
A rare wild flower is being re-established in Devon fields thanks to some four-legged helpers. A conservation charity called Planflife has employed donkeys as "ecosystem engineers" to encourage the return of the endangered small-flowered catchfly.

The catchfly was once found all across Britain but now it only grows in small areas of Wales and the south and west of England. Experts blame its decline on modern farming practices. The flower flourished around the edges of sandy fields where farmers grew their crops, but because of weedkillers that were used to remove "unwanted" plants, and fertilisers to boost crop yields, its habitat has largely disappeared.

Plantlife teamed up with the Donkey Sanctuary, a charity that looks after donkeys in the UK and around the world. It owns several farms across Devon and the UK, where it takes care of hundreds of rescued donkeys, as well as maintaining habitats for other wildlife. More than 20, 000 seeds have been scattered on fields at the sanctuary's main Devon farm, and it is hoped that many will grow into plants this summer. They will provide food for threatened bird species such as linnets, yellowhammers and skylarks. Plantlife then aims to get the donkeys themselves involved, testing whether catchfly seeds benefit from being trampled into the ground as the donkeys take their exercise. Many plants have seeds that must be pressed into the soil in order to germinate.

"We're incredibly grateful to partners like the Donkey Sanctuary who are helping these fantastically rare wild flowers come back from the edge of extinction, "Cath Shellswell of Plantlife told The Guardian newspaper. "We look forward to seeing small-flowered catchfly return and we are working with the sanctuary to ensure that this tiny plant has a thriving future. "

(1) Why are donkeys employed in Devon fields? A. To work in the fields. B. To restore the catchfly. C. To avoid extinction. D. To raise crop yields.
(2) What caused the decline of the catchfly's population? A. Soil loss. B. Water pollution. C. Climate change. D. Modern agriculture.
(3) How do donkeys help the catchfly come back? A. By pressing its seeds into the soil. B. By working the land. C. By providing nutrition for it. D. By spreading its seeds.
(4) What is the best title of the passage? A. Donkeys help fields flower again. B. Farmland becomes a natural habitat. C. The biodiversity forms on Devon farms. D. The catchfly has a thriving future.
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The Food and Drug Administration(FDA),citing an epidemic of diet-related illness, released new guidelines(指导方针) on Wednesday

The Food and Drug Administration(FDA), citing an epidemic of diet-related illness, released new guidelines(指导方针) on Wednesday aimed at reducing the amount of salt that Americans consume at restaurants, school cafeterias and trucks, or when they are eating packaged and prepared foods at home. The guidelines targeted manufactures that sell foods made from grains as well as potato chips and French fries.

The recommendations, issued after years of delay, seek to reduce the average daily sodium() intake step by stepsodium is the chemical name for saltby 12% over the next two and a half years by encouraging food manufacturers, restaurants and food service companies to scale back their use of salt.

That goal translates into 3,000 milligrams of salt slightly more than 1 teaspoon compared to the 3,400 milligrams that Americans typically consume in a day. Americans' love affairs with salty foods has been linked to alarmingly high rates of high blood pressure, a leading risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

Much of the excess sodium that Americans consume, about 70% comes from processed and packaged food and meals served at restaurants, according to researchers. The guidance will apply to 163 categories of processed and packaged food and provide different targets for rye bread, salad dressing and baby food.

Nutritionists and public health experts praised the FDA for taking on the problem of excess sodium, saying the effort would help sharpen the public's focus on the dangers of taking in too much salt and create pressure on food companies to reduce their reliance on salt as a cheap flavour booster.

But many said that voluntary measures were unlikely to move the needle very much. Some experts have suggested compulsory reductions. Dr Dariush Mozaffarian from Tufts University said a recent study in China suggested the FDA should be firmer with its guidelines. The study showed people who used a salt replacement reduced their chances of stroke and heart problems compared to those who used regular salt. Mozaffarian said the effect of the sodium guidelines will depend on how well the FDAmonitors food companies and their progress.

(1) What can we know about the FDA's guidelines about salt cut? A. They involve all food companies. B. They will be carried out gradually. C. They concern homemade food. D. They will be followed strictly.
(2) What do the underlined words "move the needle" mean in the last paragraph? A. Bring about changes. B. Replace the tradition. C. Encourage people to eat out. D. Threaten the food companies.
(3) Why is China mentioned in the last paragraph? A. To persuade the FDA to be patient. B. To praise China for its action. C. To prove the effect of less salt intake. D. To introduce a salt replacement.
(4) What are the last two paragraphs mainly about? A. Disproval of the FDA's guidelines. B. Reactions to the FDA's guidelines. C. Anticipation of the FDA's guidelines. D. Approaches to the FDA's guidelines.
阅读理解 未知 普通
2. 阅读理解

Is your promotion really necessary? Many workers focus their hopes on climbing the scale of their organizations. The prospect of higher pay helps explain their ambition,but so does the greater status that comes with each successive(连续的) title.

This climb can often end in disappointment. The Peter Principle, developed by Laurence Peter for a book published in 1969, states that workers get promoted until they reach their level of incompetence. It makes perfect sense. If you are good at your job, you rise up the career ladder. Eventually, there will be a job you are not good at and at that point your career will stop.

There is another problem with chasing the promotion fantasy. Many companies have a strong tendency to promote the best sales people. Convincing others to buy goods and services is a useful skill, requiring charm and persistence. But, as the authors point out, these are not the same capabilities as the strategic planning and administrative competence needed to lead a sales team.

The research then looked at what happened after these super-salespeople were promoted Their previous sales performance was actually a negative indicator of managerial success.The sales growth of workers assigned to the star sellers was 7.5 percentage points lower than for those whose managers were previously weaker performers.

The trick to avoiding this curse is to stick to what you like doing. If you enjoy teaching, don't be a headmaster or college principal. If you like writing articles and columns, editing other people's work may not give the same degree of satisfaction.

Another problem with pursuing frequent promotions is that it turns you into a supplicant, endlessly in search of favourable feedback from the higher-ups. This can lead you to lose control of your work-life balance. In Charles Handy's new book, 21 Letters On Life And Its Challenges, the experienced management theorist recalls an insight when working for Royal Dutch Shell,an oil giant. "In exchange for the promise of financial security and guaranteed work, I had sold my time to complete strangers with my permission for them to use that time for their own purpose," he writes.

The higher up the ladder you go, the greater the demands are likely to be on your time.The chief executive will expect you to be available at weekends: after all, that is why you get paid the big bucks.

So that shiny promotion may not be for everyone. Beware the curse of overwork an/dissatisfaction. Some people like to devote their whole lives to their job and be at the centre of events. It is best to let them get on with it.

(1) What can we learn about"The Peter Principle"? A. People's careers are easily spoiled by unrealistic expectations. B. There are to some degree certain ceilings in people's career paths C. Incompetent employees tend to have more chances to gain promotions D. People don't necessarily get promoted by virtue of their competence
(2) Why is Charles Handy's new book 21 Letters On Life And Its Challenges mentioned? A. To put forward useful suggestions on how to get promoted B. To show how many challenges we face without getting promoted C. To illustrate the serious consequences of the pursuit of promotion D. To prove the economic security brought along by the promotion.
(3) Which of the following might be the best title of this passage? A. The Promotion Satisfaction B. The Promotion Curse C. The Promotion Strategies D. The Promotion Prospect
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An artwork in the graduation exhibition of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Guangdong's provincial capital has spread on the Internet. A number of domestic media organizations have reported on Huang Jianyi's life and his artwork, a giant construction worker made of more than 700 kilograms of steel bars and iron plates.

He named his 194cm-by-113cm-by-230cm sculpture The Soul of Construction Workers. He said he made the sculpture in honor of his father and all Chinese construction workers who have contributed to the country's urban development.

To build it, he bought 750 kg of steel bars and iron plates from online platforms and nearby recycling centers for about 4 yuan per kg. Apart from eating and sleeping, Huang Jianyi devoted all his time to his work, "Sometimes, I even stayed up from midnight to 5 or 6 am, and when the sun rose. I would sleep in my chair for a few hours," Huang said. "I think all the hard work was worth it, especially now that the sculpture is being recognized by the public."

"Born into a poor family in Leizhou city, under the administration of Zhanjiang city in western Guangdong, Huang said he deeply understood how hard life was for builders. As construction workers, my parents frequently traveled for work, sometimes as far as Hainan province when I was a child, and they used to return home once every few months," he said.

And after he arrived in Guangzhou to go to university, he discovered that many builders have to work in the scorching sun or in the pouring rain. "My father, who' is the pillar of my family, is not very good at expressing his feelings, but I know he was very delighted when he saw my sculpture," Huang said.

(1) Why did Huang Jianyi build the sculpture? A. To honor people like his father. B. To celebrate his graduation. C. To win an art competition. D. To draw people's attention.
(2) What mostly led Huang Jianyi to build the sculpture? A. The hardship of his college life. B. The scorching sun and pouring rain. C. The hard life of construction workers. D. The encouragement from the government.
(3) What can we know from the text? A. Huang usually traveled with his parents. B. Huang's parents once worked in Hainan. C. Huang spent his spare time creating the sculpture. D. Huang's father expressed his delight at the sculpture.
(4) What is the public's attitude to Huang Jianyi's sculpture? A. Indifferent. B. Critical. C. Favorable. D. Ambiguous.
阅读理解 常考题 普通