
# 1 

Author: Leisa Sharpe

Price: $


Release: June, 13, 2023

How Does Chocolate Taste On Everest

This isn't your typical children's book nor is it a night-time read: it's an action-packed adventure around the world. Young adventurers will step into the footprints of the greatest explorers, using their senses as their guides.

This book immerses its young readers in life in the world's most fascinating habitats, countries and continents, as well as those on other planets.

# 2 

Author: Z kids

Price: $


Release: Sep, 25, 2023

The Ultimate Riddle Game For Kids

For readers between the ages of 9 and 12, this fun riddle book combines logic challenges, competitive contests and brain training.

The first section consists of short, snappy riddles. the maths section requires mental arithmetic (Mc), and for the stories section you will need to discover all the possible hidden meanings. But try not to cheat.

The book is much more rewarding as the sections get more challenging. When you begin to understand the best way to approach each riddle type, your confidence, resilience and score are likely to grow·

# 3 

Author: Kim Zachman

Price: $


Release: Dec, 15, 2023

There's No Cream In Cream Soda

The only drink humans need is water, but the beverage industry is growing larger every year. This book explores the history of the invention of drinks, beginning thousands of years ago, when humans first added natural flavorings to their water as it boiled over the fire.

Its humorous and conversational narrative means that you don't know what will come next. Ranging from core scientific processes to the unlikely origin stories of some sodas, this book is sure to have a story to fascinate every kid.

(1) The book How Does Chocolate Taste on Everest helps readers ____ A. enjoy night-reading time B. know origin stories of chocolate C. identify habitats of some animals D. explore places with sci1sm ag4 guides
(2) From the passage, we can learn that ____. A. the three books are available by October B. readers need calculation skills for Book # 2 C. Baok # 3 teaches readers how to make drinks D. Book # 1 has a price advantage over the others
(3) The passage is intended to ____ .

A . introduce some books on learning secrets  B. recommend some picture books to parents

A. introduce some books on learning secrets B. recommend some picture books to parents C. encourage readers to purchase these hooks D. share some tips on choosing suitable books
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Chinese tourists prefer hotels and restaurants that offer free Wi-Fi when traveling abroad. Most Chinese tourists instantly update their social networks using their mobile phones. They send photos and short videos to friends and family when traveling abroad.

About 10 percent of outbound (出境的) Chinese tourists get expensive marring charges (漫游费) by using 4G-powered smart phones. About 90 percent of Chinese travelers consider free Wi-Fi indispensable when traveling abroad. They often use phone apps to create travel routes and book hotels, which requires large data flows that can be expensive without Wi-Fi.

But free Wi-Fi is not always available, even in regions with advanced telecommunications, such as the United States and Europe. Portable Wi-Fi costs 15~50 yuan a day, depending on the country. It's cheaper in South Korea, Japan and Thailand. The Wi-Fi services increase rapidly thanks to reasonable pricing and smooth surfing.

More than 100 million Chinese went abroad last year, and the10 percent who used Wi-Fi services spent an average of 150 yuan, and it's expected to grow largely. But the travel agencies business may become out of date in five to eight years, because more locations are offering free Wi-Fi. In the meantime, it is reported that more for-profit models should be introduced and offer more services for outbound travelers in the future.

(1) Why do Chinese travelers prefer hotels and restaurants with free Wi-Fi when traveling abroad? A. They'd like to share what they have seen with their friends and-family. B. They are fond of using phone apps to create their travel routes. C. They prefer to experience the Wi-Fi service in different countries. D. They want to have their phones updated.
(2) What does the underlined word "indispensable" mean in Paragraph 2? A. Amazing. B. Useless.    C. Expensive. D. Necessary.
(3) What can be inferred from the third paragraph? A. Travel websites will stop offering free Wi-Fi services to travelers. B. The Wi-Fi costs less when traveling in some Asian countries than in European countries. C. Travel website Tuniu intended to compete with Ctrip and launched its Wi-Fi phone service. D. The demand for Wi-Fi transmitters is growing in pace with 4G-smart phones.
(4) What can be expected of the Wi-Fi service offered by some travel agencies? A. It will be useless when for-profit models are introduced. B. It will grow in the future but will be outdated in a couple of years. C. It will be used by more than 100 million Chinese next year. D. It will offer more non-profit services for outbound travelers.
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My height embarrassed me! One of the greatest lessons my dad taught me was to beat the jokers to the punch. If I am going to be a punchline(笑柄), I'd rather be the author of the joke.

There was a lot of name-calling. Some cruel, some not. I have blocked out much of the cruel In junior high, a well-meaning acquaintance called me Stretch. In university, I was Shortly brought on myself when a friend said,"I'll see you shortly,"to which I replied,"Sounds good, and don't call me Shortly.

Jokes and nicknames aside, there were some real challenges as a short person. Studies have shown short men tend to make less money on average. This is why I hated in-person job interviews.I always feared my height would cost me an opportunity. I always felt judged, real or not.

As I get older, and obviously wiser, it doesn't get to me as much. There are some benefits of being short. I find airplane seats spacious. I am good at hide and seek. I rarely bump my head.Would I still want to be taller? Of course. But I wouldn't be me. I am me because I'm short. And Ilike who I am.

It's such a part of me that I cheer on fellow short people. Lionel Messi is the greatest soccer player of all time (and even he gets mocked) Bruno Mars may be the original short king. Small victories.

I don't remember when I became okay with being short. But at some point, like I have done my entire life, things started looking up.

(1) What did the writer's father advise him to do to, deal with height-related jokes? A. Ignore them and stay silent. B. Joke first to manage situations. C. Respond with calm and peace. D. Seek help from family and friends.
(2) Why did the writer dislike in-person job interview s before? A. He thought they'd waste too much time. B. He used to avoid the real challenges. C. He minded other interviewees' comments. D. He worried about being judged by his height.
(3) How does the writer like his height now? A. He accepts it readily. B. It has made him smart. C. It still poses challenges. D. He thinks he's tall enough.
(4) Why are Lionel Messi and Bruno Mars mentioned in paragraph 5? A. To convey admiration for their achievements. B. To show how short people handle their height. C. To demonstrate short people can achieve success. D. To introduce challenges short people may face.
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As a child, Fischer loved going to the beach and riding bikes along the coastline with his father, Karl Fischer. So when he lost his dad to pancreatic cancer, he turned to the healing power of the ocean.

At the start of this year, Fischer wrote his father's name on his surfboard and took it out to sea in Newport, Rhode Island. His father's name shone in the sun on what felt like a shared adventure. Inspired, Fischer made a video and posted it on social media the same day." If you love the ocean, or you know someone who loves the ocean, or maybe you lost someone who just loved being outdoors... you can comment on this video with their name and a bit of their story, and I'll put their name on my board here, just like I've done with my father's name," he said in the video." And I'll take them out in the ocean for you."

Names poured in from thousands of strangers grieving (为....悲伤) the loss of loved ones. And with that, the One Last Wave Project was born, the aim of which was to exchange stories with a community of people going through the same pain. They were essentially healing together. About two months later, Fischer had received over 5,000 names and written most of them on two surfboards. The first two surfboards ran out of space一he's working on getting more. He wrote the names in neat letters on the surfboard and put a clear acrylic (丙烯酸) coat over them so they didn't wash off.

Though a lot of people have been struggling with grief in the pandemic, Fischer was amazed by the responses that have poured in." If I am able to help one person or one person shares their name, that is enough for me," he said." But I am blown away--by not just the number of people sharing, but the depth of stories and love that they are sharing." And he plans to take his project around the world and connect with even more people一through shared grief and the power of the ocean.

(1) How did Fischer share his idea with others? A. By giving a live broadcast online. B. By posting a video on the Internet. C. By going to the beach with his father. D. By writing his father's name on the surfboard.
(2) Why did Fischer start the One Last Wave Project? A. To memorize his father. B. To attract public attention. C. To face the pandemic bravely. D. To help people out of sadness.
(3) What does Fischer intend to do next? A. Share his experience at sea. B. Extend the project worldwide. C. Connect to more social media. D. Sail around the world with strangers.
(4) What can we learn from the story? A. Actions speak louder than words. B. He who laughs last laughs best. C. A good beginning makes a good ending. D. Sharing can help heal the pain.
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