
On November 18, 2021, the world's first self-driving, electric container ship made its first trip to Oslo, Norway. The ship's owners aim to cut pollution by moving large amounts of products by water on the southern coast of Norway instead of by truck.

The ship called Yara Birkeland is owned by Yara,a company that makes fertilizer (肥料). The company wanted to develop a zero-emissions (零排放) ship that was completely autonomous though it might cause financial troubles. Yara worked with a ship-building company called Vard and the technology company Kongsberg to develop the ship. Yara Birkeland is a container ship that can carry 120 large containers like those pulled by trucks. But the ship is fully electric and is powered by batteries.

Now, with Yara Birkeland moving huge amounts of fertilizer by water, the company expects to cut out 40,000 yearly trips by diesel (柴油)-powered trucks, which will prevent about 1 million kilograms of carbon emissions every year.

In the future, Yara Birkeland is expected to operate completely automatically. Yara plans to spend the next two years training and testing the ship. But, as with many autonomous cars, the ship will continue to have humans watching out from a base on land even once the ship is driving fully by itself, says Svein Tore Holsether, Yara's president.

Many predicaments are waiting for Yara Birkeland. It'll be moving in a narrow waterway called a fjord. It'll have to learn to handle the changing movements of water. It'll need to pass under two bridges and avoid all the other traffic on the busy fjord. Finally, it'll have to stop safely at the port in Brevik, one of the busiest ports in Norway. The company hopes that all of these will be settled in the near future.

(1) What led to the creation of Yara Birkeland? A. Yara's serious pollution. B. Yara's teamwork with others. C. Yara's financial difficulties. D. Yara's advanced technology.
(2) What is Yara's attitude to the full automation of Yara Birkeland? A. Skeptical. B. Unclear. C. Tolerant. D. Cautious.
(3) Which can replace the underlined word “predicaments” in the last paragraph? A. Chances. B. Messages. C. Challenges. D. Methods.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Electric, Self-Driving Container Ship Sets Off B. Container Ship Prevents Water Being Polluted C. New Ship Settles the Transportation Problem D. New Ship Is Beneficial to the Truck Drivers
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The "ice city" of Harbin in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province has captured widespread attention online due to its stunning ice sculptures, enchanting ice-snow world, and an artificial moon drawing in record numbers of tourists from across China. Visitors, despite enduring temperatures as low as-10℃, flock to experience the city's cultural traditions and festive atmosphere.

During the three-day New Year's Day holidays, Harbin saw over 3 million tourists, generating approximately 5.91 billion yuan ($832 million)in tourism revenue, setting a new record. The International Ice and Snow Festival marked the beginning of the peak winter tourism season, with videos of tourists enjoying themselves in Harbin going viral on social media platforms like Sina Weibo.

Harbin's tourism success is attributed not only to its unique attractions but also to the swift and thoughtful response of the local government and the warmth of its residents. Visitors are greeted with live performances at the airport, free transportation, and samples of local products, creating a welcome atmosphere. The city's tourism boom has drawn attention internationally, with media outlets highlighting Harbin as a model for successful tourism development. This success is seen as reflecting the region's rich cultural her it age and its commitment to providing high-quality services.

The surge in tourism has also had economic implications, driving up bookings for hospitality and entertainment services in neighboring cities like Qiqihar. Investors have shown enthusiasm, with stocks related to Northeast China's revitalization experiencing significant increases in value. The revitalization of Northeast China, including provinces like Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning, is seen as a key priority for the region's development. Efforts are underway to leverage the region's resources, industrial capabilities, and geographical advantages to inspire innovation and attract investment.

In 2023, Northeast China saw positive economic growth, with provinces like Jilin and Liaoning experiencing GDP increases. The region has also attracted foreign investment, with projects such as a major chemical venture in Liaoning and new energy vehicle initiatives in Jilin. The integrated development of tourism is viewed as a catalyst for broader economic growth in Northeast China, encouraging innovation, opening up new markets, and fostering talent retention. The region aims to embrace new opportunities, enhance its innovation capacity, and pursue sustainable development to achieve full revitalization.

As reflected in social media posts, the success of Harbin's tourism industry serves as a testament to the region's progress and determination, signaling a prosperous future for Northeast China's economic revival.

(1) Which word can best describe this round of tourism promotion of Harbin? A. All-involved. B. Nobody-cared. C. Partner-aided. D. Self-centered.
(2)  According to the passage, which one of the following is NOT a contributing factor behind the city's success in tourism this year? A. Enthusiastic citizens willing to be a part of it. B. Various support from local authorities. C. International news agencies working to promote the city's image. D. Generous gestures making tourists feel welcome.
(3) What can you learn from the passage? A. The stock relevant to Northeast revitalization always keeps steady. B. The development of tourism decides the growth of economy. C. The regions in Northeast China are promising in many aspects. D. Harbin has little economic influence on the surroundings.
(4) What's the best title of the passage? A. Tourism miracle. B. Chinese "Ice City". C. Tourist enthusiasm. D. Economic revival.
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In this age of social media, everyone has followed the review trend. Nearly every business or website persuades customers to leave reviews as they can drive traffic to the site or business. The online business directory Yelp, which gets 178 million monthly visitors, invites anyone with a cellphone to leave a review of a business or restaurant. But by no means are negative reviews always honest. Some people threaten to give a bad review to extort(敲诈) discounted or free food from a restaurant. Some then follow through when their demands are not met.

But there are two sides to every story. One Denver chef decided to respond to bad reviews at his restaurant. As it turned out, some customers who left bad review s deserved bad reviews themselves. One customer's terrible review claimed that the food at the restaurant was so awful that he didn't eat a single bite. The chef looked through the monitor and found clear evidence that he had eaten every bite! In response, the chef called out the dissatisfied customer in his own negative review. Since the chef started responding to all his negative reviews, business at his restaurant has nearly doubled.

Telling people what you think of them as the result of a bad review can backfire on you, especially when a bad review is justified. Reviews are important because 94 percent of diners read online review s before they decide where to eat.

But bad review s appear for many reasons. The reviewer may be having a bad day, or the chef may be sick and the substitute(代替者) couldn't fill his shoes, so the cuisine suffered. Or perhaps the service wasn't as good as usual. The worst-case scene is that the reviewer wants to punish the restaurant on purpose for some slight, real or imagined. So one or two bad reviews need to be taken with a grain of salt. Many negative reviews, however, indicate a problem.

So what is a restauranteur to do? First give an honest assessment of any negative reviews. Take a step back and ask if the writer has made any valid points. Are there areas for improvement? If the answer is yes, make adjustments. Reviewers themselves need to be honest and constructive. The goal should be to improve the situation, not just blow off steam.

(1) The author mentions Yelp in Paragraph 1 to ____. A. introduce the topic B. predict the ending C. evaluate an argument D. support a statement
(2) Regarding negative reviews to restaurants, the author is ____. A. positive B. objective C. negative D. doubtful
(3) What does the underlined word "valid" in Paragraph 5 most probably mean? A. Philosophical. B. Identical. C. Reasonable. D. Legal.
(4) Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Who to Be Responsible for Bad Reviews? B. When to Respond to Bad Reviews? C. How to Criticise Bad Reviews? D. What to Do with Bad Reviews?
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Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, and Johnny Depp are all successful movie stars. But remarkably, they have all described themselves as shy. Movie stars have to perform in front of many people, so it seems strange for famous actors to be shy. But, "The fact is, " says Roger Moore, "most actors are shy people. " Could there be a connection between acting and being shy?

Shy people frequently like to pretend to be someone else. This, of course, is the same thing actors do at their work. Acting coach John Harmon says, "The best actors are usually shy children. They play alone and pretend to be kings, queens, and their favorite animals. Over time, they learn to act in this way. " Shy people and actors may feel more comfortable in an imaginary world. As Nicole Kidman once said, "As a teenager, I was like, I hate who I am. I hate how I feel. 'Theater was a place where I could go and just be somebody else. " Kidman feels much better about herself and her acting ability now. But she still finds herself feeling shy. "I don't like walking into a crowded restaurant by myself, " she explains. And as strange as it seems, Kidman is not alone.

Many actors worry more about everyday conversation than performing. "I find it hard to talk to people, " says Daniel Radcliffe. Like many shy people, Radcliffe sometimes worries about what to say during a conversation. When acting, of course, this is not a problem. "Actors like acting because they know what to say; the words are already written for them, " says Harmon. "They feel in control and more comfortable. "

For many actors, acting is a way to overcome shyness. "I started acting when I was in college because I was shy and thought it would be a good way to break out of that, " says actor Catherine Bell. Like Bell, some actors get over their shyness after many years of acting. But for most actors, the shyness never completely goes away. "I'm still a little shy, " says Julia Roberts, "But now I'm not scared of a thing!"

(1) What do the underlined words "the same thing" in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. Overcoming one's shyness. B. Working with full heart. C. Pretending to be someone else. D. Improving one's ability gradually.
(2) What does the author mean by "Kidman is not alone"? A. Many actors prefer to be someone else. B. Many actors are not good at acting at first. C. Actors like Daniel Radcliffe are also very shy. D. Many actors feel pressed in daily communication.
(3) How does the author support his idea about the function of acting in Paragraph 4? A. By using proverbs. B. By analyzing reasons. C. By giving examples. D. By making comparisons.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title of the text? A. It's All an Act B. Why Actors Are Shy C. Getting over Shyness D. Realizing Your Dream
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