
The Terror of the First F5 Tornado

The nonstop high plains wind suddenly fell dead still, leaving the evening air hot and heavy over Lubbock,Texas. Impossibly dark clouds hung low in the sky.

Standing in the yard outside her family's trailer home, 12-year old Cindy Keele saw the worry appear in her grandmother's face."Go in and put on your shoes," Keele's grandmother said flatly(断然地)."We have to get to the storm cellar.'

The girl dashed inside. As soon as the screen door slapped shut behind her, hail( 冰雹) began rapping against the roof. Keele yelled to her mother, "Grandma says we have to get to the storm cellar!" Then a hailstone the size of a softball smashed through the kitchen window. Another one punched a hole in the ceiling. And then came the sound: the unmistakable, ear splitting roar of an approaching tornado.

Cindy Keele's mother was suddenly on the same page. But getting herself, her three kids, and her mother to safety was no simple matter- the shelter was at the opposite end of the trailer park. If they didn't drive, they'd never make it.

The five moved quickly to the family car, trying to avoid pieces of hail. At last, everyone was in the car.

"My purse!"Keele's grandmother shouted, "My purse is still in there!"

Keele jumped out of the car and ran back into the house. She fetched the purse and dashed back into the maelstrom(漩涡)。She almost made it. "As I ran to the car," she says, "an enormous hailstone hit me in the back of the neck. I was told it was the size of a soccer ball. "The next few minutes were a blur for the girl. Her next clear memory was of inside the shelter.

"I guess there were 60 of us in there, plus dogs and cats," Keele says. "The sound outside was deafening. And then, all of a sudden,it got quiet."Cautiously, the group went up from underground.

"My mother ran straight for our street. What she found was- nothing. "The place where our house had been were pieces of houses, but not pieces of our house. "I d never seen my mom cry," Keele recalls softly."But she was on her knees. She was bro ken."

May 11 marks the 5lst anniversary of the 1970 Lubbock tornado, the first such storm ever to be classified F5.

(1) How was the weather before Keele's grandmother suggested getting to the storm cellar? A. Windy and cloudy. B. Cloudy and hot. C. Rainy and windy. D. Sunny and hot.
(2) What happened to Keele when she ran back to the car? A. The strong wind kept her from getting to the car, B. A hailstone struck her and she lost consciousness. C. She was tripped by a soccer ball and fell over. D. She hit her head on a tree and she could remember nothing.
(3) What do we know about the tornado? A. The tornado died down very slowly. B. Hail was the biggest killer in the tornado. C. The tornado came with an extremely loud noise. D. People were warned of the tornado before it occurred.
(4) How did Keele's mother react to the consequence of the tornado? A. She burst into tears. B. She cried for help. C. She kept calm. D. She knelt down.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Jorg Muller, an ecologist at the University of Würzburg, with his colleagues, proposes a way to measure the biodiversity—listen to the jungle by AI, in a paper published in Nature Communications.

The rainforests are very important and always alive with the sounds of animals, which is useful to ecologists. When it comes to measuring the biodiversity of a piece of land, listening out for animal caller is more effective than uncovering the bushes looking for tracks and paw prints. The latter analysis method is time-consuming, and it requires an expert pair of ears. Muller's idea was to apply the principle of smartphone apps which can identify the sounds of birds, bats and mammals to conservation work.

The researchers took recordings from across 43 sites in the rainforests. Some sites were relatively primitive, old-growth forests. Others were areas that had just been cleared for pasture(牧场) recently. And some other original forests had been cleared but then abandoned, allowing themselves to regrow. The various calls were identified by an expert,and then used to construct a list of the species present. As expected, the longer the land had been free from agricultural activity, the greater biodiversity it hosted. Then it was the computer's turn. "We found that the AI tools could identify the sounds as well as the experts," says Dr. Muller.

Of course, not everything in a rainforest makes a noise. Dr. Muller and his colleagues used light traps to catch night-flying insects, and DNA analysis to identify them. They found that the diversity of noisy animals was a reliable representative for the diversity of the quieter ones, too.

Besides measuring the biodiversity, the results are also expected to be applied to outside ecology departments. Under pressure from their customers, firms like L'Oreal, a make-up company, and Shell, an oil firm, have been spending money on forest restoration projects around the world. Dr. Muller hopes that an automated approach to checking on the results could help monitor such efforts, and give a standard way to measure whether they are working as well as their sponsors say.

(1) Why does Muller propose to measure biodiversity with AI? A. To make a new conservation principle. B. To seek away fit for hot environments. C. To work more efficiently than manpower D. To study the rainforests more specifically.
(2) How was the identification work of AI tools on the 43 sites? A. It agreed with the work from experts.. B. It identified different types of raintarests. C. It recorded more sounds in the abandoned forests. D. It was used to restore the biodiversity for pasture.
(3) What does the author indicate in paragraph 4? A. DNA analysis is skeptical in the research. B. Quiet animals are as diverse as noisy ones. C. A rainforest is always full of various noises. D. AI technology is used to catch the insects.
(4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. The research focuses on biodiversity only. B. L'Oreal and Shell develop monitoring apps. C. The research will assist in forest restoration. D. AI's help will attract some sponsors'investment.
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Choosing a major, which is the specialized area of your college study, can be overwhelming. But have no fear! Your choice of major will not lock you into a specific career for the rest of your life. And the major you choose will neither predict nor guarantee your future. Consider these factors when picking your major.

Career Prep

Choose a major because it will prepare you for a specific career path or advanced study. Maybe you already know that you want to be a nurse, a day trader, or a web developer. Before you declare, take a class or two in the relevant discipline, check out the syllabus for an advanced seminar, and talk to students in the department of your choice. Make sure you're ready for the coursework required for the career of your dreams.

Earning Potential

Future earning potential is worth considering-college is a big investment, and while college can pay you back in many ways beyond salary, this can be a major factor for students who are paying their own way or taking out loans. According to PayScale. com, the majors that lead to the highest salaries include just about any type of engineering, actuarial mathematics, computer science, physics, government,  and economics. Keep your quality of life in mind, too-that six figure salary may not be worth it if you're not happy at the office.

Subjects You Love

Some students choose a major simply because they love the subject matter. If you love what you're studying, you're more likely to fully engage with your classes and college experience, and that can mean better grades and great relationships with others in your field. If your calling is philosophy, don't write it off just because you're not sure about graduate school, or what the job market holds for philosophers. Many liberal arts majors provide students with critical thinking skills and writing abilities that are highly valued by employers.

Undecided? Explore your interests.

If you truly have no idea what you want to study, that's okay-many schools don't require students to declare a major until you are a second-year student. That gives you four semesters to play the field. Exploring your interests will help you find your best fit major-and maybe even your ideal career.

(1) You don't need to feel fearful when choosing your major because ____. A. your major has completely nothing to do with your future B. changing career fields are unavoidable in your life C. you only spend a little time on whatever subject you choose D. you are not limited to only one particular career for your whole life
(2) The underlined word discipline is closest in meaning to _____. A. theory B. rule C. field D. knowledge
(3) What do we learn about from Para. 3? A. High salary will not be worthwhile at the cost of your unhappy office work. B. Future career earning is viewed as the top concern for most college students. C. Your college investment will be all given back to you in the form of high salary. D. If you choose engineering-related majors, you are sure to earn high salary.
(4) What can we infer from the passage? A. You are advised to choose liberal arts majors for what are provided. B. Worse grades result from poor relationships with others in college. C. Some students don't necessarily need to decide their choices of majors upon entering college. D. Employers like liberal arts majors more than science majors in job market.
(5) What is the passage mainly about? A. Why is it difficult to choose a major. B. What influences your choice of a major. C. How can a major affect your career. D. When should you decide your major.
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Scotland's landscapes, history, and culture offer a great variety of experiences. This summer, join our unique ranger programs to discover Scotland like never before!

Young Clan's Highland Games (June 4 to August 22)

A delightful experience for children! Test their skills in traditional Scottish games and compare their abilities to the historical legends of Scotland. No prior experience needed. Fun and educational, this program is flexible to fit your schedule. Meet at the Highland Folk Museum.

Wild Highlands Exploration (May 25 to September 3)

Immerse yourself in the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands. Perfect for families, this program offers guided hikes through scenic trails, wildlife spotting, and camping adventures. Learn about Scotland's native wildlife and how to responsibly enjoy the natural environment. Gather at the Glencoe Visitor Centre.

Loch Ness Legends and Lore (June 8 to September 3)

At the world-famous Loch Ness, this program combines breathtaking views with captivating stories about the Loch's history and the mysterious Nessie. Ideal for families and photography enthusiasts. Meet at the Loch Ness Centre & Exhibition for this engaging talk.

Photography Workshops in the Isles (June 18 & July 11)

Enhance your photography skills in Scotland's picturesque landscapes. Join our expert photographers for hands-on workshops.

6/18—Isle of Skye Sceneries: meet at the Old Man of Storr parking area.

7/11—Capturing the Aurora: meet at the Shetland Isles Observatory

(1) What do we know about Young Clan's Highland Games? A. It combines education and pleasure. B. It requires previous experience. C. It offers scenic views. D. It tests athletic skills.
(2) What do Wild Highlands Exploration and Loch Ness Legends and Lore have in common? A. Offering guided hikes. B. Enhancing photography skills. C. Being most suitable for families. D. Learning about traditional Scottish games.
(3) What is the main purpose of the Scotland's programs? A. To offer a variety of sport activities. B. To provide natural and cultural experiences. C. To focus on historical landmarks. D. To teach about wildlife conservation.
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