
In 2018, Portugal and China signed an agreement on cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), making Portugal the first country in Western Europe to participate in the initiative.

Such stories continue to emerge. Since President Xi proposed the initiative in 2013, China's "circle of friends" has continued to expand. By the end of October 2019, China had concluded cooperation agreements with 137 countries and 30 international organizations.

As a Chinese saying goes, "To know whether a policy is good or not, you should see if it makes people frown or smile."

In Uzbekistan, Chinese personnel worked closely with the locals, building an over 19-kilometer tunnel in just 900 days. The tunnel, which is the longest in Central Asia, allows Uzbeks living in remote areas to travel through mountains and ranges in just 15 minutes.

Thanks to the BRI, fishermen who catch crayfish along the banks of the Nile in Egypt can now see their crayfish on Chinese people's dining tables. The high demand from China also puts more money in their pockets. For them, the initiative is a path to wealth. In Serbia, Chinese companies helped revive a near-bankrupt steel plant, securing jobs and stable incomes for 5, 000 workers.

Joint construction with participating countries allows Belt and Road countries to align their development strategies, thus releasing the development potential of these countries and bringing real benefits to their peoples.

Against the backdrop of profound changes, development is the master key to solving problems. The reason why the BRI has attracted so many participants is that it matches with the desire of countries, especially developing ones, to seek development.

Belt and Road construction is successful because it focuses on economic development, promotes openness and cooperation, and aims to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results.

(1) What is the function of the first paragraph? A. To raise the topic. B. To introduce Portugal. C. To explain the rules of the BRI. D. To call on more countries to join the BRI.
(2) What is true about the BRI? A. 167 countries have joined it. B. It helps to evaluate policies. C. It has achieved great success. D. Its projects are limited to industry.
(3) What has the BRI brought to ordinary people? A. More time to travel. B. Jobs with high salaries. C. Better working conditions. D. Convenience and wealth.
(4) What makes the BRI so attractive? A. The role it plays. B. The aim it fights for. C. The speed it expands. D. The way it comes into being.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

New research from the American non-profit organization Consumer Reports finds that plastics have a "widespread" presence in food. The group called on the United States government to examine the safety of food that comes into contact with plastics during production.

In a report released Thursday, Consumer Reports said that 84 out of 85 food products it recently tested contained "plasticizers" called phthalates. Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastics last longer. The researchers also said 79 percent of the examined foods contained bisphenol A (BPA), another chemical found in plastics.

In these tests, the researchers checked a wider variety of foods to see how much of the chemicals Americans actually consume. The answer is quite a lot. The tests found that bisphenols and phthalates remain widespread in food, almost in every food we tested. The levels did not depend on packaging type, and no one particular type of food—say, dairy products or prepared meals—was more likely than another to have them. Consumer Reports said all the levels were within limits set by U. S. and European regulators. All the foods tested remained within the limits. However, does that mean it is safe to eat?

Beyond highlighting these concerns, Consumer Reports is actively working on issues related to consumer safety. This includes advocating for the banning of harmful chemicals in food. The widespread presence of plastics in food is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention from both regulators and consumers. While we wait for policy changes, there are steps individuals can take to reduce exposure to these chemicals. Some of these measures include avoiding plastic food storage containers, limiting consumption of fast food. Replacing plastic kitchen tools with those made of wood and stainless steel can also help. Using glass or steel water bottles can further reduce exposure. It's also important to air your home regularly to reduce exposure to phthalates in household dust.

(1) What is the finding of the research? A. Plastic containers are widely used nowadays. B. Plastics can pollute food during production. C. Plastics contain many harmful materials. D. Plastics are related to food safety issue.
(2) Why does the author mention phthalate? A. To stress its key role in making plastics. B. To show it will do harm to our health. C. To offer basic information to consumers. D. To tell what food products are made up of.
(3) Why are researchers so worried? A. Bisphenols and phthalates are not used. B. The set limits may not be suitable at present. C. The regulators don't perform their duty. D. The packaging types are still the same.
(4) How is the passage mainly organized? A. By discussing research experiments. B. By comparing different results. C. By analyzing cause and effect. D. By presenting problem and solution.
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In recent years, multiple studies have illustrated the ways people's dogs can provide comfort, calm their frazzled nerves, be good listeners, and provide other forms of valuable support, proving that sometimes words are simply not necessary.

When people were asked to perform mental arithmetic (算术) or endure a "cold pressor" test in which their hand is submerged in ice water, those who had their dogs present had smaller increases in their blood pressure and heart rate. More recently, a study in a 2023 issue of the journal Emotion had people engage in a stressful task—involving adding numbers that flashed on a computer screen—then interact with their pet dog, color in a coloring book, or wait quietly for 10 minutes. Those who interacted with their dogs experienced a greater boost in mood and a greater reduction in anxiety than those who waited or tried to destress by coloring. 

Research has also found that talking to your dog about emotionally fraught issues can be particularly beneficial. People are more willing to confide (吐露) in their dogs about difficult emotions, such as depression, jealousy, anxiety, apathy, and fear, than they are with their romantic partners or friends. The precise reasons for this may be that pets are good, nonjudgmental listeners because they don't interrupt or reply. Your relationship with your dog is a safe space because your dog won't judge you or disagree with you.

A study in a 2022 issue of the International Journal of Public Health found that when people interact with their dogs while teleworking, it replenishes the humans' self-regulatory resources—by engaging in micro-breaks to pet their pup, the people are able to relax and refresh themselves—in ways that interacting with unfurry family members doesn't.

"Dogs are fantastic at reading us—they can sense when we're upset—and they are arguably better at reading us than some people are," says Kogan, a professor in the clinical sciences department at Colorado State University, "because we intuit that our dogs read us so well, we regulate ourselves so as not to upset our dogs, which is helpful for us as well. It's a positive feedback loop."

(1) What did the study in paragraph 2 find? A. Interacting with dogs can cause anxiety and stress. B. People with dog companions have lower stress levels. C. Dogs can improve their owners' academic performance. D. Dogs' owners tend to reduce stress by coloring or waiting.
(2) Why are people more willing to talk to their dogs? A. Dogs can help them fix the problems. B. They get a sense of security from dogs. C. Their partners or friends are not reliable. D. They have a closer relationship with dogs.
(3) What does the underlined word replenishes in paragraph 4 mean? A. Replaces. B. Researches. C. Refills. D. Removes.
(4) What is Kogan's attitude towards having dog companions? A. Favorable. B. Unclear. C. Skeptical. D. Intolerant.
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New England Fall Leaf Rail Travels

Fall colors and fantastic destinations throughout the East Coast and beyond come to life on fall leaf train tours. New England Fall Leaf Rail Travels through a backdrop of gold, rust and dark red are the best way to experience nature S greatest event as scenic trains take travelers to some of the United States' leading destinations for leaves. Admire the changing colors as you travel aboard heritage and Amtrak train lines and enjoy an up close look at the scenery with coach tours and beautiful passenger liners. Select from a variety of fall leaf trips that highlight colorful destinations through sightseeing tours and attractive trips. Dip yourself in the fall beauty of the Midwest in places like Northern Michigan, where guests enjoy the sights of Mackinac Island and Sleeping Bear Dunes, and Door County, famous for its spectacular Lake Michigan scenery and the endless wide countryside.

Travelers can go to the striking Smoky Mountains, stopping in beloved cities in both

Tennessee and North Carolina. There are also packages that highlight New England in the fall, and these journeys include well- known regional destinations. The rail travels include guided tours in cities like Boston or scenic bus tours along byways. Some of the nation's most picturesque heritage railways are also found in New England, for example, the Conway Scenic Railway in New Hampshire, which travels through the colorful peaks of the White Mountains.


Single price: $ 1,400 per person for 6 days

Group (more than one person) price: $ 1,200 per person for 6 days

Accommodation and airline tickets are included.

(1) Which of the following are the highlights of the rail travels? A. The latest trains. B. Colourful leaves. C. The oldest villages. D. Traditional cultures.
(2) What do New England Fall Leaf Rail Travels offer? A. Tour guides in Boston. B. Free pictures of New England. C. A walk in the White Mountains. D. A hands -on climb to the top of the mountain.
(3) How much should you pay in total if you and your friend take the 6 -day tour? A. $1,200. B. $1,400. C. $2,400. . D. $ 2, 800.
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