
A visit to the"Big Smoke "wouldn't be complete without seeing some of the famous London land marks. These destinations are what make London the world-class city and tourist attraction that it is!

Big Ben

When you think of London, undoubtedly you will associate it with an image of this famous clock tower located alongside the Houses of Parliament as it majestically overlooks the River Thames. With construction completed in 1859, the famous four-faced clock has been accurately keeping time for over 150 years. Today, its iconic architecture is firmly rooted in most people's vision of London.

Tower of London

Despite there being some beautiful castles near London, the Tower of London is the only castle actually within central London. This historical monument has served many different purposes from awar shelter to a prison, a royal mint(铸币厂),and even a zoo! Since the 1600s,the Tower has also been home to the royal family's most precious possessions.

St.Paul's Cathedral

St.Paul's Cathedral is an architectural masterpiece and one of London's most iconic buildings. Take a walk around this spectacular church and you'll be amazed by its grandeur and impressive exterior. However, it is also well worth visiting inside to discover the resting places of several notable people, including Sir Christopher Wren, Admiral Nelson, and The Duke of Wellington. Besides, once inside this massive building, you can take hundreds of steps to reach the top of the dome and enjoy the full view of London.

(1) What can be learned about Big Ben? A. It hasn't kept time for so long. B. It is located by the River Thames. C. It is the oldest building in London. D. It houses many precious possessions.
(2) What did the Tower of London function as in history? A. An art gallery. B. A royal theater. C. A castle garden. D. A military building.
(3) Which of the following is a burial site for many celebrities? A. Big Ben. B. St.Paul's Cathedral. C. The Tower of London. D. The Houses of Parliament.
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Frustrated by an increase in wild boar(野猪) attacks, officials in Hong Kong used bread to attract and trap some of the animals in a district close to the city Press reported. Wild boars can be seen frequently along Hong Kong fuse to obey orders from authorities to stop feeding them because they can gather in large groups and pass along diseases. Attacks by wild boars have also become an increasingly common issue. In an attack last week, a wild boar knocked down a police officer and bit his leg last week before the animal fell from a residential car park and died.

Government data indicates that there are roughly 3,000 wild boars in Hong Kong. They are not a protected species. Though Hong Kong authorities have attempted to naturally cut down the boar population, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said it " could not effectively control the wild pig disturbance." "A large group of wild pigs continued to wander and gather at the site, posing threats to members of the public and road users," a statement from the department read.

Since the attack on the police officer, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has cautioned that the city could impose more severe punishment against people who continue to feed the boars. "I understand that a lot of Hong Kong people love the wetlands and nature. However, we also need to protect public safety.We can't simply sit on our hands while things worsen," she added.

Philanthropic group ADM Capital Foundation, the Hong Kong Veterinary Association and other animal rights organizations have since sent an open letter to the government criticizing its shift in policy to kill the boars. A request by groups including Hong Kong Animal Post and Hong Kong Wild Boar Concern Group said that the measures announced by the agriculture department to regularly capture and put down wild boars "ignore their right to live. This approach is extremely unreasonable and contradicts previous animal management policy principles."

Hong Kong needs legislative reform to deal with the current gaps in existing laws, so that wildlife feeding is an illegal activity, punishment is severe and can be enforced effectively.

(1) What do you know about the wild boars in Hong Kong? A. They do not hurt human beings unless they are attacked. B. They are endangered species with a very small population. C. If gathering in groups it is easy for them to spread diseases. D. They are seen frequently close to the city's financial center.
(2) What does the underlined phrase "sit on our hands" mean in paragraph 3? A. Keep cautious. B. See before acting. C. Take immediate actions. D. Look on indifferently.
(3) What is the attitude of some animal rights organizations towards killing the boars? A. Neutral. B. Worried C. Favorable. D. Disapproval.
(4) What may be the most reasonable measure to take based on the whole text? A. Making severe laws to ban wildlife feeding. B. Naturally cutting down the boar population. C. Regularly capturing and putting down wild boars. D. Calling on citizens to keep distance from wild boars.
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The Tour de France is a very difficult bike race. It lasts over three weeks and covers 3,351 kilometers. Every day,the riders finish a different part of the race,called a “stage”. Every stage can have a different winner, and each day, the total time is added up. The person who is leading wears a yellow shirt to show that they are winning. But there're no women in the Tour de France, only men. From 1984 to 2009, there was a women's Tour de France. But over time,the event grew smaller and less challenging. In 2009, it ended completely.

The Tour de France is organized by Amaury Sport Organization (ASO). In 2014, ASO began holding a shorter one or two-day race for women called La Course. But it is by no means a long and challenging race with many stages.

To call attention to the need for a women's Tour de France, a French cycling club has taken on an unusual project called “J-1”. As part of J-1,since 2015, a group of women has been riding the exact same course as the men's Tour de France, just one day earlier.

Women won't have to take part in the J-l project in 2022 because ASO has announced that in July of 2022, they'll be holding the Tour de France Femmes (TDFF) —a Tour de France for women.

It'll be an eight-day race with many stages,which will kick off as soon as the men's Tour de France comes to an end. That's likely to help attract viewers. In the past,the women's race was held just before or during the men's race. Now, all the people who have finished watching the men's race and are still looking for some racing excitement will have a chance to tune in for the women's race.

Christian Prudhomme, who organizes the Tour de France says that earlier versions of the women's Tour de France lost money. This time, they are hoping to set the race up in a way that it'll make money, allowing the event to continue.

(1) What does the first paragraph mainly tell us? A. Why the Tour de France is held. B. What the men's Tour de France is. C. How men mark the Tour de France. D. How women lost the Tour de France.
(2) What can we say about La Course? A. It ended in 2019. B. It sponsors ASO. C. It replaces the TDFF. D. It is not competitive.
(3) What can be inferred about J-1? A. It has reached its initial purpose. B. It supports the men's Tour de France. C. It's as famous as the Tour de France. D. It's one stage of La Course since 2015.
(4) In what way is the TDFF different from the original ones? A. It'll need more viewers. B. It'll continue longer. C. It will start later. D. It will cost more.
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First, all participants found it quite easy to link colors and emotions. This was particularly true for colors like red, black, or yellow. Other colors, like brown and purple, received fewer associations. We found that colour-emotion associations were not one-to-one, but many-to-many.

Participants did not select one emotion for a colour, but often chose several emotions. In turn, different colors were linked to the same emotion, like pleasure, which was associated with red but also yellow, orange, pink, and purple.

What you can also see is that most colors were associated with positive emotions. Only brown, Grey, and black-that is, darker colors-were associated with negative emotions. Red was the most controversial colour. For some, it was a very positive colour-the colour of passion, love, and desire. For others, it was a negative colour-the colour of danger, anger, and hate. For even others, it was both positive and negative. What connects all these emotions and ideas is the fact that red is activating and strong.

Second, we found few cultural differences. In other words, many colour-emotion associations seemed universal. Most participants agreed that pink was associated with love and pleasure, yellow with joy and amusement, or that black was the saddest colour.

Third, if you are interested in cultural differences, we found some specialties too. For example, in addition to the universal associations of love and anger with red, Chinese participants also associated joy and amusement, while Nigerian participants additionally associated fear with red. Another example is the association between purple and sadness that only Greek participants chose. For others, purple was generally a positive colour with very little agreement on the exact emotions associated with purple.

Fourth, participants whose languages were more similar to each other also had more similar associations. To arrive at this finding, we estimated the degree of linguistic(语言的)similarity between two languages, which shows how related or unrelated they are. And then, languages from different language families, like English and Chinese, would have the lowest similarity scores.

(1) Which colour is most likely to cause controversy? A. Black. B. Red. C. Yellow. D. Brown.
(2) What is pink associated with according to most participants? A. Love and pleasure. B. Joy and amusement. C. Anger and sadness. D. Fear and disappointment.
(3) Which group of people associate purple with sadness? A. Chinese participants. B. Nigerian participants. C. Greek participants. D. English participants.
(4) What's the best title of the text? A. The Deep Meaning of Colours B. The Link Between Colours and Emotions C. Cultural Differences in Different Countries D. Linguistic Similarity Between Two Languages
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