
The Food and Drug Administration(FDA),citing an epidemic of diet-related illness, released new guidelines(指导方针) on Wednesday

The Food and Drug Administration(FDA), citing an epidemic of diet-related illness, released new guidelines(指导方针) on Wednesday aimed at reducing the amount of salt that Americans consume at restaurants, school cafeterias and trucks, or when they are eating packaged and prepared foods at home. The guidelines targeted manufactures that sell foods made from grains as well as potato chips and French fries.

The recommendations, issued after years of delay, seek to reduce the average daily sodium() intake step by stepsodium is the chemical name for saltby 12% over the next two and a half years by encouraging food manufacturers, restaurants and food service companies to scale back their use of salt.

That goal translates into 3,000 milligrams of salt slightly more than 1 teaspoon compared to the 3,400 milligrams that Americans typically consume in a day. Americans' love affairs with salty foods has been linked to alarmingly high rates of high blood pressure, a leading risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

Much of the excess sodium that Americans consume, about 70% comes from processed and packaged food and meals served at restaurants, according to researchers. The guidance will apply to 163 categories of processed and packaged food and provide different targets for rye bread, salad dressing and baby food.

Nutritionists and public health experts praised the FDA for taking on the problem of excess sodium, saying the effort would help sharpen the public's focus on the dangers of taking in too much salt and create pressure on food companies to reduce their reliance on salt as a cheap flavour booster.

But many said that voluntary measures were unlikely to move the needle very much. Some experts have suggested compulsory reductions. Dr Dariush Mozaffarian from Tufts University said a recent study in China suggested the FDA should be firmer with its guidelines. The study showed people who used a salt replacement reduced their chances of stroke and heart problems compared to those who used regular salt. Mozaffarian said the effect of the sodium guidelines will depend on how well the FDAmonitors food companies and their progress.

(1) What can we know about the FDA's guidelines about salt cut? A. They involve all food companies. B. They will be carried out gradually. C. They concern homemade food. D. They will be followed strictly.
(2) What do the underlined words "move the needle" mean in the last paragraph? A. Bring about changes. B. Replace the tradition. C. Encourage people to eat out. D. Threaten the food companies.
(3) Why is China mentioned in the last paragraph? A. To persuade the FDA to be patient. B. To praise China for its action. C. To prove the effect of less salt intake. D. To introduce a salt replacement.
(4) What are the last two paragraphs mainly about? A. Disproval of the FDA's guidelines. B. Reactions to the FDA's guidelines. C. Anticipation of the FDA's guidelines. D. Approaches to the FDA's guidelines.
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Every year millions of breeding monarch butterflies in the U. S. and southern Canada search for milkweed plants on which to lay their eggs. Concern over shrinking habitat (居住地)has urged conservationists to create monarch-friendly spaces along roadsides, which are more than enough within the butterflies range and usually publicly owned. But traffic noise stresses monarch caterpillars out, a new study finds. They eventually do become desensitized to it—but that might cause trouble to them later on, too. 

Noise pollution is known to affect the lives of birds, whales and other creatures. But until recently, scientists had never tested whether it leads to a stress response in insects. When Andy Davis, a conservation physiologist at the University of Georgia, noticed online videos of roadside monarch caterpillars apparently trembling as cars came by, he wondered how the constant noise might affect them. Davis built a custom caterpillar heart monitor, fitting a small sensor into a microscope to precisely measure monarch caterpillars' heart rates as they listened to recordings of traffic sounds in the laboratory.

The hearts of caterpillars exposed to highway noise for two hours beat 17 percent faster than those of caterpillars in a silent room. But the heart rates of the noise-exposed group returned to baseline levels after hearing the traffic sounds nonstop for their entire 12-day development period, Davis and his colleagues reported in May in Biology Letters. 

This desensitization could be problematic when the caterpillars become adults, Davis says. A rapid stress response is vital for monarch butterflies on their two-month journey to spend winters in Mexico, as they narrowly escape predators(捕食者)and fight wind currents. 

Whether a noisy developmental period reduces monarchs' survival rates remains unknown, notes Ryan Norris, an ecologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, who was not involved in the study. But in any case, he believes roadside habitat almost certainly drive up the butterflies' death rates as a result of crashes with cars. " There is so much potential road habitat for monarchs and other insects一it would be such a nice thing to capitalize on, " Norris says. ‌" But you just can't get around the traffic. " Davis adds: " I think roads and monarchs just don't mix. "

(1) By ‌" They eventually do become desensitized to it" , the writer means that.  A. monarch caterpillars react less strongly to noise B. monarch caterpillars are stressed out by road noise C. conservationists are worried about butterflies habitat D. conservationists no longer create monarch-friendly spaces
(2) What inspired Andy Davis to explore the effect of noise on monarch caterpillars? A. There had been little research on monarch caterpillars. B. Videos showed cars crashed into monarch caterpillars. C. There was no such record of monarch caterpillars' heart rates. D. He found that monarch caterpillars shook with cars moving by.
(3) According to Andy Davis, how will exposure to noise influence monarch butterflies? A. They are likely to need more time to develop. B. They are likely to lose their way on their journey. C. They are more likely to be killed in their migration. D. They are more likely to die before they become adults.
(4) What is Ryan Norris most likely to agree with? A. Monarchs5 survival rates are decreasing each year. B. It is not recommended that roadside habitat be built for insects. C. More capital is needed to study monarchs? developmental period. D. Butterflies' rising death rates have nothing to do with moving cars.
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I had a great time producing a short film with my other crew members, myself in the scene, the light and shadow seen through the camera lens, and the warmth of intimate friendship.

It was through a short film festival at our school that I had the chance to make a short film. Our film crew decided to develop a simple story focusing on friendship, growth and hospice care(临终关怀). The story was set around Christmas Eve where two kids are assigned to accompany a terminally(晚期地)ill kid during her last few days. There were conflicts and tears, but finally, the kids became close friends on Christmas Day, which was just before the ill kid passed away. We expected it to be a warm story mingled with a little sorrow and planned to name it Merry Christmas.

In producing our short film, things weren't so easy at first. We were able to use a crew member's house for shooting but it was far from the city. We experienced technical problems, among others.

It was the middle of winter, and emotional collapses of our actors were wearing our patience thin. Pale light the snow and the nervous excitement of telling ghost stories accompanied our night scene shooting.

As the cameraman, I adjusted the camera to produce the best composition of the image, specially designed with the director to achieve the desired effect. I held the camera in one hand and the spotlight in the other till midnight to finish our night scene.

As we decorated the tiny Christmas tree and looked at each other's drowsy faces in the warm light, we couldn't help wolfing down the dessert the host family offered before making the other cakes and fruits for our props(道具). We made jokes about the look of the giant spotlight which was like a huge shiny umbrella. We somehow felt closer to the characters in the film, experiencing what they experience leisurely chatting about films and songs in the serenity of night and forming a special connection with each other.

Through this experience, I realized that making short films is not only about creating art, but also about creating shared stories and bonds that last a lifetime.

(1) Why did the author make the short film? A. To celebrate Christmas in her unique way. B. To experience the warmth of intimate friendship. C. To participate in a short film festival at her school. D. To show her concern about a terminally ill kid.
(2) What does the author think of her film-making process? A. Troublesome. B. Bitter-sweet C. Painstaking. D. Time-consuming.
(3) What is the author's purpose in writing this passage? A. To encourage readers to produce short films.    B. To share her personal experience of making a short film. C. To introduce the process and difficulties of film-making. D. To complain about the poor shooting conditions.
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Almost all new parents struggle to get enough sleep while caring for their newborns. For some penguin (企鹅) parents, though, periods of sleep are especially short.

Researchers recently found that Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time in order to protect their eggs and newborn chicks. They do this thousands of times throughout the day. The short "microsleeps" total around 11 hours each day. The microsleeps appear to be enough to keep the parents going for many weeks.

Niels Rattenborg, a sleep researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence in Germany, said, "What's surprising is that the penguins are able to function okay and successfully raise their young."

Chinstrap penguins usually lay their eggs in November in nests made up of small rocks. Mated (交配的) pairs share parenting responsibilities. One parent usually watches the eggs and chicks alone while the other goes off fishing for family meals. Adult penguins don't face many natural enemies in the mating season. But large birds called brown skuas eat the penguin eggs and small chicks. Other adult penguins may also try to steal the small rocks from the nests, so penguin parents must always be on guard.

For the first time, scientists followed the sleeping behavior of Chinstrap penguins. They did this by attaching devices that measure brain waves. They collected data on 14 adults over 11 days on King George Island off the coast of Antarctica.

Won Young Lee, a biologist at the Korean Polar Research Institute, thought of the idea for the study when he saw mating penguins often blinking (眨) their eyes and possibly sleeping. But the team needed to record brain waves to confirm the animals were sleeping. "For these penguins, microsleeps have some restorative functions," he said. He added that they would not survive without it.

The researchers didn't collect sleep data outside the mating season. But they suspect that the penguins may sleep for longer periods at other times of the year.

(1)  What have researchers found about Chinstrap penguins? A. They take turns to take care of the young. B. They sleep for several seconds at a time. C. They rest for 11 hours in a row every day. D. They behave poorly due to lack of sleep.
(2)  What is paragraph 4 mainly about? A. The habitats of the penguins. B. The living habits of the penguins. C. The mating seasons of the penguins. D. The natural enemies of the penguins.
(3)  Which of the following might Won Young Lee agree with? A. Microsleeps of the penguins matter in their survival. B. It's difficult to record brain waves of the penguins. C. The penguins may sleep longer than people believe. D. More funds are needed to further study the penguins.
(4)  Where is the text most probably taken from? A. A book review. B. A travel brochure. C. A science journal. D. A chemistry textbook.
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