
In the 2022 Beijing Olympics process, hand-kitting (手工编织的) Chinese knot, a symbol of unity and happiness in Chinese context, is loved by friends from other countries. It has a complex graceful curve, but it can be reduced to the simple two-dimensional line. It displays fantasy and wisdom of the ancient Chinese civilization. It has elegant appeal which comes from the basic tools of human life in the beginning years.

Preparation of Chinese knot, roughly divided into three categories: the basic knot, varying knot and combinatorial knot. Its knitting techniques, in addition to all the basic techniques, agree with a common principle of knitting and can be summarized as the basic techniques and combinations techniques. But the basic techniques use a single line, double line or lines to knitting, or change the use of the parallel thread (线) to separate thread so as to make colorful knot or bow section; and a combination of techniques use the extend of head and extended ear flap (耳帽), and combine various knot flexibly, complete pack of ever-changing knot ornaments (装饰).

To design a set of beautiful decorative knot, the most important thing is to determine what the knot will be used for. Accordingly, determine its size and shape, taking into account of the appropriate use of color matching and accessories. The shape, color and ornaments should suit each other. Do attach your own artistic beauty and deep emotion to it, which will be able to fully demonstrate the beauty of Chinese traditional art.

Long cultural heritage makes the Han ethnic Chinese knot techniques unique, purely cultural essence, rich in cultural heritage. Chinese knot not only has shape and color beauty, but also gain its name because of its meaning, such as endless knot, caisson knot (藻井结) and double the money knot, reflecting the ancient Chinese cultural beliefs and strong religious meanings. It represents the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty of good intentions.

(1) What does Chinese knot represent in Chinese culture? A. Love and friendship. B. Unity and happiness. C. Grace and simplicity. D. Fantasy and wisdom.
(2) The second paragraph is mainly written ______. A. to explain basic rules for knitting B. to introduce the knitting techniques C. to show how to make Chinese knot D. to classify Chinese knot into categories
(3) What matters most in terms of designing a knot? A. Deciding its purpose. B. Determining its shape. C. Matching with colors. D. Attaching artistic beauty.
(4) What does the last paragraph mainly talk about Chinese knot? A. Its inner beauty. B. Its physical features. C. Its cultural meaning. D. Its real pursuit.
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A simple mosquito (蚊子) bite can mean serious illness or death. So we use some chemicals to kill mosquitoes. But this has a bad influence on the whole ecosystem and your health. Now there's a new device (装置), which can keep you and your family mosquito­free:

What are we talking about?

Mosquitron, a brand­new type of bug (虫子)catcher, designed by two German engineers, is perfect for clearing your home of all annoying and dangerous flying pests!

How does it work?

•It is easy to set up; plug it in—and away you go!

•It lures (引诱) the mosquitoes near by using a safe UV light.

•A fan sucks (吸入) the insects through a one­way trapdoor.

•Once got in the drying basket, mosquitoes are killed by the fan within 2 minutes.

•You can simply empty the dead bugs into the trash,without even touching them.

•No need for batteries or any chemicals.

How much does it cost?

It's now $179. 99. It may seem expensive at first, but when you consider most devices don't work for more than 10 minutes, this is a pretty good deal. In fact, other products using the same UV technology are priced at over $ 250! Now you can buy it from our website with 50% off and with free delivery for a limited time by clicking here.

Note: The device can only be returned or exchanged if it arrives damaged, and you must pay in advance.

(1) What is the advantage of a Mosquitron? A. It is cheaper than other devices. B. It doesn't need battery. C. It is silent when working. D. It kills mosquitoes with UV light.
(2) What can you enjoy if buying a Mosquitron online now? A. A high discount. B. A cheap delivery. C. Return without reasons. D. A great gift.
(3) What type of writing is this passage? A. An analysis. B. An advertisement. C. A story. D. A report.
阅读理解 常考题 困难

Finding a mask which offers you a high protection level is crucial to filtering(过滤) out any particles for a long time. However, after a few hours, the mask becomes contaminated(污染) by the particles and you need to replace it with a new one. See, you have to get a mask offering active protection in addition to passive filtration.

The first rule of a mask offering you any kind of protection is that it needs to fit well. The mask also needs to be comfortable and allow you to breathe easily for you to be able to keep it on for as many hours as you need.

During long hours of wear, food and dirt may remain on the inside of your mask. All the hours spent in a place with less-than-ideal conditions for human health are wonderful news for bacteria that thrive on food particles and muck left behind on the inside of your mask. This growth opportunity for bacteria could not just be dangerous but could also cause a bad smell. So you'd better have a kind that kills off the smell-causing bacteria, leaving your mask smelling fresh.

You should look for cloth masks that have multiple layers of breathable fabric that is tightly woven, include a robust(结实的) nose wire for you to adjust the mask to the shape of your face and prevent air escaping from around your nose, do not have gaps around the nose or sides of the face and that block out the light if you hold the mask up to a bright light source. It is good for the mask to come with your choice of either head straps or ear straps, both adjustable. It is also good if the mask has different sizes ranging from kids to adults to ensure everyone stays protected.

(1) What is most important about a mask according to the first paragraph? A. Offering passive filtration. B. Offering active protection. C. Working for long hours. D. Filtering out all particles.
(2) Why should a mask have a robust nose wire? A. To shape your face. B. To block out the light. C. To offer different sizes ranging from kids to adults. D. For you to adjust the shape and prevent air escaping.
(3) Which of the following can't be adjusted? A. The size. B. The ear strap. C. The nose wire. D. The head strap.
(4) Whom is the passage intended for? A. Kids. B. Doctors. C. Citizens. D. Mask makers.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

Every morning at five o'clock, composer (作曲家) Walter Werzowa would sit down at his computer waiting for a particular daily e-mail. It came from a team that had been working all night to draft Beethoven's unfinished 10th Symphony. The e-mail contained hundreds of versions, and Werzowa listened to them all, looking for the perfect tune—a sound that was unmistakably Beethoven. But the phrases he was listening to weren't composed by Beethoven. They were created by artificial intelligence.

When Ludwig van Beethoven died in 1827, he left behind some musical drafts and notes. There was barely enough to make out a phrase, let alone a whole symphony. But that didn't stop people from trying.

Werzowa and a group of music experts and computer scientists teamed up to use machine learning to create the symphony. Ahmed Elgammal led the AI side of the team. The team's first task was to teach the AI to think like Beethoven. To do that, they gave it Beethoven's complete works, his drafts and notes. They taught it Beethoven's process—like how he went from four notes to his entire Fifth Symphony. Then they taught it to compose a bridge between two sections. With all that knowledge, the AI came as close to thinking like Beethoven as possible. But it still wasn't enough. The AI doesn't really produce something that can continue for a long time and be consistent. So the team had to put the selected pieces together to build a symphony.

Matthew Guzdial researches creativity (创造力) and machine learning at the University of Alberta. He didn't work on the Beethoven project, but he says, "Modern AI, modern machine learning, is all about just copying small local patterns. And it's up to a human to then take what the AI outputs and find the genius (天资). The genius wasn't in the AI. The genius was in the human who was doing the selection."

(1) How did Walter Werzowa contribute to the Beethoven project? A. He trained the AI to think like a human. B. He replied to daily e-mails every morning. C. He selected the best tune created by the AI. D. He drafted Beethoven's unfinished symphony.
(2) What was the major challenge the team met? A. The AI was far from thinking like Beethoven. B. It was hard to put pieces together to build a symphony. C. The AI couldn't create a long and consistent piece of music. D. There were not enough complete works for machine learning.
(3) Which of the following would Matthew Guzdial most probably agree with? A. Al is likely to be a barrier to creativity. B. The potential of AI is being brought out. C. The value of AI shouldn't be overlooked. D. AI can't totally replace the role of humans.
阅读理解 常考题 普通