
The sutures (手术缝线) were changing colors - quickly. First light purple, then dark purple. This was what Dasia Taylor had hoped would happen. She had the idea as a high school junior after she read about "smart" sutures that use technology to detect wound changes and then send information to a smartphone. Taylor's first thought was: This is cool, but what about those who won't be able to afford this technology?

So she set out to create a more cost-effective solution for an honors chemistry research project. She found it in beets (甜菜). Taylor developed a surgical suture additive from the root vegetable that changes color when an infection is present.

Human skin is naturally acidic, and "when our wounds are infected, our pH level increases from five to eight or higher," Taylor said. "I found that beets also change color at that point. So I put two and two together." In the lab, she observed that the beet-treated sutures change from light purple to dark purple when the pH level changes from healthy to infected, Taylor said. "All of these things were happening, and I was like, this is amazing and my guess was right," Taylor said.

According to the World Health Organization, 11 percent of patients in low- and middle-income countries who have surgery are infected in the process and such infections complicate 1.9 percent of surgical procedures, though it added that the number is likely to be higher. Taylor's project earned her a great international award. But the girl said that for her, the research has never been about the award. "I consistently classified (归类) my project as where equity meets science," Taylor said. "When you're doing research like this, you have to think about the lives you're going to impact. You have to make sure the people you're affecting will be able to have access to it."

(1) What is the practical use of Taylor's invention? A. Helping wounds close. B. Making "smart" sutures. C. Testing infections in wounds. D. Improving human skin's pH levels.
(2) What does the underlined phrase "put two and two together" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Made a guess. B. Asked a question.       C. Removed a doubt. D. Reached a goal.
(3) What do the statistics in paragraph 4 suggest? A. Surgical infections are deadly sometimes.           B. Taylor's creation will make a big difference. C. Most surgical procedures are too complicated.       D. Low-income countries have improved medical services.
(4) What sort of person is Taylor? A. Ambitious. B. Cooperative.        C. Environmentally aware. D. Socially responsible.
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Future Industries: Which Ones Will Rule?

As we move towards the future, it is important to consider which industries will have the greatest potential for growth and success. Here are a few of the most promising sectors:


The technology industry has been on an upward trend for years and shows no signs of slowing down. From artificial intelligence and virtual reality to blockchain and the Internet of Things, there are countless opportunities in this field.


With an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services, the healthcare industry is expected to see significant growth in the coming years. This includes everything from medical devices and medicines to telemedicine and home health care.

Renewable energy

As concerns about climate change continue to mount, there is growing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources. Solar, wind, and hydropower are just a few of the renewable energy sectors that are ready for explosive growth.


Online shopping has become increasingly popular over the past decade, and this trend shows no signs of stopping. As more people turn to e-commerce for their shopping needs, businesses in this space will continue to thrive.


With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, there is a growing need for workers with specialized skills and knowledge. This has led to a large increase in demand for education and training programmes, making this sector a promising one for investment.

These are just a few of the many industries that are expected to see significant growth in the coming years. By keeping an eye on these trends, investors can position themselves for success in the future.

(1) Which industry has been promoted by the continuous aging society? A. Technology. B. Healthcare. C. E-commerce. D. Education.
(2) What is the direct reason for the increasing emphasis on renewable energy? A. Global climate change. B. The improvement of technology. C. The shortage of non-renewable resources. D. The globalization and industrial competition.
(3) What makes education a promising industry in the future? A. An increase in population. B. The development of economy. C. The demand for online shopping. D. Training for talents with particular skills.
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A few years ago, I was leaving the kennel (养狗场) where I worked, only to find a baby goat at the end of the driveway. The kennel's owners are known animal rescuers and I figured someone outside dumped him over the fence.

I'm an animal lover and I've brought home dogs, cats, horses, chickens and fish, but never goats. The tiny kid was too adorable to resist. I named him Quincy, and with the help of some experienced friends, bottle-fed him in my bathroom. Quincy proved to be quite special. When he was about a week old, I tapped my fingers on the bathroom floor and said, "Lie down." I was amazed when he dropped down. I was even more amazed when he did it three times in a row.

A quick study, Quincy learned to lie down, bow, and turn in a circle in no time. He is house-trained, jumps in the back of my SUV when I say "load up," and spends the day wandering with my dogs, whom he considers his brothers and sisters. He knows the name of everything I feed him — apples, water, carrots, and strawberries.

I love to train animals and often take my dogs to shows where they can perform their tricks. Quincy did his first show when he was just six weeks old. He knew only a few tricks then, but he did them perfectly and never misbehaved or got nervous in front of the crowd.

Now he has a whole inventory: He'll shake hooves (蹄), come when called, walk on a rope, wave, smile for the camera, and more. Quincy and my dogs perform regularly at schools, nursing homes, and charity events. Quincy can even "read" his tricks off cue cards (提示板), which always earns the most applause.

It's hard to believe that the goat kid nobody wanted turned out to be one of the smartest and most good-natured animals I've ever had.

(1) What can we learn about the baby goat from Paragraph 1? A. He was injured. B. He was sold. C. He was deserted. D. He was mistreated.
(2) What made the author decide to bring the baby goat home? A. His affection for the little goat. B. The request of the kennel's owner. C. The advice of his friends. D. His strong desire to keep a pet.
(3) What does the author think of Quincy? A. Faithful and shy. B. Strong and aggressive. C. Hardworking and brave. D. Intelligent and obedient.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. Quincy: A Poor Creature B. Quincy: The Show Goat C. Quincy: My Best Friend D. Quincy: A Special Trainer
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Everyone has a moment in history, which belongs particularly to him. It is the moment when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him, and afterward when you say to this person "the world today" or "life" or "reality" he will assume that you mean this moment, even if it is fifty years past. The world, through his unleashed emotions, imprinted itself upon him, and he carries the stamp of that passing moment forever.

For me, this moment — four years in a moment in history — was the war. The war was and is reality for me. I still instinctively live and think in its atmosphere. These are some of its characteristics: Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the president of the United States, and he always has been. The other two eternal world leaders are Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. America is not, never has been, and never will be what the song and poems call it, a land of plenty. Nylon, meat, gasoline, and steel are rare. There are too many jobs and not enough workers. Money is very easy to earn but rather hard to spend, because there isn't very much to buy. Trains are always late and always crowded with "service men". The war will always be fought very far from America, and it will never end. Nothing in America stands still for very long, including the people who are always either leaving or on leave. People in America cry often. Sixteen is the key and crucial and natural age for a human being to be, and people of all other ages are ranged in an orderly manner ahead of and behind you as a harmonious setting for the sixteen-year-olds of the world.

When you are sixteen, adults are slightly impressed and almost intimidated by you. This is a puzzle finally solved by the realization that they foresee your military future: fighting for them. You do not foresee it. To waste anything in America is immoral. String and tinfoil are treasures. Newspapers are always crowed with strange maps and names of towns, and every few months the earth seems to lurch (突然倾斜) from its path when you see something in the newspapers, such as the time Mussolini, who almost seemed one of the eternal leaders, is photographed hanging upside down on a meat hook.

(1) Which statement best depicts the main idea of the first paragraph? A. Reality is what you make of it. B. Time is like a river. C. Emotions are powerful. D. Every person has a special moment.
(2) Why does the author still clearly remember the war? A. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was President. B. It was his personal reality and part of his life. C. There was not much to buy. D. The war would never end.
(3) Which statement best describes the author's feelings about the war? A. It was ever real for him, yet he was not actively involved. B. It was real for him because he was a soldier at that time. C. It was very unreal to him. D. The war was very disruptive to the people at home.
(4) Why does the author think that adults are impressed with sixteen-year-olds? A. Adults would like to be young. B. Sixteen-year-olds do not waste things. C. Sixteen-year-olds read newspapers. D. They will be fighting soon for adults.
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