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Windy City Harvest Farm Tours

Visit one of the Windy City Harvest farm sites and learn more about our program. We offer different tours which include information about the program history, job-training mission, and growing practices. All profits from the tour fees help fund the education of the city. 


North Lawndale Farm

This farm site is located on the west side of Chicago on a 1/5-acre (英亩) lot. It has been a training site since our programme was launched in 2003. Currently this space can serve up to 20 people at a time. 

McCormick Place Farm

It is a 3/5-acre rooftop farm at McCormick Place West in cooperation with Savor Chicago, the food service team for McCormick Place. Produce grown on the rooftop farm is harvested and then delivered directly to Savor Chicago. This 12-year-old farm is a sought-after training site for WCH program participants. 

Washington Park Farm

Established in 2012, Washington Park Farm is a major job-training center. Located on the east of Chicago Park District, this 3/4-acre site hosts up to 25 participants during the growing season. 




Nonprofit and School Group

$5 per person(starting at $50)

Private Group

$10 per person (starting at $100)

ADMISSIONReservation is required. Provide payment in the form of check or money order payable to Windy City Harvest or in cash upon your arrival at the tour site except Washington Park Farm. For groups interested in visiting two or more farm sites during the tour, an additional fee will apply. It's important to note that tour groups should arrange for their own transportation.

(1) What is special about McCormick Place Farm? A. It is the smallest farm. B. It has the longest history. C. It is on the top of a building. D. It provides courses for job seekers.
(2) How much will a family of 7 as a group pay for a tour of a farm? A. $100. B. $75. C. $50. D. $35.
(3) What do we know about the admission? A. Washington Park Farm is free. B. Booking in advance is a must. C. Four kinds of payment are mentioned. D. A lower price is offered for the second site.
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It was a method favoured by the inventor Thomas Edison and the artist Salvador Dali. Waking from a nap exactly at the point before deep sleep in an effort to inspire creativity.

Edison held a metal ball in his hand so that if he nodded off he would drop it and the sound would wake him. For Dali, it was a key landing on a plate. Now scientists have found that they might have been onto something.

Researchers at the Paris Brain Institute studied people's ability to find a hidden rule in a maths puzzle.

Identifying the trick would make solving the problem far simpler but to do so required thinking creatively. The scientists found that participants who had been woken just before falling into a deep sleep, using a technique like that used by Edison and Dali, were more likely to find the shortcut.

This "twilight zone" is known as non-rapid eye movement sleep stage 1, or N1. Scientists described it like an exaggerated form of mind-wandering, where dream-like thoughts fill the mind. It is thought that as people start to disengage (脱离) from their environment they can "freely watch their minds wander, while maintaining their ability to identify creative sparks (火花)".

For the study 103 people were given a maths problem to solve. To reach the final answer they had to apply the rules step by step but, unknown to them, a "hidden rule" would allow them to bypass most of the steps and get to the solution much more quickly. The results showed that 83 percent of those in the N1 group had found the shortcut, compared with 31 percent in the group who were awake and 14 percent of those in a deep sleep.

Researchers conclude that the brain activity common to the twilight zone between sleep and wakefulness set off creative sparks. "Although the neural mechanisms (神经机制) involved are not yet known, our findings suggest that there is a creative sweet spot within the twilight zone, " said Dr Thomas

Andrillon, co-author of the study.

(1) Why did the author mention "a metal ball" and "a key" in Paragraph 2? A. To clarify a method. B. To explain a theory. C. To present a concept. D. To make a comparison.
(2) What can we learn about "the twilight zone" from the text? A. It prevents your mind from wandering. B. It determines what your dreams will be like. C. It is known as rapid eye movement sleep stage. D. It is a state of being half asleep and half awake.
(3) What does "the shortcut" in Paragraph 5 refer to? A. The maths problem. B. The final answer. C. The hidden rule. D. The added step.
(4) What attitude may Dr. Thomas Andrillon hold to the technique used by Edison and Dali? A. Doubtful. B. Critical. C. Reserved. D. Favorable.
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Protecting and serving is more than checking for imminent(紧急的) danger. One officer in South Hill, Virginia, makes it his mission to make people of all ages feel safe after giving the all-clear, starting with the younger generations.

And because of his kindness, many parents and their children look on C. B. Fleming as something of a superhero. 28-year-old Mom, Lesha Roper-Boswell said that the neighborhood kids need someone "larger than life" they can depend on to protect them and their town, and Fleming fits the role beautifully. "He's awesome. That's the only word you can really use to describe C. B.," she told reporters. "It's just amazing — the bond he has with the children."

Recently, residents in an apartment complex had a scare when emergency crews came to investigate a gas leak. Though he could have just left the scene after making sure the leak wasn't harmful, Officer Fleming made sure everyone in the building felt safer.

Seeing some kids play outside with dolls, he sat down and joined them, reassuring them that everything was going to be okay. The kids were happy to have another playmate, regardless of his uniform. Impressed and grateful, Roper-Boswell took a video of the kind act and posted it on Facebook, where it's gained thousands of views from people living all over the country.

Fleming, who is celebrating his 15th year on the force, said he's always desired to do more than fine people for violating(违反) parking rules. "It's something I've always tried to do," he said about also looking out for the children. "When I got into this job, I knew there was something different, other than just writing tickets and being the ‘bad' person all the time. I figured if I could be that bright spot in someone's day, then that was all that mattered."

(1) What kind of role did C. B. Fleming play according to Roper-Boswell? A. A risk-taker. B. A superhero. C. A decision-maker. D. A teacher.
(2) What about Fleming impressed Roper-Boswell at the scene? A. His devotion to work. B. His professional skills. C. His striking uniform. D. His connection with kids.
(3) What does C. B. Fleming consider a top priority in his life? A. Bringing joy to people. B. Performing his duties. C. Looking after the kids. D. Raising people's awareness.
(4) Which of the following may be a suitable title for the text? A. Neighborhood Spared from Fire Thanks to Crews B. Police Officer's Kindness Rewarded by Residents C. Police Officer Becomes Hero to Neighborhood Kids D. Police Officer Aims to Reduce Residents' Violations
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Aruba is one of the most well-known Caribbean destinations for tourists around the world. You're probably wondering what to include while you're there.

What to wear?

The main reason why you're heading there is to relax on the country's fresh beaches and enjoy yourself in warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. During most of the day, you'll likely be wearing your swimsuit. When you've finished at the beach or pool area, it is advisable to bring along a shirt or cover as well as shorts to wear.

It is not recommended to wear beach clothes when you go out for dimmer — regardless of the time of day. Shorts and T-shirts are enough in many restaurants, although more formal clothes are advised for the fanciest eating restaurants.

What else to bring?

The Caribbean sun is very strong and if you're planning on spending lots of time in the sun, there are several precautions you must take. Include suncream, sunglasses, a wide hat, a couple of bathing suits as well as a beach bag and a cooler in your luggage.

What not to bring?

While drinking water is questionable or not safe in many Caribbean nations, Aruba is an exception. Aruba is known for having the cleanest water in the world. There is no need to bring water, so simply bring along an empty bottle.

Several items are not allowed in Aruba for carrying. Those include firearms, e-cigarettes as well as sharp objects and tools.

(1) Tourists choose Aruba for a destination mainly because _____. A. they can relax on the beach and in waters B. they can enjoy the beautiful scenery C. they can wear casual clothes freely D. they can have a wonderful dinner party there
(2) Which of the following is not advised to do in Aruba? A. Wearing a T-shirt in a restaurant. B. Preparing suncream in advance. C. Taking along sunglasses before going out. D. Wearing beach clothes for dinner.
(3) The purpose of the text is to _____. A. provide information for tourists B. attract more tourists to travel in Aruba C. offer advice on travelling in Aruba D. warn tourists against doing wrong things
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