
Archan Chan recalls her first experience working in a Chinese restaurant more than 14 years ago. Employed as an apprentice (学徒) chef, she was one of just two women in the kitchen – the other's sole job was to beat eggs. "She was unbelievably fast at beating eggs. I guess for a woman to survive in a traditional Chinese kitchen back then, you had to be the best in something," she says.

Today, Chan leads the kitchen of Ho Lee Fook, one of Hong Kong's most popular restaurants. After spending more than a decade working in fine dining restaurants in Australia and Singapore, she is one of a few female chefs who have risen to the top of a high-end Chinese restaurant. That's an impressive feat, given how incredibly challenging it has been for women to soar in high-profile Chinese kitchens.

Female chefs have long been a minority in professional kitchens around the world. But the situation is even bleaker in Chinese kitchens. There's no denying the work is physically demanding – an empty pot weighs about 2. 2 kilograms – but there are other factors at play.

In the past, masters of many Chinese kitchens would recruit apprentices and pass their skills to them. Few chefs would risk recruiting a female trainee into that harsh environment.

Given all of these barriers, not many women would even consider this male-dominated industry as an attractive career path. Thankfully, there are signs of a shift in mindset – the number of female Chinese head chefs has been rising in recent years.

"Even if it's a male-dominant kitchen, all everyone cares about is food – the cooking. They don't care if you're a male or female. Gender shouldn't matter," Chan says.

"Yes, there is a physical barrier but I think the mental barrier may be more obstructive (阻碍的) to the increase of women in Chinese kitchens," Chan adds. "It isn't just about how much you want it but how much hard work you're willing to put into it. There are days when you feel like your arms are falling apart and you can't move them anymore, but the next day, you're stronger and may be able to work a heavier work.

(1) What can we learn about Archan Chan? A. She got a rapid promotion.  B. She does best in beating eggs. C. She is the best female chef in China. D. She made a great achievement in her career.
(2) What's a cause of very few female chefs in professional kitchens? A. Kitchen is a harsh place for women. B. Women are afraid of physical work. C. Customers care about the gender of the chef. D. Women face both mental and physical barriers.
(3) Which of the following can best describe Archan Chan? A. Strong-willed. B. Open-minded. C. Cool-headed. D. Kind-hearted.
(4) What would be the best title for the text? A. Female chefs have risen to the top. B. Female chefs have long been a minority. C. Female chefs are proving doubters wrong. D. Female chefs are replacing male chefs gradually.
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I was out for an evening with a friend, getting the relief from pressure and catching up on our lives. We got around to the subject of books.

"When do you read?" My friend asked me. My mind took off on a fast journey through my bookshelves and piles of looks. I know some people make artsy towers and pyramids out of books, but I'm not that kind of woman. Mine are just…stacks (摞). Stacks on end tables, stacks on the floor.

When do I read? I read when I'm when I'm happy. I read when I'm bored. I read when I'm defeated. I read when I'm filled with anxiety. My self-medication for the thoughts is not exercise or alcohol, but Jane Austen. I absolutely must slow down the pace of my thoughts when living through a walk to the town Meryton in Pride and Prejudice. I read to visit places I'll never see in real life. Thank you, Vikram Seth, for making me completely involved in 1950s India. Thank you, Khaled Hosseini, for giving me a chance to see 1970s high society of New York City, I'll spend some time with Edith Wharton. I read when I'm recalling the good old days. Many of my favorite books of childhood are still my favorite books. I read when I get so addicted to an author that I want to read everything she has ever written, including her Christmas cards and grocery lists.

Of course, I didn't say any of these things to my friend. I stared at her with a blank, foolish look.

"When do I read?" I repeated.

"Yes. When do you find time?" she asked.

"When? Evenings. Bedtime. Dinnertime, if I'm eating alone. Sunday afternoons. Moments stolen here and there. And now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with Mr. Hemingway," I said.

(1) Why did the author go out with a friend? A. To meet another new with a friend. B. To catch inspiration. C. To relax herself. D. To buy her friend books
(2) Who is Khaled Hosseini? A. A character of a novel. B. The author's room-mate. C. Another friend of the author. D. A writer the author likes.
(3) What can we learn about the author from paragraph 3? A. She doesn't want to read after a failure. B. She doesn't like staying with her friend. C. She tries her best to please the writer she loves. D. She reads to experience life in different ages and places.
(4) What will the author do after the date with the friend? A. Sleep after she got home. B. Read Hemingway's works. C. Make a date with Mr. Hemingway. D. Make another appointment with another friend.
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Every year millions of breeding monarch butterflies in the U. S. and southern Canada search for milkweed plants on which to lay their eggs. Concern over shrinking habitat (居住地)has urged conservationists to create monarch-friendly spaces along roadsides, which are more than enough within the butterflies range and usually publicly owned. But traffic noise stresses monarch caterpillars out, a new study finds. They eventually do become desensitized to it—but that might cause trouble to them later on, too. 

Noise pollution is known to affect the lives of birds, whales and other creatures. But until recently, scientists had never tested whether it leads to a stress response in insects. When Andy Davis, a conservation physiologist at the University of Georgia, noticed online videos of roadside monarch caterpillars apparently trembling as cars came by, he wondered how the constant noise might affect them. Davis built a custom caterpillar heart monitor, fitting a small sensor into a microscope to precisely measure monarch caterpillars' heart rates as they listened to recordings of traffic sounds in the laboratory.

The hearts of caterpillars exposed to highway noise for two hours beat 17 percent faster than those of caterpillars in a silent room. But the heart rates of the noise-exposed group returned to baseline levels after hearing the traffic sounds nonstop for their entire 12-day development period, Davis and his colleagues reported in May in Biology Letters. 

This desensitization could be problematic when the caterpillars become adults, Davis says. A rapid stress response is vital for monarch butterflies on their two-month journey to spend winters in Mexico, as they narrowly escape predators(捕食者)and fight wind currents. 

Whether a noisy developmental period reduces monarchs' survival rates remains unknown, notes Ryan Norris, an ecologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, who was not involved in the study. But in any case, he believes roadside habitat almost certainly drive up the butterflies' death rates as a result of crashes with cars. " There is so much potential road habitat for monarchs and other insects一it would be such a nice thing to capitalize on, " Norris says. ‌" But you just can't get around the traffic. " Davis adds: " I think roads and monarchs just don't mix. "

(1) By ‌" They eventually do become desensitized to it" , the writer means that.  A. monarch caterpillars react less strongly to noise B. monarch caterpillars are stressed out by road noise C. conservationists are worried about butterflies habitat D. conservationists no longer create monarch-friendly spaces
(2) What inspired Andy Davis to explore the effect of noise on monarch caterpillars? A. There had been little research on monarch caterpillars. B. Videos showed cars crashed into monarch caterpillars. C. There was no such record of monarch caterpillars' heart rates. D. He found that monarch caterpillars shook with cars moving by.
(3) According to Andy Davis, how will exposure to noise influence monarch butterflies? A. They are likely to need more time to develop. B. They are likely to lose their way on their journey. C. They are more likely to be killed in their migration. D. They are more likely to die before they become adults.
(4) What is Ryan Norris most likely to agree with? A. Monarchs5 survival rates are decreasing each year. B. It is not recommended that roadside habitat be built for insects. C. More capital is needed to study monarchs? developmental period. D. Butterflies' rising death rates have nothing to do with moving cars.
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As a language learning enthusiast, I've come up with the best apps for learning English from the thousands of mobile apps out there.

Best for Pronunciation: ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak is probably the best mobile app around for helping you improve your English pronunciation. The app's greatest strength is its intensive AI feedback, but ELSA also provides mini-training sessions to really perfect your pronunciation. The AI analyzes your recordings based on pronunciation, intonation and fluency then points out exactly which parts sound inaccurate.

Best for Immersing in English Videos: FluentU

FuentU is a language learning app that teaches you English through authentic videos like news reports, movie scenes and interviews, with learner tools for all levels. Each clip has interactive subtitles so if you're not sure what a word means, you can hover over it and get in explanation. The app also gives video examples for each word so you can team vocabulary in context.

Best for Practical Topics: Babbel

Babbel has you learn and practice English with realistic conversations that surround things that you're personally interested in. Lessons are short and consist of written and audio versions of the grammar featured in the lessons. Then you are able to complete practice exercises to solidify your understanding.

Best for Fun Beginner Lessons: Lingodeer

Lingodecr uses games and short exercises to teach beginner and intermediate English learners. Lingodeer takes a gamified (游戏化的) approach to language learning with a goal-oriented curriculum consisting of structured lessons and regular reviews. Lingodeer's lessons are arranged according to themes, such as sports, weather, parts of the body and shopping.

(1) What is the feature of ELSA Speak? A. It analyzes learners' recordings. B. It provides guidance for learners. C. It gives learners helpful feedback. D. It improves learners' communication skill.
(2) Which app provides videos as learning resources? A. FluentU. B. ELSA Speak. C. Babbel. D. Lingodeer.
(3) What can learners do with the app Lingodeer? A. Design games. B. Study around a theme. C. Structure lessons. D. Take advanced courses.
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