditional foods and my husband and I had a big meal that included, of course, fresh pasta. I had a video call with my grandmother and showed her the pasta. Shortly after the holidays she passed away unexpectedly.

It seemed so unfair that my grandmother passed away soon after I became a parent. I'd hold my daughter and think about how I could tell her what an amazing great-grandmother she had.

In my sadness I came to an answer: food. Late at night after my daughter had gone to bed, I'd go to the kitchen and learn how to make fresh pasta, cooking my grandmother's recipes. Before long I started experimenting, making a bit changes to classic recipes. When my daughter got a little older, I began making special dishes for her with my grandmother's flavors in mind.

I know that no matter how hard I try, my daughter will never have a bowl pasta with sauce exactly like the ones my grandmother would make for me. While that makes me sad, she'll still get to have my pasta sauce. I know there're two things she'll never lack for in this life: pasta and love.

(1) What did the author say about her grandmother's homemade pasta? A. It was a special birthday gift for her. B. It brought her a sense of belonging. C. It was loved by every family member. D. It took a lot of time and energy to prepare.
(2) What made the author's 2020 Christmas dinner different from previous ones? A. She didn't share pasta with her husband. B. She didn't give her grandmother a call. C. She didn't prepare many traditional family foods. D. She didn't have a chance to eat her grandmother's pasta.
(3)  Why did the author learn to make fresh pasta late at night? A. To honour her grandmother. B. To give her daughter a surprise. C. To meet her grandmother's wish. D. To be a role model for her daughter.
(4) What can we learn about the author's pasta sauce? A. It isn't easy to make. B. It isn't to her daughter's liking. C. It tastes exactly the same as her grandmother's. D. It shows her love for her daughter.
(5) What's the best title for the text? A. Different types of pasta B. The origin of pasta C. Love through pasta D. Pasta for Christmas
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