
Shirley Raines makes the homeless community in Los Angeles's skid row(贫民区) neighborhood feel human. She is the founder of Beauty 2 The Streetz, a nonprofit that provides free food, clothing, hair, and makeup services to the homeless. And Shirley is now the CNN Hero of the Year.

In 1990, Raines' 2-year-old son Demetrius passed away from accidental poisoning while at his grandma's house. This event created a lot of pain for Shirley Raines. The pain lasted for many years. And she did not know what to do about it. She struggled to understand what her purpose was in life. Until one day. . .

Six years ago, Shirley visited skid row with a friend from church who asked her to volunteer. She met a lot of homeless people and realized how much help they needed. Not just in finding a home, but in finding themselves and their own worth and beauty.

Shirley started to volunteer each Saturday. As she got to know the homeless, they often praised her makeup, hair, and style. She started to offer to make up" the homeless. They loved it, she loved it, they loved her and she loved them. She found purpose. So she started an outdoor beauty salon to serve the homeless, which took most of her spare time.

Raines started sharing her efforts on Instagram with photos and even live-streaming some of her events. Things took off. She formed her nonprofit, Beauty2 The Streetz, and her followers quickly began donating to grow Shirley's impact. Her followers grew to over 200,000 people, including many beauty professionals such as licensed hairstylists, barbers, make-up artists. Many of them regularly donate money to keep the services rolling. Others donate their time to help Shirley serve the homeless.

Shirley's boldness, courage, and desire to take action have led to making a real impact on people's lives. And she also served as a role model and inspiration to others.

(1) What do we know about Beauty 2 The Streetz? A. It is formed by Shirley and other kind people. B. It aims to serve the homeless in several ways. C. It records some of Shirley's photos and events. D. It is a government organization that helps the homeless.
(2) Which of the following is TRUE about Shirley? A. She mainly helped the homeless make up. B. Her son passed away from a traffic accident. C. She just helped the homeless find their homes. D. She regularly donated money to the homeless.
(3) What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about? A. Shirley's impact on her community. B. The ways in which people help Shirley. C. Why Shirley founded Beauty 2 The Streetz. D. The growing impact of Beauty 2 The Streetz.
(4) What good qualities does Shirley have? A. Brave and smart. B. Devoted and independent. C. Selfless and caring. D. Ambitious and determined.
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1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

After a long day under the beating sun, an ice cream might be a tempting treat. But would you be able to enjoy it if you knew it was made from insect "milk" Gourmet Grubb, a food company, is hoping to use ice cream to introduce the public to the world of eating insects. Its ice cream uses EntoMilk, a dairy alterative made from insects known as the black solider fly, which is full of nutrients and friendly to farm and produce. "The ice cream flavors include chocolate, peanut butter and Christmas spices. We set out to change the way insects were seen, produced and used in the food industry, " said Leah Bessa, who co­founded Gourmet Grubb in 2017, "We were expecting a lot of push back. However, people said the first bite was not a taste of disgust but a pleasant surprise and they couldn't wait to have one more."

According to Bessa, EntoMilk has "a slightly taste of earth" and gives the ice cream "a rich, creamy taste". The insect "milk" ice cream is made with natural ingredients, such as raw honey, cocoa, spices and organic peanut butter. But it's not just about the taste — Bessa says the insect "milk" is also high in nutrients that are comparable to fish and meat like beef, chicken, and pork. EntoMilk is five times higher in protein than dairy.

"Insects need very little water, feed and space to grow, " Bessa explained, "They also produce little or no greenhouse gases compared to traditional livestock." Insects can be farmed indoors in small, controlled environments and they can be raised in urban areas, reducing the time of transporting the milk to the city. It also means they are less at risk of being impacted by outer climate patterns, which would affect cattle and crops. There is also potential for insect farming to reduce waste.

The United Nations predicts that the world will need to double food production to feed the global population by 2050 and has long promoted insect farming as a sustainable alternative protein source to traditional livestock. Although over 1, 900 insect species are estimated to be consumed by humans worldwide, insects are yet to reach the mainstream of Western cuisine.

(1) What did customers think of the insect­made ice cream? A. Really unpleasant. B. Easily acceptable. C. Slightly sweet. D. Extremely disgusting.
(2) Which of the statements is true according to the passage? A. EntoMilk has an advantage over dairy in taste. B. Gourmet Grubb's ice cream is produced with man­made ingredients. C. The insect "milk" ice cream will soon become a bestseller at Christmas. D. EntoMilk is as good as conventional meats in nutrients.
(3) What feature does insect farming possess? A. It is almost harmless to the environment. B. It needs a large area of land to rise the insects. C. It requires advanced technology to keep insect alive. D. It saves huge amounts of labor to transport the milk.
(4) What can be inferred from the passage? A. Insects have already been well welcomed by Western people. B. Many countries will import insects to feed their population. C. Gourmet Grubb has expanded its business under the guidance of the UN. D. Insects may be a way to deal with the problem of food shortage.
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I was out for an evening with a friend, getting the relief from pressure and catching up on our lives. We got around to the subject of books.

"When do you read?" My friend asked me. My mind took off on a fast journey through my bookshelves and piles of looks. I know some people make artsy towers and pyramids out of books, but I'm not that kind of woman. Mine are just…stacks (摞). Stacks on end tables, stacks on the floor.

When do I read? I read when I'm when I'm happy. I read when I'm bored. I read when I'm defeated. I read when I'm filled with anxiety. My self-medication for the thoughts is not exercise or alcohol, but Jane Austen. I absolutely must slow down the pace of my thoughts when living through a walk to the town Meryton in Pride and Prejudice. I read to visit places I'll never see in real life. Thank you, Vikram Seth, for making me completely involved in 1950s India. Thank you, Khaled Hosseini, for giving me a chance to see 1970s high society of New York City, I'll spend some time with Edith Wharton. I read when I'm recalling the good old days. Many of my favorite books of childhood are still my favorite books. I read when I get so addicted to an author that I want to read everything she has ever written, including her Christmas cards and grocery lists.

Of course, I didn't say any of these things to my friend. I stared at her with a blank, foolish look.

"When do I read?" I repeated.

"Yes. When do you find time?" she asked.

"When? Evenings. Bedtime. Dinnertime, if I'm eating alone. Sunday afternoons. Moments stolen here and there. And now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with Mr. Hemingway," I said.

(1) Why did the author go out with a friend? A. To meet another new with a friend. B. To catch inspiration. C. To relax herself. D. To buy her friend books
(2) Who is Khaled Hosseini? A. A character of a novel. B. The author's room-mate. C. Another friend of the author. D. A writer the author likes.
(3) What can we learn about the author from paragraph 3? A. She doesn't want to read after a failure. B. She doesn't like staying with her friend. C. She tries her best to please the writer she loves. D. She reads to experience life in different ages and places.
(4) What will the author do after the date with the friend? A. Sleep after she got home. B. Read Hemingway's works. C. Make a date with Mr. Hemingway. D. Make another appointment with another friend.
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I am a strong believer that if a child is raised with approval (认可) he learns to love himself and will be successful in his own way.

Several weeks ago, I was doing homework with my son in the third grade and he kept standing up from his chair. I kept asking him to sit down, telling him that he would concentrate (集中注意力) better. He sat but seconds later, as if he didn't even notice he was doing it, he got up again. I was getting angry, but then it hit me: I started noticing his answers were much quicker and right when he stood up. Could he concentrate better while standing up?

This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believe. I grew up to believe that a quiet child was more likely to succeed. This child would have the ability to study hard, get good grades and become someone important in life. Kids that were active and loud would only be losers.

Now people perhaps come to realize that their kids are born with their own sets of DNA, and all they can do is loving and accepting them. As parents, throughout their growing years and beyond that, we need to guide them and help them find their way.

I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrate. Clearly, he is concentrating, just in his own way and not mine. We need to accept our kids, and their ways of doing things. There is nothing sweeter than seeing our children being themselves. It makes us happy and that's just the way I want my kids to live a happy life.

(1) The author tried to keep his son seated so that ________. A. he couldn't disturb the author B. he could keep silent in the room C. he could finish his homework on time D. he could pay more attention to his study
(2) Encouraged by the example of his son, the author began to doubt ________. A. the importance of parents B. the old education methods C. the good grades of some kids D. the love between kids and their parents
(3) What does the author think of teaching children? A. Encouragement is important. B. Children shouldn't be punished. C. A fine example is necessary in the school. D. Children can't be taught in the same way.
(4) In the opinion of the author, children should ________. A. have no freedom B. have their own style C. learn from their friends D. be friendly to their parents
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