1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

New research from the American non-profit organization Consumer Reports finds that plastics have a "widespread" presence in food. The group called on the United States government to examine the safety of food that comes into contact with plastics during production.

In a report released Thursday, Consumer Reports said that 84 out of 85 food products it recently tested contained "plasticizers" called phthalates. Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastics last longer. The researchers also said 79 percent of the examined foods contained bisphenol A (BPA), another chemical found in plastics.

In these tests, the researchers checked a wider variety of foods to see how much of the chemicals Americans actually consume. The answer is quite a lot. The tests found that bisphenols and phthalates remain widespread in food, almost in every food we tested. The levels did not depend on packaging type, and no one particular type of food—say, dairy products or prepared meals—was more likely than another to have them. Consumer Reports said all the levels were within limits set by U. S. and European regulators. All the foods tested remained within the limits. However, does that mean it is safe to eat?

Beyond highlighting these concerns, Consumer Reports is actively working on issues related to consumer safety. This includes advocating for the banning of harmful chemicals in food. The widespread presence of plastics in food is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention from both regulators and consumers. While we wait for policy changes, there are steps individuals can take to reduce exposure to these chemicals. Some of these measures include avoiding plastic food storage containers, limiting consumption of fast food. Replacing plastic kitchen tools with those made of wood and stainless steel can also help. Using glass or steel water bottles can further reduce exposure. It's also important to air your home regularly to reduce exposure to phthalates in household dust.

(1) What is the finding of the research? A. Plastic containers are widely used nowadays. B. Plastics can pollute food during production. C. Plastics contain many harmful materials. D. Plastics are related to food safety issue.
(2) Why does the author mention phthalate? A. To stress its key role in making plastics. B. To show it will do harm to our health. C. To offer basic information to consumers. D. To tell what food products are made up of.
(3) Why are researchers so worried? A. Bisphenols and phthalates are not used. B. The set limits may not be suitable at present. C. The regulators don't perform their duty. D. The packaging types are still the same.
(4) How is the passage mainly organized? A. By discussing research experiments. B. By comparing different results. C. By analyzing cause and effect. D. By presenting problem and solution.
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Growing up on a farm, I learned from my parents about the large bees we called mangangava. But in college, when I gave a presentation about those bees, I didn't mention their familiar name; instead I used formal terms when describing their adaptations for pollinating (授粉). I was afraid of being judged for expressing my personal knowledge in a science class. But when the instructor pressed me to tell the class whether I'd seen the bees myself and what I called them, my views and my whole career path began to change. I realized my background was valuable, and that my calling was to help educate others like me.

My parents worked on a small farm and I often helped out when I was not in school. They had a close relationship with nature, something they learned from my grandparents and passed down to me. This was why I became interested in biology.

In college, I joined a series of labs to gain research experience, but my interest in pursuing a career as a scientist began to wane after I realized my research was not helping poor people like my parents. As a black student from a rural community, I also felt out of place in most classes. The feeling of not belonging circled in my head. I sometimes thought about giving up.

My instructor's request that I share my knowledge of the mangangava bee changed my view. She saw that tapping into my personal experiences would help me grasp the scientific concepts. No other professor had shown that kind of sensitivity, which helped me realize I did have a place in higher education and that I didn't need to hide who I truly am.

I'm now a master's student in education, working on a project that explores the connection between science and traditional knowledge. I don't think I'd be here if I hadn't crossed paths with my instructor. We need more educators and scientists like her-people who can serve as role models and know that the best way to nurture new scientists is to allow students to be themselves.

(1) What did the author initially think of his background when in college? A. It was something he wanted to hide. B. It motivated him to carry on his research. C. It wasn't adequate for his college studies. D. It gave him an advantage over others.
(2) What does the underlined word "wane" in paragraph 3 probably mean? A. maintain B. shape C. fade D. rise
(3) What should a good educator do according to the author? A. To value students' personal knowledge and views. B. To be equipped with rich knowledge of a certain field. C. To treat students from different backgrounds equally. D. To inspire students to work as hard as he or she does.
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Many people think daydreaming is bad for their emotions and has negative effects on their life and those around them. It makes adapting to life very hard and brains work less effectively.

Contrary to common ideas, the brains of people who are daydreaming might not stop working, but may be working harder, new research has shown. Scientists scanned the brains of people lying inside magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)machines, as they pushed buttons or rested in turn. The scans showed that the "default(默认的)network" deep inside a human brain becomes more active during daydreaming.

In a surprise finding, the scans also showed strong activity in the executive network, the outlying region of the brain associated with complex problem-solving, says Professor Kalina Christoff, who is a co-author of the study. "People assume that when the mind wanders away, it just gets turned off but we show the opposite. When it wanders, it is turned on." says Christoff.

The findings, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest, "People who let themselves daydream might not think in the same focused way as when performing a goal-oriented task, but they bring in more mental and brain resources," says Christoff.

F. Diane Barth said at Psychology Today that the more we daydream, the more our brain is able to hold onto the task when we are being bombarded (轰炸)from all sides by all kinds of noises, information input, and conflicting demands. You're not trying to escape the task at hand; rather, you're trying to get rid of all of the information and stimuli(刺激物)that could pose as bothers.

According to Christoff, people typically spend one third of their waking time daydreaming. "It is a big part of our lives, but it has been largely ignored by science, she says. "The study is the first to use MRIs to study brain activity during spontaneous thoughts and subjective experiences. Until now the only way is to use self-reports that are not always reliable."

(1) What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. Scientists. B. Scans. C. MRI machines. D. Study subjects.
(2) The findings by Christoff show daydreaming__________. A. may help us get relaxed B. may be beneficial to our health C. may use less energy than focusing D. may help us arrive at solutions faster
(3) Which of the following may Barth agree with? A. Daydreaming provides us with many stimuli. B. Daydreaming is actually an act of concentration. C. Daydreaming can make us forget unhappy things. D. Daydreaming reminds us of more useful information.
(4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. MRIs are reliable to study brain activity. B. People should spend more time daydreaming. C. More studies about daydreaming need to be done. D. People should make full use of daydreaming time.
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The daughter of a friend of mine recently left university and entered into the world of work, taking on a temporary office job. At the end of her first week at work, she phoned home in tears and complained to her mother, "There's no time to do anything else. I'm so tired when I get home in the evenings that all I can do is watching TV. Then I have to rise early the next morning and do it again! If this is what work is like, I don't want to spend my whole life doing it!"

We take it for granted that work must be a major part of our lives—in fact, for many people, it's the primary aspect of our lives. We define ourselves and measure our happiness in terms of how successful we are in these roles. Normally, 40 hours a week, 48 weeks a year, for up to 50 years—not including traveling time and the time we spend resting.

Is this really what we were born for? Is this really what life should be about?

Of course, if you're lucky, you might have a satisfying job which suits your inborn interests and skills, and which is challenging and inspiring. In that case, your job may provide you with what psychologists call "flow"—a state of intense absorption, which makes you feel engaged and alive. Perhaps the majority of people aren't that lucky and do jobs which are repetitive and boring. But I would argue that, even if your job does provide you with "flow", work should just be an aspect of our lives, rather than its defining feature. Working 40 hours a week makes our lives become narrow and restricted, so we lose sight of other possibilities. There's so much to learn in life, so many different ways to develop, so many experiences to absorb, so many activities and adventures to enjoy, but while we spend so much time working, it's difficult to find time and energy for these.

(1) What did the daughter mainly complain about? A. Her boss's watchful eyes. B. Her boring life after work. C. Her endless work in office. D. Her getting up early in the morning.
(2) How does one feel if his job provides him with "flow"? A. Content and focused. B. Occupied and tired. C. Dynamic and relaxed. D. Challenged and worried.
(3) Which of the following is true according to the author? A. People with satisfying jobs tend to work all the time. B. Many people have no idea what they really like. C. Work is the most important thing in one's life. D. Most people are not satisfied with their jobs.
(4) Which word best describes the author's attitude to working 40 hours a week? A. Ambiguous. B. Favorable. C. Concerned. D. Uncaring.
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