
Emma Li spent almost three years on China's '996 schedule': working from nine in the morning to nine in the evening, six days a week." I was deprived of all my personal life," says she. Usually, she had a small window to eat, shower and go to bed-but she sacrificed sleep to regain some personal time. Often, Li would stay up surfing the internet, reading the news and watching online videos until well after midnight.

Li was doing what the Chinese have called 'bàofüxingáoyè' — or 'revenge bedtime procrastination' (RBP). The phrase spread rapidly on Twitter in June after a post by journalist Daphne K Lee. She described the phenomenon as when "people who don't have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late-night hours".

Psychology may explain the reason why people would choose to regain this leisure time even at the expense of sleep. A growing body of evidence points to the importance of time away from work pressure. "One of the most important parts of recovery from work is sleep. However, sleep is affected by how well we separate ourselves from stress," says Sheffield University's Kelly. It's important, she explains, to have a rest when we can be mentally distanced from work, which would explain why people are willing to sacrifice sleep for post-work leisure.

In fact, experts have long warned that insufficient sleep is an ignored global public-health epidemic (流行病). A 2019 survey showed that 62% of adults worldwide feel they don't get enough sleep. People mentioned various reasons for this lack, including stress and their sleeping environment, but 37% blamed their heavy work or school schedule. Long hours at the office aside, another part of the problem is that modern working patterns mean people find it harder to draw boundaries between work and home.

(1) Why does the author mention the example of Emma Li in the first paragraph? A. To make comparisons. B. To introduce the topic. C. To support her argument. D. To provide examples.
(2) Which of the following is the cause of the "RBP"? A. The intention of refreshing oneself. B. The desire to get rid of work stress. C. The unwillingness to sleep early. D. The lack of sleeping environment.
(3) What can be the best title of the passage? A. The Psychology behind the "RBP" B. The Harmful Effects of the "RBP" C. The Insufficient Sleep of Adults D. The Popularity of "996 Schedule"
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Cycling in cities with proper biking infrastructure(基础设施) can give people a closer experience of traveling around a place that cars and buses simply can't. Here are four cycle-friendly cities around the world.

Utrecht, Netherlands

While the Netherlands' most populous city, Amsterdam, is definitely bike friendly, we're heading southeast to Utrecht, a city that has a fair claim to being the globe's most pro-two-wheel destination. In its center, up to 50% of all journeys take place by bike and local authorities are building a 12,500-space cycle parking facility advertised as the world's biggest.

Copenhagen, Denmark

More than half the locals in the Danish capital cycle to work or school, and with an estimated bike population of 650,000 there are slightly more cycles than people. City leaders determine not just on increasing bike use further, but promoting safe bike infrastructure that features bike lanes(车道) of up to three meters in width.

Berlin, Germany

Germany has been quietly getting on with boosting bike use in many of its cities. Berlin is the standout example. About 13% of all trips in the city are made by bike, nearly twice the rate of 20 years ago.

Tokyo, Japan

In this vast capital city, an amazing 14% of all trips are made by bike. There are practical reasons why many Tokyo residents prefer a bike to a car for shorter journeys. Before you can even buy a car in the city you must prove you possess a (are and usually expensive) off-street parking spot. However, few people cycle to work-distances tend to be long and public transport is hugely efficient. Also, a lot of cycling takes place-legally-on footpaths and sidewalks.

(1) What is special about Utrecht? A. It has a much larger population than Amsterdam. B. It is the only cycle-friendly city in Netherlands. C. Cycling accounts for about half of trips downtown. D. It has the world's largest non-cycling population.
(2) Which city takes security into consideration when building bike infrastructure? A. Utrecht B. Copenhagen C. Berlin D. Tokyo
(3) Why do some citizens in Tokyo have a preference for a bicycle? A. They prefer to travel long distances by bike. B. They are not allowed to cycle on sidewalks. C. They have no easy access to buses or trains. D. They probably can't afford a parking place.
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2.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

Experts say that engaging in playful activities through adulthood can help lower stress, improve cognitive functions, and build social bonds with others, which is so much more than what your phone can do for you. So what are you waiting for? Round up the family, grab one of these lawn games for adults, and let the good time sroll.

Spikeball Game Set $59.99

The flexible, hula-hoop-sized net stands on its foldable legs and can be taken to the beach or the park to give four players plenty of space to run around. Start the two-on-two game by bouncing a ball off the net, sending it flying toward your opponents—they have three passes between them to send the ball back over to your team. When they miss, you score, and the first one to get to 21 wins.

The Pocket Shot $25.00

Who doesn't love lining up cans and shooting them down with a slingshot? It's demanding yet thrilling. The Pocket Shot is a super powerful slingshot that shoots at two or three times the rate of a regular slingshot. It's super tiny, so it fits in your pocket.

Giant 4-Connect-In-A-Row $79.99

Two players at a time try to insert their red or blue coins into the wooden frame to form a vertical or horizontal line of all the same color. It's way more challenging than you'd think.

(1) According to the first paragraph, in what way can lawn games benefit adults? A. Helping them gain strong build. B. Boosting their intelligence. C. Stopping their phone use. D. Ridding them of pressure.
(2) How many players are needed when Spikeball Game Set is played? A. Two. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
(3) What do the second and third game have in common? A. They are of pocket size. B. They are cheap to buy. C. They take skills to play. D. They need two players.
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Good Morning Britain (GMB) launches special "listening benches" in order to solve loneliness. EastEnders star Maisie Smith joined Susanna and Martin in the studio to talk about her involvement in a special part of the 1 Million Minutes campaign —GMB's special "listening benches" across the country.

Six special "listening benches" have been designed by six celebrities, and can be found in six cities across the UK—and they're in place to encourage people to strike up a conversation. Maisie joined the show to share why the campaign is important to her.

"I'm always very open about mental health," Maisie explained. "It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, what you have—everyone is going through something and I just think the world would be a kinder place if everyone understood that."

"I think especially growing up in the limelight(引人注目)as a teenager, you're very judgemental of yourself when you do see comments of other people judging you. It can add to the stress of the things you're already going through. I think people do think I'm confident because I cover my nerves with a big smile and that's what I've been doing in my whole life."

Susanna asked Maisie if she had a technique for dealing with her nerves. "It depends on what it is," said Maisie. "A lot of the time— and it's going to sound really stupid—but I write a script. I write down all of the questions that I could be asked and try to come up with something so that my brain won't go blank when I'm under pressure."

(1) What is the theme of "listening benches"? A. Caring for oneself. B. Changing the world. C. Dealing with loneliness. D. Protecting the environment.
(2) Why did Maisie Smith join the studio? A. To let people know about her life. B. To share her feelings of the campaign. C. To set up a model for other celebrities. D. To ask more people to express their mind.
(3) What is Maisie's attitude toward her mental health? A. Protective. B. Private. C. Serious. D. Outspoken.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. A programme on mental health. B. GMB interviewing celebrities. C. Techniques for responding to nerves. D. Preparations before being interviewed.
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