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Traditionally, profiting from forests often meant capitalizing on timber (木材)——choosing commercial timber. Yet increasingly, there is an understanding that it's of greater significance to keep trees standing than cut them down for financial profit. Money is not everything. We have to recognize real and lasting value is from natural resources. But money is a fact of life.

Good news is that we can expect entire natural woodland is left undamaged and still provides a revenue (收益) stream. Leaving woodland complete does not necessarily mean that we do not touch it at all. Conservation work may involve building back biodiversity or the removal of foreign plant species.

A healthy woodland system can provide a range of yields (产物). Besides eatable yields-top fruit, berries, and food crops, it produces substances for chemical use. The non-timber forest products provided by natural ecosystems will vary significantly depending on where they are. But there're almost always ways to explore to acquire revenue.

A project in the U.K. shows woodland is also a draw for visitors. It engages a community who creates a sustainable area of woodland. The sale of handmade wooden items and non-timber forest products is involved. But the community largely obtains revenue by opening up parts of the natural woodland to the public with an adventure playground and outdoor recreational activities on the site. It also offers courses on nest building, special wildlife events and more. The project is thought to have great uniqueness. In terms of revenue, it centers round the existing natural land; the yields woodland can provide become side products.

Recreational activities, tours, and classes are just the commencement. A rich and biodiverse woodland can be an ecosystem that draws in people looking for a beautiful place to stay. Woodland has great value in ecological and social terms. And when you nurse it, it could also add to the income from your land.

(1) What do people increasingly think about forest conservation? A. It is difficult to carry out. B. It means making full use of timber. C. It outweighs financial development. D. It should centre on building back biodiversity.
(2) Why is the project considered unique? A. It makes woodland itself the main product. B. It focuses on protecting natural land. C. It aims to promote ecotourism. D. It provides educational experiences.
(3) What does the underlined word "commencement" mean in the last paragraph? A. Intention. B. Wish. C. Exception. D. Beginning.
(4) Which is a suitable title for the text? A. Woodland Brings Profit While Staying Complete B. A Project Creates Sustainable Woodland C. Forest Conservation Has Been a Top Priority D. Non-timber Products Help Gain More Revenue
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A visit to the"Big Smoke "wouldn't be complete without seeing some of the famous London land marks. These destinations are what make London the world-class city and tourist attraction that it is!

Big Ben

When you think of London, undoubtedly you will associate it with an image of this famous clock tower located alongside the Houses of Parliament as it majestically overlooks the River Thames. With construction completed in 1859, the famous four-faced clock has been accurately keeping time for over 150 years. Today, its iconic architecture is firmly rooted in most people's vision of London.

Tower of London

Despite there being some beautiful castles near London, the Tower of London is the only castle actually within central London. This historical monument has served many different purposes from awar shelter to a prison, a royal mint(铸币厂),and even a zoo! Since the 1600s,the Tower has also been home to the royal family's most precious possessions.

St.Paul's Cathedral

St.Paul's Cathedral is an architectural masterpiece and one of London's most iconic buildings. Take a walk around this spectacular church and you'll be amazed by its grandeur and impressive exterior. However, it is also well worth visiting inside to discover the resting places of several notable people, including Sir Christopher Wren, Admiral Nelson, and The Duke of Wellington. Besides, once inside this massive building, you can take hundreds of steps to reach the top of the dome and enjoy the full view of London.

(1) What can be learned about Big Ben? A. It hasn't kept time for so long. B. It is located by the River Thames. C. It is the oldest building in London. D. It houses many precious possessions.
(2) What did the Tower of London function as in history? A. An art gallery. B. A royal theater. C. A castle garden. D. A military building.
(3) Which of the following is a burial site for many celebrities? A. Big Ben. B. St.Paul's Cathedral. C. The Tower of London. D. The Houses of Parliament.
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Thunderstorms often show up uninvited to Carnival (狂欢节) in Brazil. This year's attempt to influence the skies took place in Sao Pablo by a party's official sponsor, Skoal, a Brazilian beer brand. "The fun stops when it rains," says Pedro Ada my, Skoal's marketing director. So do beer sales.

An airplane painted with Skoal's logo sprayed (喷洒) water droplets into clouds to make rain fall before the clouds reached the city. According to its YouTube video that has been viewed 12 million times, it is a "mission worthy of science fiction".

Whether it's science or fiction is up for debate. The use of cloud-seeding to increase rainfall dates back to the 1940s. But the United States government stopped funding it in the 1980s due to a lack of" scientific proof of the effectiveness of intentional weather change", according to the National Research Council. A new paper based on experiments in Idaho found that seeding clouds with silver iodide increased snowfall on three occasions, but the authors say that more research is needed to find out if it can reliably promote precipitation (降水), Pablo Tartar, a Brazilian physicist, says flatly that cloud-seeding is "useless".

Still, governments and firms in many countries use the technology. Sao Pablo's water company has signed million dollar contracts with ModClima to bring rain, most recently during a drought in 2014-15. Although cloud-seeding normally uses a chemical such as silver iodide to provide a surface around which water or ice droplets form, ModClima says it has invented an "experimental" method that uses water alone.

Carnival-goers cheered when the first two days were cloudy but dry. Many shared Skol's video. But at around 5pm on February 24th, the sky darkened and rain poured down. Celebrants at one block party left the Skol stands and rushed to buy umbrellas and plastic rain capes.

(1) Why did Skol support cloud-seeding? A. To increase rainfall. B. To promote its beer sales. C. To provide evidence for a research. D. To highlight the theme of the Carnival.
(2) Which is Artaxo's attitude toward cloud-seeding? A. Objective. B. Doubtful. C. Conservative. D. Negative.
(3) Why was the US government no longer in favor of cloud-seeding? A. Its outcome couldn't be proved. B. It worked in limited situations. C. It needed more field researches. D. It used an un-ecofriendly chemical.
(4) What is the best title of the text? A. Could rain ruin fun? B. How do we change weather? C. Could we rely on intentional rain? D. How do we avoid cloud-seeding pollution?
阅读理解 模拟题 普通

Do you want to level up your mask-wearing while also looking like you're about to battle with Batman? This is life-wearing Razer Zephyr, a wearable air purifier. A version of Razer's latest appliance made waves in January during the Consumer Electronics Show.

It's no surprise that tech companies are considering a leap beyond the cloth and surgical masks that have come to define the COVID-19 pandemic. It has a hard shell with two belts to fit onto your head. There are two air exchange chambers (腔) on the front, featuring double circulating fans to help circulate cool air. The chambers feature N95 filters providing two-way protection for yourself and those around you. It's also transparent with inside lights and an anti-fog coating to help solve one of the key issues with mask-wearing: watching mouths move when you speak.

Good as the mask appears, will it protect you from COVID-19? According to Razer, the mask is registered with the Food and Drug Administration and lab tested for 99% BFE, or Bacterial Filtraion Efficiency, a measure of how well it filters out bacteria. "It is not tested specifically against the COVID-19 virus, but offers the same functionality and adequate protection due to its 99% BFE rating," Razer's website says.

There's also the financial cost to consider. The mask itself is $ 99, and Razer sells a pack of 10 sets of N95 filters for $30. By comparison, a quick search for surgical masks on Amazon turned up a box of 50 masks for between $11—$14.

"I've tried out the $99 Zephyr for roughly a week now. Wearing the Zephyr feels comfortable. The adjustable head straps (带) allow for the ideal fit. Above all, it feels breathable thanks to the air circulating through its fans." one commented on Amazon.

(1) Why is the Zephyr made transparent? A. To fix lights inside. B. To circulate cool air. C. To test the anti-fog coating. D. To expose mouth movement.
(2) What can be inferred from the third paragraph about the Zephyr? A. It's officially approved. B. It's highly rated by consumers. C. It's specially designed against COVID-19. D. It's adequately protective against all viruses.
(3) What probably appeal(s) to the buyer most according to the comment? A. Its adjustable fans. B. Its air circulating system. C. Its comfortable head straps. D. Its high but reasonable price.
(4) What is the main idea of the passage? A. An innovative mask makes a hit. B. Surgical masks are being improved. C. Wearable technology changes our life. D. A new treatment for COVID-19 is on the way.
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