1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

4 Popular Places to Go This Winter

Harbin, China

China Harbin's winter is for the brave ones—the average temperature is 1.8°F— but those who brave the cold will be rewarded with experiencing one of the world's largest winter festivals. 2021 marks the 37th Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival (January-March), when massive frozen structures rise and are lit up, transforming the city into a winter wonderland.

Lyon, France

Paris may be called The City of Light, but every December, light takes center stage in Lyon, France's third-largest city. That's when the annual Festival of Lights (around December 8) takes over, with light installations (装置) that transform the city's streetscapes into modern works of art. The city is also home to two Christmas markets (one in La Croix-Rousse; the other at the Place Carnot; through December 25).

Lima, Peru

Peru's capital Lima is home to the world's highest number of cooking schools per person. Aside from its delicate dining, the city also has great cocktail bars where you can taste classic or contemporary takes on the Pisco Sour. Combine that with the oceanfront setting and temperatures in the 80s, and you'll understand why Lima should no longer be ignored this winter.

Vermont, US

Winter in Vermont means skiing and snowboarding. Many resorts (度假胜地) have greatly upgraded their snowmaking abilities as part of a $15 million statewide program that replaced many outdated snow guns with new, low-energy models. These new machines will also improve the quality of snow surfaces and lengthen the season, meaning this will be one of the best winters for skiing and riding in Vermont in recent memory.

(1) What similarities do the first two places have? A. They are decorated with lights. B. They offer snow sculptures. C. They have three-day festivals. D. They are extremely cold.
(2) Which provides a good chance to buy a Christmas gift? A. Harbin. B. Lyon. C. Lima. D. Vermont.
(3) What's new to the resorts in Vermont? A. Skiing and snowboarding. B. A longer winter. C. Cooking schools. D. Updated equipment
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# 1 

Author: Leisa Sharpe

Price: $


Release: June, 13, 2023

How Does Chocolate Taste On Everest

This isn't your typical children's book nor is it a night-time read: it's an action-packed adventure around the world. Young adventurers will step into the footprints of the greatest explorers, using their senses as their guides.

This book immerses its young readers in life in the world's most fascinating habitats, countries and continents, as well as those on other planets.

# 2 

Author: Z kids

Price: $


Release: Sep, 25, 2023

The Ultimate Riddle Game For Kids

For readers between the ages of 9 and 12, this fun riddle book combines logic challenges, competitive contests and brain training.

The first section consists of short, snappy riddles. the maths section requires mental arithmetic (Mc), and for the stories section you will need to discover all the possible hidden meanings. But try not to cheat.

The book is much more rewarding as the sections get more challenging. When you begin to understand the best way to approach each riddle type, your confidence, resilience and score are likely to grow·

# 3 

Author: Kim Zachman

Price: $


Release: Dec, 15, 2023

There's No Cream In Cream Soda

The only drink humans need is water, but the beverage industry is growing larger every year. This book explores the history of the invention of drinks, beginning thousands of years ago, when humans first added natural flavorings to their water as it boiled over the fire.

Its humorous and conversational narrative means that you don't know what will come next. Ranging from core scientific processes to the unlikely origin stories of some sodas, this book is sure to have a story to fascinate every kid.

(1) The book How Does Chocolate Taste on Everest helps readers ____ A. enjoy night-reading time B. know origin stories of chocolate C. identify habitats of some animals D. explore places with sci1sm ag4 guides
(2) From the passage, we can learn that ____. A. the three books are available by October B. readers need calculation skills for Book # 2 C. Baok # 3 teaches readers how to make drinks D. Book # 1 has a price advantage over the others
(3) The passage is intended to ____ .

A . introduce some books on learning secrets  B. recommend some picture books to parents

A. introduce some books on learning secrets B. recommend some picture books to parents C. encourage readers to purchase these hooks D. share some tips on choosing suitable books
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Cycling is considered one of the most efficient ways to travel due to its small carbon footprint. Many people are happy to ride a bike in their everyday life. However, better infrastructure (基本设施) and a cultural shift are needed to ensure that more people will ride a bike. Bike kitchens are part of a worldwide movement that can help with such a challenge.

In bike kitchens, tools, used parts, and repair assistance are provided to their members. They donate bikes and have become spaces for social exchange. They also make efforts to improve basic infrastructure, which plays a key role in ensuring the safety and comfort of cyclists in areas such as the development of bike lanes and bike parking. But that alone is not enough. Building a cycling culture that is socially accepted to most, means having significant amounts of people developing skills of riding bikes.

Cycling has various benefits like promoting physical and mental health. More importantly, the infrastructure needed for bikes doesn't require a huge budget. Besides, bicycles are the most practical and sustainable means of travel for short and medium distance, and also for recreation and sport. Therefore, a cycling culture appears urgent and significant. For individuals in many developed countries, transport can be the largest part of their carbon footprint. Transport accounts for about one-fifth of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. For short or medium distances, bikes are one of the lowest-carbon ways to travel. Even more shockingly, using a bike instead of a car for short trips would reduce a person's travel emissions by 75 percent.

Bike kitchens in particular, extend the lifespan of bikes and their parts. They help build a community economy that prevents waste generation, since most parts are secondhand, fixed, or reused. Either through the supply of tools, parts, workshops, fixing sessions, or bikes for free, bike kitchens encourage a more sustainable way of traveling that makes cities friendlier, while strengthening community values.

(1) Which of the following can be done in bike kitchens? A. Exchanging bikes. B. Teaching others to ride bikes. C. Purchasing the new parts. D. Developing riding skills.
(2) What does the author want to stress in the text? A. Cycling is a sustainable way to travel. B. Transport is still a challenging problem. C. Everyone should have an eco-friendly travel. D. Bikes are also suitable for a long distance travel.
(3) What is the author's attitude towards bike kitchens according to the text? A. Critical. B. Doubtful. C. Positive. D. Grateful.
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. Bike kitchens reduce people's travel influences. B. Bike kitchens are helping boost cycling culture. C. Bike kitchens are gaining popularity in the world. D. Bike kitchens make cycling accessible to everyone.
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The University of Greenwich Tours

Take a tour of our campuses and find out from our students what it's like to live and study at the University of Greenwich (GU).

Greenwich Campus Tour

Greenwich is a world heritage (遗产) site, where our guides will take you from our brand-new Dreadnought building, through the antique Queen Anne and King William buildings. On the way, you will pass the recently redecorated Painted Hall as well as the Greenwich town center.

Avery Hill Campus Tour

Our Avery Hill Campus covers the Southwood site. This ancient Victorian site houses teaching and library facilities, student accommodation, the students' union and sports facilities. Our student guides will show you all the key characteristics of Southwood site, and also give you a tour of our Skills Labs.

Medway Campus Tour

Dating from 1903, the Medway Campus is located near Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent. Self-guided tours include the teaching and learning facilities as well as the impressive student accommodation. The campus features a mix of social and leisure facilities, including our Students' Union Hub, a restaurant in Pembroke building.

Maritime Campus Tour

Explore the historic Maritime Campus and discover its rich maritime history. Our knowledgeable guides will show you around the campus. The tour will include a visit to the beautifully restored Old Royal Naval College, where you can learn about its fascinating history and stunning architecture.

Are you looking forward to having a tour? Click here and book one now. Welcome!

(1) What do all the campuses of GU have in common? A. They have historic constructions. B. They offer guided campus tours. C. They possess top-class facilities. D. They supply accommodation visits.
(2) Which campus best suits students who enjoy an active social life? A. Greenwich Campus Tours. B. Avery Hill Campus Tour. C. Maritime Campus Tours. D. Medway Campus Tours.
(3) Where is the text probably taken from? A. A guidebook. B. A college website. C. A travel magazine. D. A newspaper.
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