
With more than 46,000 0f themin the UK, convenience stores used to be a feature on almost every residentialcorner-but the number of corner shops is in decline. The growth of corner shopswas prevented by the cruel march of the big four supermarkets' formats when Tescobought the T & S group of convenience stores. Even more significantly,corner shops are starting to change hands as their original owners retire. Socan the tradition be saved?

Sure, there's always a wayout. Far from a struggling corner shop, Wigston Fields News & Deli isbecoming a lighthouse for food lovers across the region. Pratik, the shopkeeperof Wigston Fields News & Deli, was named as Local Food Hero by the regionalGreat Taste Club in their annual awards in 2020 and his customers value whatWigston Fields News & Deli offers.

"I feel proud tocontinue my parents' legacy," says Pratik. "I barely set foot in theshop until my mother passed away in 2012, but then it became important for meto continue the work she loved. I am proud to take the flag from her andcontinue to serve my community."

At present, he is well on hisway to achieving a commercial as well as community success. On the shop'spopular social media page, customers share orders for special menus of locallyproduced food and enjoy the wonder about Pratik's samosa (萨莫萨三角饺) consumption, These samosas are held to bethe best in the city, so the tiny shop sells nearly 900 samosas a week, up fromjust 50 a week 3 years ago.

"I hope our success willinspire others and show that shop-keeping is a rewarding choice, not a dead-endjob," Pratik says. "We work hard, and our customers have become likefamily to us, so I can't imagine enjoying any other job quite as much."

This is one of independentcorner shops whose fortunes are on the rise. Surely, we'll see more in thefuture.

(1) What does paragraph l mainly tell us about corner shops? A. Their major formats. B. Challenges they face. C. Their complex features. D. Competitors they meet.
(2) What made Pratik begin to follow in his mother's footsteps? A. His mother's death. B. His parents' retirement. C. His desire to serve the community. D. His intention to continue family legacy.
(3) Why was Pratik's samosa consumption mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To show the consumers' support. B. To prove Pratik's commercial success. C. To promote Pratik's successful pattern. D. To introduce special dishes in the shop.
(4) What is the author's attitude towards corner shops? A. Doubtful. B. Concerned. C. Conservative. D. Optimistic.
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On September 9,senior Andre Samaraweera qualified as a semifinalist(进入半决赛选手) for the National Merit Scholarship. In the spring, Andre will find out if he has qualified for the finalist position. "Seeing my score on the PSAT was by far the most exciting because it felt pleasant to see all my hard work pay off," Andre said. "I was happy that I could qualify to get a scholarship because of my academic scores."

The National Merit Scholarship is one awarded to those who do well on the Preliminary SAT or the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation will grant around 7,600 students the scholarship after an intense filtering of about 1. 6 million entries.

"The most difficult part of the PSAT was actually having to study," Andre said. "I had to force myself to actually study, because I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't do well and would probably not make as high of a score as I had."

Andre took the PSAT his junior year and got a 1450/1520 and missed three questions in English and made a perfect score on the math portion.

As a semifinalist he has already passed multiple stages in the selection process and now competes with only around 16,000 students for scholarships.

The first scholarship opportunities are single-payment scholarships worth $2,500; the second scholarship is a corporate-sponsored one which is for finalists with career plans the sponsor wishes to encourage. Finally there is the college-sponsored scholarship which is where officials of each sponsor college select winners of their awards from finalists who have been accepted for admission.

"It's just a PSAT. The real SAT has a lot more impact on my future," Andre said. "It's not hard to know everything for the PSAT; the difficulty lies in applying everything perfectly."

(1) What do we know from the text? A. Andre got a high score in SAT. B. Andre won the National Merit Scholarship. C. 16,000 students are granted by the National Merit Scholarship. D. There are many rounds of competition in the selection process.
(2) What does the underlined word "filtering" mean in paragraph 2? A. Selecting. B. Cooperating. C. Fighting. D. Matching.
(3) What does Andre imply in the last paragraph? A. SAT is just a piece of cake. B. SAT is the real hard nut to crack. C. He worries little about winning the scholarship. D. SAT plays a more decisive role in competing for the scholarship.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Highest Score ever in PSAT B. The National Merit Scholarship C. PSAT: a Stepping-Stone to scholarship D. Student Qualifies to Semifinalist in a Scholarship
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I can't prove this, but I'm sure it's true: nobody on their deathbed ever wished they'd spent more time watching television. Life is short, and there are too many activities that are more important and fulfilling than sitting in front of a television for hours on end. That's not to suggest you should remove television from your life completely. But I've come to see it as something best placed at the edge of life, rather than the center.

I didn't always feel that way. In fact, there was a period in my life when I wasted nearly six hours of my day watching television and watch till I fell asleep near midnight. Eight hours later, I'd wake up with the TV still on, feeling no more rested than when I went to sleep. When you do the math, it's rather shocking. Six hours per day adds up to 2,190 hours over the course of a year, which equates to about 91 days.

Although I failed to recognize it at the time, it's clear now that watching TV had become a full-blown(全部)addiction for me. It was a way that I used to distract myself from the problems, fears and challenges I was refusing to deal with in my life. I used television to distract from the shame, embarrassment and stress I felt about some irresponsible financial decisions and their resulting fallout. I used it to avoid facing my fear of stepping out into the world more fully, connecting with others and pursuing the higher purpose to which my soul was being called. I used il to cope(处理)with boredom and fill the space of an otherwise empty life.

In short,my life was a mess and my self-esteem(自尊)was short,and while TV may have provided a short-term escape from that reality, it kept me locked within it.

Luckily, now I no longer live such a life. So how did I make it?

(1) What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean? A. The author didn't always love watching TV. B. The author used to place TV at the center of her life. C. The author didn't always feel positive. D. The author used to think life was very long.
(2) Why did the author spend most of her time watching TV in the past? A. To have a good rest at home. B. To learn about the real world. C. To get away from her problems. D. To get rid of her bad habits.
(3) What can we infer about the author now? A. She leads a very simple life. B. She lives a more fulfilling life. C. She watches TV forhours every day. D. She likes communicating with others.
(4) What would the next paragraphs probably be about? A. Why watching TV is harmful. B. How to live a more fulfilling life. C. What the author does in her daily life now. D. How the author overcame her TV addiction.
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Windy City Harvest Farm Tours

Visit one of the Windy City Harvest farm sites and learn more about our program. We offer different tours which include information about the program history, job-training mission, and growing practices. All profits from the tour fees help fund the education of the city. 


North Lawndale Farm

This farm site is located on the west side of Chicago on a 1/5-acre (英亩) lot. It has been a training site since our programme was launched in 2003. Currently this space can serve up to 20 people at a time. 

McCormick Place Farm

It is a 3/5-acre rooftop farm at McCormick Place West in cooperation with Savor Chicago, the food service team for McCormick Place. Produce grown on the rooftop farm is harvested and then delivered directly to Savor Chicago. This 12-year-old farm is a sought-after training site for WCH program participants. 

Washington Park Farm

Established in 2012, Washington Park Farm is a major job-training center. Located on the east of Chicago Park District, this 3/4-acre site hosts up to 25 participants during the growing season. 




Nonprofit and School Group

$5 per person(starting at $50)

Private Group

$10 per person (starting at $100)

ADMISSIONReservation is required. Provide payment in the form of check or money order payable to Windy City Harvest or in cash upon your arrival at the tour site except Washington Park Farm. For groups interested in visiting two or more farm sites during the tour, an additional fee will apply. It's important to note that tour groups should arrange for their own transportation.

(1) What is special about McCormick Place Farm? A. It is the smallest farm. B. It has the longest history. C. It is on the top of a building. D. It provides courses for job seekers.
(2) How much will a family of 7 as a group pay for a tour of a farm? A. $100. B. $75. C. $50. D. $35.
(3) What do we know about the admission? A. Washington Park Farm is free. B. Booking in advance is a must. C. Four kinds of payment are mentioned. D. A lower price is offered for the second site.
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