When facing the task of deciding your major, you should remember that the decision you make doesn't mean you are only destined for one path.
●Do I have a career in mind?
Although your major does not necessarily dictate your career, some jobs do require a certain field of study. If you have your future career in mind, do your research and find out the education requirements. If you are at a loss with what you want to do, go ahead and research different career fields. A certain job might pique your interest, and that could prompt you to pick a certain major.
●How much does money matter?
Some majors do have higher potential earnings than others. If earning a lot of money is a primary goal for you, search for majors that pay off well. Feel free to reach out to the Career Center for more information on higher-earning majors and careers.
●What do I love to do?
If you love what you study, you will be more likely to pay full attention to your classes. which will probably lead to better grades and valuable connections in the field. Also you will find your college years more fulfilling if you cultivate your passion!
●Explore different courses!
Don't take random free electives just to meet the credit requirement for graduation. Explore different subjects! By branching out of what you know, you may discover an unexpected aptitude for sport management, or realize that you love psychology! Maybe an elective course could lead you to your major.
●Meet with a CDC staff member!
Your Career Development Center (CDC) is eager to help you! Meet with a peer Career Ambassador to talk about your career goals and the options for you. Also consider scheduling an appointment with a professional staff member to discuss potential career paths, internships (实习), and more!
●Utilize the CDC's online resources!
CDC offers many online resources for self-assessment and career search. We make recommendations for majors and careers based on your answers! See page 6 for more details of what we have to offer!