
When Oumou Dieye first started competing against men in the sport of golf, she was not confident and felt a little afraid. The men did not want to golf with her nor did they take her seriously. But then, she won her first game. After that, she had all the confidence she needed to keep playing and defeating male golfers.

Dieye is the only professional female golfer in Senegal. She was introduced to golf by her brother-in-law and immediately fell in love. Not long after she began competing, Dieye was given a chance to train in Morocco. With the financial support from her French golf partners, she spent three months training with the Moroccan Golf Federation. She said she enjoyed the experience so much that she returned to Morocco and stayed for seven years. While there, she also taught children at a golfing school.

Today her home is filled with many golfing awards. She has won so many that she has lost track of the number. What she has done is notable because Senegal is a conservative, Muslim nation.

There is much pressure from society for women not to be involved in professional sports. The country practices a more liberal form of Islam(伊斯兰教). However, the culture still has traditional ideas of what women should do. A woman who chooses sports over duties at home risks being rejected by her family. At first, her family was not supportive. But after seeing her love of the sport, they changed their minds.

In 2018, when Dieye returned from Morocco, she was not happy about the state of golf in her home country. She wanted to create a golf school similar to the one in Morocco. In 2020, the Senegalese Golf Federation agreed to help Dieye establish a golf school in preparation for the 2026 Summer Youth Olympics in Dakar. It will be Dieye's job to train Senegal's first national golf team. This will involve preparing female golfers-including her own daughter.

(1) What was the situation when Dieye first played golf with male players? A. She was a shy girl short of social skills. B. Her family didn't support her golf career. C. They didn't think she was a worthy competitor. D. She was the only female golfer of the country.
(2) What can we learn about the country of Senegal? A. It has received financial support from France. B. Women there are encouraged to stay at home. C. Sports play an important part in people's life. D. Golf players are very popular in the country.
(3) Which of the following best describes Dieye? A. A pioneer. B. An explorer. C. A producer. D. An investigator.
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As most Americans spend at least 50%of their food budget dining out,public criticism falls on restaurants to help consumers make healthier food choices.The Menu Labeling Final Rule has come into effect,requiring restaurants with more than 20 locations to show the calories of food on menus.

By representing these values in a discrepant way—using physically larger numbers on the page for lower-calorie options,and smaller numbers for high-calorie foods— businesses can shift customers 'preferences toward healthier food,according to Ruiying Cai from the Washington State University.

In their study,Cai and her colleagues asked participants to choose between a less healthy item and a healthier option after randomly assigning them to two groups.In the first group,calorie counts and font (字体) sizes rose and fell together.In the second group,the size became larger as the calorie count fell.Researchers also asked participants questions to assess their health-consciousness.

Results showed participants in the second group,who saw low calorie counts printed in large sizes,were more likely to adopt the healthier option.Moreover,less health- conscious participants were the most affected,while people with more health awareness were less influenced since they already favored healthier food.

This research adjusted customer behaviors by creating a Stroop effect.Named after psychologist J.Ridley Stroop,the Stroop effect refers to a delay in reaction to mismatch in its classic form.For example,if the word"purple"is written in green,it takes respondents longer time to identify the color than if the word and the color match. Similarly,the effect is observed when the physical size of the number does not match its number in this study.

"Restaurants are interested in encouraging customers to make healthier choices," Cai said.However,simply labeling the food as healthy may not have the intended effect. "Healthy food items could be profitable for restaurants,but whenever a ‘healthy' label is attached,people may assume it does not taste good,"she explained."We're trying to provide restaurants with indirect suggestions,rather than saying it out loud."

(1) What does the underlined word"discrepant "in paragraph 2 mean? A. Creative. B. Relative        . C. Conflicting. D. Misleading
(2) Which of the following type of customers would benefit most from the research? A. Strict diet followers. B. Convenience food fans. C. Homemade meal lovers. D. Health magazine readers.
(3) What is paragraph 5 mainly about? A. The significance of research results. B. The measurement of response delays. C. The psychological basis of the study design. D. The influential variations of the Stroop effect.
(4) Which of the following might be Cai's suggestion for restaurants? A. Use font magic to drive healthier choices. B. Pay more attention to the taste of the food. C. Create a quiet dining atmosphere for customers. D. Attach"healthy"labels to the food on the menu.
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Matt counted his new year gifts one more time as he tucked a robot-shaped eraser into each envelope. He prepared gifts for everyone for the next day's party.

When Matt got to school the next day, he saw a new girl in his classroom. She stood near Ms. Robins and looked around shyly. "This is Dorothy," said Ms. Robins. "Will someone volunteer to show her around today?" Matt raised his hand. He liked helping new kids feel welcome. "Thanks, Matt," Ms. Robins said. "Now let's get busy with our work so we're done in time for the party." That's when Matt realized he didn't have a gift for Dorothy. No one else would have one either. He felt a sad lump in his stomach.

As he showed Dorothy around, he was careful not to mention the party. At lunchtime, he walked Dorothy to the lunchroom, still worried about what would happen at the party. Dorothy had brought a packed lunch, so Matt showed her where she should sit and went back to his usual seat. While eating, Matt suddenly remembered that kids often included candy hearts with the new year gifts they exchanged. An idea popped into his head. He whispered it to the kids around him. Soon everyone at the table was nodding and whispering.

When they were back in the classroom after lunch, Matt told Ms. Robins about their plan. Ms. Robins agreed with a nodding smile. It was math time, so Matt invited Dorothy to study with him. He made sure Dorothy sat with her back to the room so she wouldn't notice her new classmates passing around an exquisite paper bag Ms. Robins prepared to collect their candy hearts.

Before long, it was party time. They played games and then had cookies and juice. Finally, they passed out their gifts. The room buzzed with happy chatter. Matt saw the sad look on Dorothy's face as she glanced at other kids' desks overflowing with envelopes.

"Here's your gift, Dorothy," Matt said, placing the paper bag in front of her. "It's from everyone."

Dorothy stared at the beautiful bag full of "hearts".

"We wanted you to have a special New Year's Day too," said Matt.

"Thank you," Dorothy said, smiling at her new classmates. "It really is a special day!"

(1) Why did Matt feel a sad lump in his stomach? A. He was guilty for forgetting about Dorothy. B. He was worried that Dorothy would be angry. C. He was afraid Dorothy wouldn't like the party. D. He was concerned that Dorothy would feel left out.
(2)  What does the underlined word "it" refer to in paragraph 3? A. Keeping the party a secret. B. Gathering candy hearts as a gift. C. Inviting Dorothy to study together. D. Including candy hearts in every gift.
(3)  Which of the following words best describes Matt? A. Innovative. B. Considerate. C. Modest. D. Generous.
(4) What's the best title for the text? A. A Hearty Welcome B. A New Year Tradition C. The First Day of School D. The Reward of Kindness
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3. 阅读理解

When my Dad visited me in London recently, I took him for a classic English afternoon tea at The Ritz Hotel. The thought of showing him a piece of authentic British life excited me for weeks, so when we finally sat down in the Ritz's elegant tearoom, with the sound of a pianist in the background, I was thrilled.

I looked at the polished silver tea stand topped with finely cut sandwiches, freshly baked scones (烤饼), and mouthwatering pastries and teacakes. I was ready to dig in. Then I looked at Dad and a trace of nervousness flashed across his face. He carefully copied what I at e and how to use the knife and fork, and from time to time anxiously looked up at the waiter in his bow tie who was serving our table.

When we got to the scones, Dad took a big bite and remarked how delicious it was. He asked me to explain how the British eat scones, so I supplied him with details about the custom of breaking scones into small pieces, spreading cream and strawberry jam on top, before consuming each piece in one mouthful.

"Oh, why did you not tell me earlier?" Dad's face turned red in embarrassment, suddenly realizing his mistake. For the rest of the scones session, he busied himself with neatly spreading the cream and jam like an obedient (听话的) child.

Suddenly, I felt a complex mixture of happiness, sadness and loneliness. Growing up, Dad was my hero, my mountain. I still remember flying into his arms after school at the kindergarten gate. Through the sound of his voice, I learned to feel and understand the world.

After moving to London alone, I have learned to achieve academic grades, found a job, and started a new life all by myself. But I did not fully realize how much I had grown up, until I saw how dependent Dad was on me in London. Although he is still a mountain in my heart, I realized I have in the meantime built a strong mountain of my own. And by being away from Dad's protective wings I have come to understand more of myself and to find my own place in the world.

(1) Why did the author take her father for a classic English afternoon tea? A. The food in the restaurant was delicious. B. She wanted her father to experience real British life. C. Her father was deeply attracted by the elegant tearoom. D. She intended to introduce an excellent pianist to her father.
(2) Which of the following best describe the author's father when eating scones? A. Disappointed and painful. B. Embarrassed and desperate. C. Nervous and cautious. D. Sorrowful and helpless.
(3) What did the author realize after the experience? A. She had a happy childhood. B. She had achieved a lot in academic area. C. Her father was not her mountain any more. D. She should be the person for her father to rely on.
(4) What can we learn from the passage? A. An eating experience changed a father. B. Eating with Dad spoiled our relationship. C. Dining environment was vital for a restaurant. D. Living alone abroad enhanced a person's independence.
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