1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Jameson Lobb, a 24-year-old investment banker from Toronto, was just one week into his new job on Wall Street. Over the past month, he'd been settling in to the New York City apartment he was sharing with his college buddy, an artificial intelligence engineer named Raphael Jafri.

Now, on Oct. 4, 2021, the two were squeezing in a lunchtime workout on Pier(码头) 15. overlooking the East River, when Lobb froze. "Somebody's in the water," he said. Before Jafri could respond, Lobb climbed over the rail at the edge of the pier and leaped into the cold, polluted water without taking the time to remove his shoes.

Jafri didn't need to see the victim. Maybe Lobb saw someone in the water who needs our help, he thought. Or maybe it's Lobb who needs my help. Either way, I'm going in. He took off his shoes and swan-dived.

Approaching the unconscious victim, Lobb saw that it was a middle-aged man. When at last they reached Pier 15, they faced a new uncertainty. How-to get out? On the pier, a crowd had gathered. From somewhere, the onlookers produced a rope and a life preserver(救生圈), which they threw to Jafri and Lobb. With the two men pushing from below and the crowd pulling from above, the man's dangling body slowly rose until helping hands pulled him onto the pier.

From the metal beam 梁), Lobb climbed up onto the pier, but Jafri remained in the water a few minutes more, until he was rescued by the Coast Guard. Both men, Jafn in particular, thoroughly exhausted from 15-plus minutes in the water and bleeding from numerous barnacle cuts, watched as rescue workers loaded the nearly drowned man into an ambulance and drove away.

In place of that knowledge, they have a story they get to tell now, another experience that has further enhanced their bond. Lots of people were on the piers that day, yet only the two of them jumped in the water — because, they say, they were the fittest people there and, so, had a moral responsibility.

"If I know I'm capable," Lobb says, "why wouldn't I help?" Jafri adds, laughing, "Peoplealways say‘If your friend jumps off a cliff, are you jumping?' I think I answered that one."

(1) Which of following best describe Jameson Lobb as a passer-by? A. Smart and thoughtful. B. Caring and fearless. C. Kind and experienced. D. Devoted and brave.
(2) What is the fourth paragraph mainly about? A. The knowledge about first aid. B. The way to rescue the drowned. C. The process of saving a stranger. D. The value of people's pulling together.
(3) Why was Jafri left alone in the water after the rescue? A. He meant to gain Coast Guard's help. B. He was found unconscious and bleeding. C. He failed to climb up onto the pier. D. He was in worse condition.
(4) What does the author intend to convey in the text? A. Unsung heroes deserve our respect. B. Danger is next neighbour to security. C. Timely rescue always comes first. D. A friend in need is a friend in deed.
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Students at the Calhoun School in New York City have much more than a roof over their heads. They have a rooftop garden, with lush grass, colorful flowers and fragrant herbs. "Green roofs" are sprouting up all over, from schools to city skyscrapers. And roofs aren't the only things going green. Architects are finding all sorts of new ways to build buildings that are easier on the environment. These schools, homes, and offices are called "green buildings".

Normally it takes a lot of energy to run appliances. Too often, that energy comes from burning fossil fuels. So green buildings are designed to do all these things with much less energy. An energy-smart building starts with thick walls. A layer of insulation (隔热材料) traps air to stop heat from passing through. That keeps heat inside in the winter, and keeps heat outside in the summer. This saves energy for heating and cooling.

Heat pumps are another power-saving way to stay comfortable. A ground heat pump moves heat through pipes that run through the ground next to the building. A few feet under the ground, the temperature stays around 10℃ all year round. Water flowing around the pipes helps heat the building in winter and cool it in summer.

Another way to build green is to use recycled materials. That saves the cost and pollution of manufacturing something new. In the Chicago Center for Green Technology, the ceiling tiles (瓷砖) are made of pressed newspaper. The bathroom floors are tiled with recycled glass, and the stall walls are recycled plastic. Builders have found many creative ways to re-use old materials.

As more people become concerned about climate change, more buildings are going green. Green buildings produce less of the gases that warm the planet. City planners like green buildings because they save money. And they are healthier for the people who work and live inside. But you don't need to build a whole new building. Simple changes like shading windows and planting trees can make any home greener—and a better Earth home for us all.

(1) How are green buildings designed to keep warm in the winter? A. By-burning fossil fuels. B. By using thick walls with insulators. C. By running heating devices. D. By equipping buildings with appliances.
(2) According to the passage, the advantages of green buildings include the following EXCEPT____. A. saving water B. using recycled materials C. using less energy D. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
(3) In which section of a magazine can we read the text? A. Education. B. Culture. C. Economy. D. Technology.
(4) Which of the following might be the best title for the text? A. Recycling: to make a better earth for us all B. Heat Pumps: a new approach to saving energy C. Green Roofs: more than a roof over our heads D. Building Green: to hug the earth more kindly
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For centuries, scholars have been trying to understand why the Industrial Revolution occurred in Britain around 1750. By studying why similar parts of Britain industrialized at different rates, recent studies show that three factors played the key role: wealth from slave(奴隶) trade, businessmen who stood to benefit from investing, and shortages of lower-skilled workers.

Stephan Heblich and Hans-Joachim Voth analyzed the impact of wealth available from slave trade. They found that riches from slave trade in the Americas flowed mainly to a few cities, such as Liverpool. By the 1830s, these regions had larger numbers of factories and bigger shares of workers employed in various industries.

Investors also needed incentives to industrialize. In early modern Britain, farms were usually very small and most tenant farmers(佃农) just paid fixed rents. Such realities could not encourage landowners to invest in more advanced agricultural machines.

An exception was the churches' land, where such limitations were gone. Between 1536 and 1540, the churches were broken up and their land was sold by Henry VIII. The buyers could farm or rent it on market terms.

A study by James Robinson and Sebastian Vollmer confirmed that areas once owned by the churches were always the pioneers of industrialization. By the 1830s, they had unusually large numbers of workers in different trades, agricultural-machine patents, cotton and grain processing factories. The authors said that these market-based farms encouraged technological advances.

Another factor that has gained support was labour shortages. Bruno Caprettini and Alex Trew studied Britain's wars with France between 1793 and 1815, which led to sharp shortages of lower-skilled farmers and workers. They found that adoption of machines was the greatest in the areas that provided the most servicemen.

The strength of evidence for each of these causes implies that industrialization probably requires a complex mix of conditions. Many important variables are hard to test statistically. But measuring even a few is a promising advance.

(1) What did Stephan Heblich and Hans-Joachim Voth's study focus on? A. The cruelty of slave trade in Britain. B. The impact of riches from slave trade. C. The benefits of investing in machines. D. The shortages of lower-skilled workers.
(2) What does the underlined word "incentives" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Standards. B. Technologies. C. Encouragements. D. Limitations.
(3) How did the wars benefit the Industrial Revolution according to the text? A. By creating new technologies. B. By making the population younger. C. By adopting market-based reforms. D. By increasing the need for machines.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. New Studies Identified Causes of the Industrial Revolution B. Industrialization Has to Meet a Complex Mix of Conditions C. Wars, Slave Trades and Political Fights Can Also Have Positive Effects D. Businessmen and Skilled Workers Played Key Roles in the Industrial Revolution
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In winter, many of us are reaching for more clothes and turning on the heat. Besides wearing a pair of long johns, increasing our food intake can help protect us against severe cold. So what food keeps us warm?

Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork, is great when you find yourself in cold conditions because it is a fantastic source of iron, which is crucial for circulating your blood. Iron is an important mineral to help carry oxygen throughout your body. People with low iron may notice cold hands and feet or easily become tired. Eating red meat can also supply vitamin B12, which contributes to healthy nerves and a strong immune system.

Oats can keep you warm in winter. It's great thermogenic(生热的)food and is filled with nutrients that release energy slowly throughout the day to keep your body warm. You can start your day with a hot breakfast of oats or other types of porridge. Oats are a great source of whole grains and fiber. In addition to keeping you full and warm, oats are full of other nutrients.

Hot ginger tea can make you feel warm inside on a cold day. Ginger is known to be good for health. It's also a diaphoretic (发汗药), which means it will help your body warm from the inside. Ginger has the nature to produce heat and help blood circulation in our bodies, making it a great source of warmth.

Root vegetables like sweet potatoes need more energy to move through the digestion process, which raises your body temperature. High in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium (钾), sweet potatoes add fiber and other nutrients to a warm winter meal. Sweet potatoes also have beta-carotene (β胡萝卜素) that is good for eye heath.

(1) How many types of food to keep people warm are mentioned in the text? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.    
(2) Why does ginger tea keep you warm? A. It's a great source of iron. B. It releases energy slowly. C. It is full of fiber and vitamins. D. It is great food to generate heat.
(3) What's the purpose of the text? A. To promote green food. B. To remind people of a healthy diet. C. To introduce some food to keep warm. D. To teach people how to keep warm.
(4) In which section of a newspaper may this text appear? A. Science Study. B. Campus Life. C. Global Vision. D. Physical Education.
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