
Technology is developing by leaps and bounds. A small device such as a smartphone now has more processing power than rockets to the Moon once had. New tech brings many advantages, making our lives easier and opening up new opportunities. One piece of kit that's been really taking off recently is the drone. This pilotless mini aircraft, originally developed for aerial (航空的) photography and warfare,is now bringing us benefits closer to home. In the last few years, tech companies such as Amazon, Alphabet and Uber have promised us delivery drones-bringing goods to our doorsteps in a matter of minutes. While progress in developing them has been slow, drones are becoming more and more involved in our life.

Drones are helping to connect with and enhance the lives of people in remote locations. In the UK, the Royal Mail wants a fleet of 500 drones to help deliver the mail to faraway communities. Windracers, the company developing the drones, say theycan ny in fog and produce 30% fewer emissions than comparable piloted aircraft. And in Coventry in the UK, construction has started on an air center, which will act as a base for police and delivery drones. Urban-Air Port Limited is working with car-maker Hyundai on the mini-airport, known as a skyport.

Drones can also play a part in improving the health of millions of people. For example, an incredible development project by the University of South Australia is for drones to eventually be able to survey populations for disease by reading the blood oxygen levels of humans from the air. They'll also be able to scan for other vital signs, like coughing and a high temperature.

It seems that the sky is the limit for what drone technology can achieve. The only thing that sometimes keeps it from working is regulation. Writing for the BBC, Jessica Brown says: "If our skies are to become as crowded as our streets, airspace rules need updating to prevent accidents."

(1) What does the underlined sentence indicate? A. A smartphone is more advanced than rockets. B. The rockets to the moon are very powerful. C. Technology is progressing very rapidly. D. Technology is widely used in daily life.
(2) What do we know about drones according to the passage? A. They were initially developed for bringing goods. B. They've improved people's life quality in remote areas. C. They don't cause any pollution to the environment. D. They can diagnose and treat some diseases from the air.
(3) What does Jessica Brown mean? A. The development of drones is quite promising. B. It's a pity that drones are limited to the sky. C. Drones will be likely to cause some accidents. D. Some latest laws are needed to regulate drones.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the passage? A. Drones Are Delivering Benefits Closer to Home B. Developing Drones Is Facing Many Challenges C. Drones Are Currently Booming in Every Field D. Companies Are Competing to Develop Drones
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A NASA climate research scientist, Cynthia Rosenzweig, who has spent much of her career explaining how global food production must adapt to a changing climate, was awarded the World Food Prize on Thursday.

"We basically cannot solve climate change unless we address the issues of the greenhouse gas emissions from the food system, and we cannot provide food security for all unless we work really hard to develop adaptable agricultural systems," she told The Associated Press in an interview.

Rosenzweig, who describes herself as a climate impact scientist, grew up in Scarsdale, New York, a suburban area that she said led her to seek out life in the country. Later, she moved to Italy, and developed a passion for agriculture. After returning to the United States, she focused her education on agronomy (农学).

She worked as a graduate student at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in the early 1980s, when global climate models were beginning to show the effects of human-generated carbon dioxide on the global climate. As the only team member studying agronomy, she researched the impact on food production and has been working since then to answer those questions.

Rosenzweig's work led to the Environmental Protection Agency's first prediction of the effects of climate change on the nation's agricultural regions in the agency's assessment of the potential effects of climate change on the United States in

1988. She was the first to bring climate change to the attention of the American Society of Agronomy and she organized the first sessions on the issue in the 1980s. The research organization she founded, AgMIP, develops adaptation packages, which could include the use of more drought-tolerant seeds and improved water management practices.

Even the largest agribusiness corporations have shown a willingness to listen. Some models her colleagues have developed show how businesses could be effected by climate change and how they have a role to play in reducing the impact on climate.

"It's really a global partnership of all the global food systems to come together to restrain climate change and maintain the food security for the planet," she said.

(1) What can we learn from paragraph 2? A. Plants can hardly cause greenhouse gas emissions. B. Issues of food security will result in climate change. C. Improving food systems will help address climate change. D. Some adaptable agricultural systems have been put into use.
(2) Which of the following can best describe Rosenzweig? A. Modest. B. Devoted. C. Adaptable. D. Warm-hearted.
(3) What is paragraph 5 mainly about? A. Rosenzweig's contributions. B. Rosenzweig's challenges. C. Rosenzweig's expectations. D. Rosenzweig's backgrounds.
(4) What does the underlined word "they" in paragraph 6 refer to? A. The models. B. The practices. C. The colleagues. D. The businesses.
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A few extraordinary female singer-songwriters from the 1970s helped from music as we know it today, and continue to inspire so many with their soulful melodies (旋律).

Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchells influence goes beyond her own generation. Her songwriting continues to be a source of inspiration for many, who regard her position as a pioneer of female expression in music.

The 1971 album Blue showed Joni's truthful self, telling the stories of her experiences in life and in love. Blue was later chosen by the New York Times as one of the 25 albums that represented "turning points and the highest points in 20th-century popular music".

Carole King

Carole King wrote or co-wrote over 118 hits between 1955 and 1999, making her the most successful female songwriter in the second half of the 20th century. However, King found herself less recognized than her husband and writing partner at the time, Gerry Goffin.

As the 1970s arrived, so did Carole King in full bloom. 1971 saw the release (发行) of her album Tapestry. The album was highly significant not only commercially but symbolically.

Joan Armatrading

Still in the 1970s but putting in the work on this side of the pond, Joan Armatrading became the first black British female artist to achieve international praise. Joan's place as a female pioneer in music continued as she became the first UK female artist to be nominated (提名) for a Grammy in the blues category, going on to receive two further nominations. An artist who is confident with who she is and what she wants to create, Armatrading famously keeps her private life to herself and lets her music do the talking.

(1) What is the album Blue about? A. Female wisdom. B. Female creativity C. Joni's musical dream. D. Joni's life experiences.
(2) When was King's album Tapestry available to the public? A. In1955. B. In1999. C. In1970. D. In1971.
(3) Which of the following best describes Joan Armatrading? A. Brave. B. Self-confident. C. Honest. D. Easy-going.
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With more than 46,000 0f themin the UK, convenience stores used to be a feature on almost every residentialcorner-but the number of corner shops is in decline. The growth of corner shopswas prevented by the cruel march of the big four supermarkets' formats when Tescobought the T & S group of convenience stores. Even more significantly,corner shops are starting to change hands as their original owners retire. Socan the tradition be saved?

Sure, there's always a wayout. Far from a struggling corner shop, Wigston Fields News & Deli isbecoming a lighthouse for food lovers across the region. Pratik, the shopkeeperof Wigston Fields News & Deli, was named as Local Food Hero by the regionalGreat Taste Club in their annual awards in 2020 and his customers value whatWigston Fields News & Deli offers.

"I feel proud tocontinue my parents' legacy," says Pratik. "I barely set foot in theshop until my mother passed away in 2012, but then it became important for meto continue the work she loved. I am proud to take the flag from her andcontinue to serve my community."

At present, he is well on hisway to achieving a commercial as well as community success. On the shop'spopular social media page, customers share orders for special menus of locallyproduced food and enjoy the wonder about Pratik's samosa (萨莫萨三角饺) consumption, These samosas are held to bethe best in the city, so the tiny shop sells nearly 900 samosas a week, up fromjust 50 a week 3 years ago.

"I hope our success willinspire others and show that shop-keeping is a rewarding choice, not a dead-endjob," Pratik says. "We work hard, and our customers have become likefamily to us, so I can't imagine enjoying any other job quite as much."

This is one of independentcorner shops whose fortunes are on the rise. Surely, we'll see more in thefuture.

(1) What does paragraph l mainly tell us about corner shops? A. Their major formats. B. Challenges they face. C. Their complex features. D. Competitors they meet.
(2) What made Pratik begin to follow in his mother's footsteps? A. His mother's death. B. His parents' retirement. C. His desire to serve the community. D. His intention to continue family legacy.
(3) Why was Pratik's samosa consumption mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To show the consumers' support. B. To prove Pratik's commercial success. C. To promote Pratik's successful pattern. D. To introduce special dishes in the shop.
(4) What is the author's attitude towards corner shops? A. Doubtful. B. Concerned. C. Conservative. D. Optimistic.
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