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Applications for all undergraduate courses at Keele should be made online through UCAS.

UCAS stands for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. It is the charitable(慈善的) organization through which applications to universities in the UK are processed. By completing a UCAS application, you can apply for up to five courses at a single university or different institutions. You will be charged a small application fee.

●Your application should include:

●Your personal details and qualifications. Your course choices

●A personal statement

●A reference from a teacher, adviser or professional who knows you academically Keele UCAS Code

The UCAs code for Keele is K12.


15 October—Deadline for applications for Medicine and Veterinary Medicine courses is 15 October.

15 January—To guarantee" equal consideration" of your application you must submit your application to UCAS by 18:00(GMT) on 15 January. "Equal consideration" means your application will be reviewed in the same way as all other applications received by this deadline. However, for the majority of our courses, we welcome applications after this date, please see our A-ZUG listing for more details.

11 February—"UCAS Extra" opens.

30 June—Last date to apply to UCAS in the "Main Cycle". Applications submitted after this date will automatically be entered into Clearing.

Please also see UCAS Key Dates for more information.

(1) How should applicants apply for the courses at Keele? A. Through UCAS online. B. Through on-site registration. C. Through the live chat at weekends. D. Through the charitable foundation.
(2) What must be included in your application? A. A reference from UCAS. B. Your family insurances. C. Academic qualifications. D. Details of your adviser.
(3) By what time must most applications be submitted for equal treatment? A. 30 June. B. 15 January. C. 11 February. D. 15 October.
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Oriol Mas is a young Spanish man who loves Chinese martial arts, or more widely known as Chinese kung fu. Originally, he was in poor health, and accidentally came into contact with traditional Chinese kung fu, and learned to practice, which has much improved his physical state.

In addition to his own practice, Mas also teaches Chinese kung fu to Spanish youth. He said the martial arts has led him into Chinese philosophy, such as Taoism, and made him feel that China is a modern country that preserves its traditional culture.

Shaqliah said that Chinese kung fu not only gives the trainees strength, speed and felicity in controlling their bodies, helps them link their muscles with their minds, but also helps them to get rid of negative energy resulting from life stresses.

Five-year-old Hasifa Nakirijja is becoming well known in Uganda because of her amazing skills in kung fu. The person behind Nakirijja's skills is her father, Manisuru Ssejjemba, who in 2017 made a jourmey to the Shaolin Temple, thousands of kilometers away in China, to explore more of martial arts.

Ssejjemba set up a temporary training center behind his house where he trains youngsters to help promote the kung fu culture in Uganda.

Chinese kung fu highlights the harmonization between body and spirit and combines the inner and outer qualities. By bringing up a good temperament (气质) that fills one with energy and life force, and offering exercises to help lead a longer life, kung fu has long been considered as an effective way to maintain good health.

The core philosophy of kung fu is drawn from the Confucius principle of physical and mental blend mixed with neutralization; the Taoist principle of dynamic balance; the Buddhist principle of showing cultural join of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism in China.

(1) What is Mas' attitude towards China? A. Appreciative. B. Doubtful. C. Objective. D. Unclear.
(2) Which of the flowing is NOT the advantage of martial arts Shaqliah conveyed? A. It enhances physical fitness. B. It reduces routine pressure. C. It increases confidence. D. It strengthens mind-body connection.
(3) Why did Sejjemba go to Shaolin Temple? A. To visit his five-year-old son in China. B. To learn martial arts C. To make himself famous. D. To train youngsters.
(4) What does the core philosophy of kung fu consist of? A. Different Chinese traditional and religious cultures. B. Harmonization between body and spirit. C. Good temperament combined with physical force. D. Neutralism and Buddhist pessimism.
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A robot the size of a large bulldozer(推土机)moves along the bottom of the deep sea. It eats metallic.(含金属的)rock and soft mud. The stuff travels up a long pipe to a ship, where workers and machinery separate out the rock and throw the mud back into the ocean. This is a mining operation. The rock contains a mixture of metals, including ones called rare earth metals. People use these materials to make batteries and electronics like computers and phones.

Deep-sea mining hasn't happened yet. But it probably will occur within the next decade. No country owns any part of the deep sea. So an organization called the International Seabed Authority(ISA)decides who is allowed to mine there. The ISA has allowed 29 organizations to explore the deep sea and make plans for mining. One company plans to begin mining in the year 2027.

Scientists and environmentalists, though, warn that mining could destroy deep-sea ecosystem. In 1989, ecologist Hjalmar Thiel carried out a test. His team searched the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean, in a spot with lots of the metallic rocks that miners want. They didn't actually collect any of the rocks. But they disturbed the mud, just as a mining operation would. The plume(飘升之物)of mud fell back down over the ocean floor burying creatures living there. As of 2015, the area they disturbed had not recovered. Signs of the search are still there. Sponges(海绵动物), corals, and other animals have not moved back in. That means mining could have harmful, long-lasting consequences for deep ocean life. Scientists want to understand the deep sea better before disturbing it.

Leaving the deep sea alone sounds great, but people need those metals. "Mines on land are soon going to run out," geologist Steven Scott of the University of Toronto told Smithsonian Magazine, "Every electronic device in the world has rare earth metals in it…we need raw resources." New energy technologies including solar and wind power and electric cars, rely on these metals as well. We may need to mine them from the sea in order to switch to greener energy sources.

(1) Why is a deep-sea mining operation carried out? A. To test the function of the underwater robot. B. To separate the rock from the mud. C. To obtain rare earth metals. D. To study the elements of the deep-sea mud.
(2) What can we learn about ISA according to the passage? A. It possesses the ownership of the whole deep sea. B. It may help the deep-sea exploration carried out scientifically. C. It can make the deep-sea natural resources shared fairly. D. It works out mining plans for different countries.
(3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. People depend on rare earth metals for car production. B. We mustn't mine anything from the deep sea. C. Deep-sea resources will replace those on land. D. Rare earth metals help us develop green energy.
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Professional rock climber Emily Harrington has made history after successfully free climbing Yosemite National Park's El Capitan on 4 November 2020.

Harrington, 34, became the fourth person — and the first woman — to ever scale the 3,000-foot El Capitan without the help of a rope or other equipment. "The people before me who have achieved this are kind of like some of my heroes in rock climbing," she said, "so it feels pretty special to join that group."

But Harrington's climb was not without injury — at one point, she slid and was left with a serious wound on her forehead that required her to take a break. "I took a fall and I couldn't get my feet out and my head actually hit the wall," she recalled, "I got this wound on my forehead. I rested a little bit longer, bandaged (包扎) it up, and then tried again," Harrington said, adding that although she "kind of didn't really want to try again," she powered through because " I felt like I should try again."

After 21 hours and 13 minutes, Harrington scaled all of El Capitan, achieving a feat (壮举) she failed to finish twice last year. "That was my life dream. I achieved it," she said. 

Harrington said she's hopeful that her journey has inspired others. "I hope that as a result of my story more people will get to experience climbing, or at least try."

Harrington previously scaled Mt. Qomolangma, the tallest mountain in the world. As a former member of the USA climbing team, Harrington has competed in five U.S. sport climbing championships and two North American championships.

(1) What does the underlined word "scale" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Remove. B. Mount. C. Measure. D. Weigh.
(2) What does the writer want to impress on the readers in Paragraph 4? A. The risk of the climbing. B. Harrington's determination. C. The meaning of failure. D. Harrington's expert skills.
(3) What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Harrington's achievements. B. US sport climbing events. C. The climbing team's arrangements. D. The secret to Harrington's success.
(4) Where is this passage probably taken from? A. A travel journal. B. A story book. C. A news report. D. A science magazine.
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