
In this age of social media, everyone has followed the review trend. Nearly every business or website persuades customers to leave reviews as they can drive traffic to the site or business. The online business directory Yelp, which gets 178 million monthly visitors, invites anyone with a cellphone to leave a review of a business or restaurant. But by no means are negative reviews always honest. Some people threaten to give a bad review to extort(敲诈) discounted or free food from a restaurant. Some then follow through when their demands are not met.

But there are two sides to every story. One Denver chef decided to respond to bad reviews at his restaurant. As it turned out, some customers who left bad review s deserved bad reviews themselves. One customer's terrible review claimed that the food at the restaurant was so awful that he didn't eat a single bite. The chef looked through the monitor and found clear evidence that he had eaten every bite! In response, the chef called out the dissatisfied customer in his own negative review. Since the chef started responding to all his negative reviews, business at his restaurant has nearly doubled.

Telling people what you think of them as the result of a bad review can backfire on you, especially when a bad review is justified. Reviews are important because 94 percent of diners read online review s before they decide where to eat.

But bad review s appear for many reasons. The reviewer may be having a bad day, or the chef may be sick and the substitute(代替者) couldn't fill his shoes, so the cuisine suffered. Or perhaps the service wasn't as good as usual. The worst-case scene is that the reviewer wants to punish the restaurant on purpose for some slight, real or imagined. So one or two bad reviews need to be taken with a grain of salt. Many negative reviews, however, indicate a problem.

So what is a restauranteur to do? First give an honest assessment of any negative reviews. Take a step back and ask if the writer has made any valid points. Are there areas for improvement? If the answer is yes, make adjustments. Reviewers themselves need to be honest and constructive. The goal should be to improve the situation, not just blow off steam.

(1) The author mentions Yelp in Paragraph 1 to ____. A. introduce the topic B. predict the ending C. evaluate an argument D. support a statement
(2) Regarding negative reviews to restaurants, the author is ____. A. positive B. objective C. negative D. doubtful
(3) What does the underlined word "valid" in Paragraph 5 most probably mean? A. Philosophical. B. Identical. C. Reasonable. D. Legal.
(4) Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Who to Be Responsible for Bad Reviews? B. When to Respond to Bad Reviews? C. How to Criticise Bad Reviews? D. What to Do with Bad Reviews?
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

I didn't go to Santiago, Chile to look for friendship. In fact, Chile was not even on my wish list.

A mid-life crisis woman, I got a chance to study abroad. I only wanted to learn about global business, taste South American cuisine, and check "study abroad" off my wish list.

On the fifth day, I joined a group for a neighborhood work project aided by the anti-poverty (扶贫) organization. Our tasks were to build a water tower and paint the community center. Upon arrival, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like a scene out of a horrible film. That moment redefined poverty for me because I had never seen such terrible living conditions. As advised, I showed no signs of the motional battle going on inside me.

Just as I was about to start work on painting, a request came through for a few volunteers to help Nadia, a local resident who volunteered to cook for us. I raised my hand to help because I wanted spend time with the people of the neighborhood despite my shortage of Spanish speaking skills.

Nadia had a sincere smile but not overly friendly. Even without speaking each other's language we started to learn about one another. We chatted about our children, our upbringing, shared picture of our family, struggled to instruct each other to communicate in the other's language, and laugh many times.

After we fed everybody and the dishes were washed, my day was over. But I found myself hesitant to leave. It was as if I had known her my entire life. I had not predicted the unselfishness heart I would encounter, and it was moving.

As we were waiting for the car to pick us up, Nadia showed me her plants that are well-maintains. I could see that despite the hard conditions she was passionate about life. She made me long to be stronger person. She showed me that poverty was external, but happiness was internal. I was seeking to give 100 percent for a well-intentioned cause, but I left receiving 200 percent from her.

(1) What was the author's initial purpose of going to Chile? A. To find new friends while traveling. B. To participate in an anti-poverty project. C. To fulfill the desire to study abroad. D. To gain a graduate certificate in business.
(2) What did the author do after seeing the living conditions in the neighborhood? A. She decided to relieve the poverty. B. She kept her emotions well hidden. C. She comforted the shocked volunteers. D. She refused to continue the present task.
(3) Why did the author volunteer to work with Nadia? A. She felt very sympathetic toward Nadia. B. She longed to interact with the local residents. C. She wanted to improve her Spanish speaking skills. D. She preferred cooking to painting the community center.
(4) What did the author learn from Nadia? A. True friends are never apart in heart. B. Happiness is defined by a positive attitude. C. Language is not a barrier to great connections. D. Unselfishness is putting others before ourselves.
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Can a small group of drones(无人机)guarantee the safety and reliability of railways and, at the same time, help railway operators save billions of euros each year? That is the very likely future of applying today's "eyes in the sky" technology to making sure that the millions of kilometres of rail tracks and infrastructure(基础设施)worldwide are safe for trains on a 24/7 basis.

Drones are already being used to examine high-tension electrical lines. They could do precisely the same thing to inspect railway lines and other vital aspects of rail infrastructure such as the correct position of railway tracks and switching points. The more regularly they can be inspected, the more railway safety, reliability and on-time performance will be improved. Costs would be cut and operations would be more efficient(高效)across the board.

That includes huge savings in maintenance costs and better protection of railway personnel safety. It is calculated that European railways alone spend approximately 20 billion euros a year on maintenance, including sending maintenance staff, often at night, to inspect and repair the rail infrastructure. That can be dangerous work that could be avoided with drones assisting the crews' efforts.

By using the latest technologies, drones could also start providing higher-value services for railways, detecting faults in the rail or switches, before they can cause any safety problems. To perform these tasks, drones for rail don't need to be flying overhead. Engineers are now working on a new concept: the rail drones of the future. They will be moving on the track ahead of the train, and programmed to run autonomously. Very small drones with advanced sensors and AI and travelling ahead of the train could guide it like a co-pilot. With their ability to see ahead, they could signal any problem, so that fast-moving trains would be able to react in time.

(1) What makes the application of drones to rail lines possible? A. The use of drones in checking on power lines. B. Drones' ability to work at high altitudes. C. The reduction of cost in designing drones. D. Drones' reliable performance in remote areas.
(2) What does "maintenance" underlined in paragraph 3 refer to? A. Personnel safety. B. Assistance from drones. C. Inspection and repair. D. Construction of infrastructure.
(3) What function is expected of the rail drones? A. To provide early warning. B. To make trains run automatically. C. To earn profits for the crews. D. To accelerate transportation.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. What Faults Can Be Detected with Drones B. How Production of Drones Can Be Expanded C. What Difficulty Drone Development Will Face D. How Drones Will Change the Future of Railways
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"Use up all leftovers." "Buy second-hand things instead of new ones". "Learn DIY to fix things yourself." "Invite friends over instead of going out." "Grow your own food." "Save rainwater for your garden." Nowadays, more and more people take action to save for life. Let's see what there people do in saving and how they enjoy doing so.

"To save money in college, I decided to do the no new clothes challenge last year. This meant I didn't buy new clothes for an entire year. It was a little embarrassing to rewear the same clothes to different parties and events, but it was worth it. After all, I saved all the money!"

—Eden from Mint Notion

"I copied a whole textbook. I didn't feel like buying a new one, so instead, I borrowed one from a classmate and copied the entire thing using the copy machine. It may or may not have taken a few hours but I saved $ 20. And for a college student who was broke, that was a lot!"

—Athena from Money Smart Latina

"Cat litter(猫砂)is something that can set me back a couple hundred dollars every day. However, by toilet-training my cat with a $ 20 toilet trainer, I'm able to save on the costs and avoid the trouble to change it. Plus it's always funny to see the cat on the toilet."

—Dustyn from Dime Will Tell

(1) Who gave up buying clothes to save money? A. Athena. B. Eden.    C. Dustyn. D. Smart Latina.
(2) How does Dustyn save for life? A. By walking his cat outside. B. By switching to cheap cat litter.      C. By teaching his cat to use the toilet. D. By reducing the amount of cat litter. 
(3) What do the three people have in common? A. They learn DIY to fix things. B. They received higher education. C. They're not in financial difficulties. D. They feel it worthwhile to save money.
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