1. 阅读理解

What do you see in the image?The image can be challenging to interpret,and most people need a clue to see the pattern.It shows a Dalmatian dog.An interesting aspect of this experience is that once you've perceived the pattern,you can't unset the dog.

Whether we like it or not,our brains look for patterns in various contexts.Much of our everyday understanding is linked to the concepts we lean in school and through interaction with others.On top of this,there are learned cultural patterns to interpret works of art,music,poems,etc.Once we know the patterns,they profoundly influence how we perceive cultural products.So we see the world through patterns we have acquired.

These patterns can be applied in all forms of teaching.The great benefit of seeing a pattern in an area of knowledge is that it can be applied to new problems.A student who has understood a pattern can not only answer questions taken directly from the learning material but can use it in other types of tasks.The key question,therefore,is how a student can discover the relevant patterns and create real understanding.

There are different ways to highlight patterns.Analogies(类比)are powerful tools for creating understanding.An example is the number line(数轴)in elementary mathematics. When children learn addition,it is easy for concrete combinations of objects:three apples plus two apples make five apples.The same is true for subtraction(减法):If you have six apples and remove four,you are left with two.

But this doesn't work when it comes to negative numbers.How do you explain that if you have three apples and remove five,two are missing?Then,an effective analogy is to see the number line as something you walk along—the line becomes a path.Addition with three is like walking three steps forward,and subtraction with five is like walking five steps backward. No wonder that if you walk three steps forward and then five steps back,you are two steps behind where you started.

In this way,the negative numbers acquire a meaning rooted in experience.More patterns of numbers can now be understood.

(1) What is the second paragraph mainly about? A. The underlying effect of patterns. B. The ability to acquire the art skills. C. The way to find the Dalmatian dog. D. The benefit of interacting with others.
(2) Why should patterns be used in education? A. It is easy for students to master them. B. All types of tasks have the same pattern. C. They can help students solve new problems. D. They are the necessary learning materials.
(3) What does the example in paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 suggest? A. There are different ways to acquire experience. B. Analogies are good methods for teaching patterns. C. Addition is much easier than subtraction in maths. D. The number line can solve all mathematics problems.
(4) What is the best title of the text? A. Understanding Is Seeing a Pattern. B. The Best Principle for Learning C. Walking Back and Forth on a Number Line. D. Using Patterns to Learn Mathematics
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Slurp&Sip is a cheerful bistro (小酒馆) in Shanghai that specializes in exotic southwestern food from Yunnan Province,

Niu Yun, who hails from Kunming, Yunnan Province, opened her first eatery (小餐馆) in 2014 after studying in London.

"At that time there weren't many choices for Yunnan food, and I think the province has so much tasty food and such a diverse food culture that I could bring to Shanghai, " she said. "After meeting a few good friends who also love Yunnan cuisine, we decided to open a simple Yunnan eatery focusing on street food to start with, introducing Yunnan rice noodles and street snacks I used to buy every day after school. "

Opening this new restaurant after operating Slurp for a few years is a natural step for Niu Yun and her partners. The menu of Slurp&Sip pays homage (敬意) to Niu's origins with a major focus on Dai flavors.

"My mum is Dai, and I remember every time she brought me back to her hometown the food really made a strong impression. From how they cook and the ingredients they use, all are very special to me. Dai food is all about fresh and mixed ingredients, as well as natural and original ways of cooking. " she said.

"I feel diners shouldn't only know about crossing the bridge rice noodles and steampot chicken when we talk about Yunnan food. We have such a diverse culture with so many different minorities, so I decided to start with the one I'm the most connected with J she added.

Dai cuisine is characterized by a combination of fresh herbs, chilis and acidic elements. It incorporates lots of great produce from the province's southernmost prefecture.

Dai food is also full of barbecue items often seen in night markets, such as roasted lemongrass stuffed fish, roasted chicken and roasted pork with Dai spices, all of which grace Slurp&Sip 's menu.

(1) What motivated Niu Yun to focus on Dai flavors? A. Her education. B. Her family. C. Her origins. D. Her friends.
(2) How does Niu Yun feel about Yunnan food? A. It's delicious and popular. B. It's natural and organic. C. It's fresh and nutritious. D. It's varied and diverse.
(3) What can be said about Slurp&Sip? A. It's influenced by night market atmosphere. B. It combines Southeastern Asian flavors. C. It offers roasted items with Dai spices. D. It represents authentic Kunming food.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Try the Ethnic Dai Food from Yunnan B. An Overseas Returnee's New Career C.  Slurp&Sip Is Back Here with its Legend D. Explore China with Food and Drinks
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2.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。

The best science books inspire a sense of wonder and make you amazed at the incredible world we live in.Here are four of them to feed your imagination.

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

How did it all begin?And how did we get here?Combining history and science,the book offers a comprehensive yet entertaining answer to these questions.Bill Bryson takes the reader on an impressive journey through the greatest scientific discoveries in history.It explains scientific topics in a vivid way,but it's quite a long read.

Thing Explainer by Randall Munroe

How do helicopters work?Or cells?Randall Munroe explains how things work using illustrations and only the most common 1,000 words in English.It will shift your approach to explanation.So,next time explain how something works rather than merely call it by its name.However,additionally providing more technical terms might have enhanced the understanding and learning experience.

Ask an Astronaut by Tim Peake

What does it feel like to fly into space?How do you prepare for it?Astronaut Tim Peake answers all the questions you never knew about going into space.The book gives insights into the cutting-edge science,as well as the day-to- day life on board of the International Space Station.Its question and answer format makes it easy to quickly find answers,but it can become less appealing due to the lack of descriptive language.

Deep Time by Riley Black

Want to know the story of our planet?Riley Black takes us on a journey,in the order of time,through the geological(地质的)events that have shaped our planet.The fascinating high-quality images are supported by easily digestible explanations of key historical moments.It also expands on key concepts in geology,astronomy and biology. Yet,measuring the size of some objects on the photos is difficult due to the lack of a scale bar(比例尺).

(1) Which book is organized in the format of question and answer? A. A Short History of Nearly Everything. B. Thing Explainer C. Ask an Astronaut. D. Deep Time
(2) What's a shortcoming of Thing Explainer? A. It is rather too long. B. It is written in plain language C. It lacks technical terms. D. It fails to include clear images.
(3) What do A Short History of Nearly Everything and Deep Time have in common? A. They combine science and history. B. They feature vivid illustrations. C. They  introduce  astronauts' daily  life. D. They entertain readers of all ages.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Visitors post photos and videos of themselves getting close to flamingos at several resorts (旅游胜地) in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on social media. The pink, leggy birds wander the grounds, walking through artificial ponds and eating food dropped by tourists.

"But behind the fantastic social media posts, things are less rosy for the flamingos," says Fernandez, a Dominican conservationist and photographer.

Some of these flamings have their secondary feathers cut, which prohibits flight. Others have a bone removed from their wings. This grounds the bird for life, which can be up to 60 years.

Fernandez has also witnessed flamingos being given much pet food, which eventually fades the pink color that comes from eating their native diet of shrimp and other small crustaceans. The birds change behaviorally as well, becoming used to people and asking them for food, as Fernandez has seen.

On the other side of the country, Monte Cristi National Park is the natural habitat for Caribbean flamings; it's also a popular trapping site. And it is here that Paulino works to remove the traps, which are made of wooden sticks attached to fishing wires.

Paulino's group first noticed the traps in 2009 and has been reporting them to the authorities ever since, but the practice hasn't stopped. Once, Paulino says, she spotted a trapper carrying nine flamingos in a bag. On a trip early in 2023, the group took 706 traps from three locations.

This method of trapping harms, or even kills the birds, which Paulino has seen firsthand in the field. Flamingos are walking around and all of a sudden their leg falls in the wires and when they pull, they're caught. They are trapped by the knee or the ankle, and struggle to break free, which exhausts them.

(1) Why do some flamingos have their secondary feathers cut? A. To help them live longer. B. To make them more beautiful. C. To make them fly higher. D. To destroy their flying ability.
(2) What causes the color fading of the flamingos in the resorts? A. The change of their food. B. Suffering from serious diseases. C. Living with other small animals. D. The influence of eating too much food.
(3) Which word best describes the trappers? A. Clever. B. Cruel. C. Creative. D. Careless.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. The Survival Situation of Flamingos Is Unoptimistic B. Flamingos Live a More Comfortable Life in Resorts C. People Have Raised Awareness of Protecting Animals D. The Methods of Protecting Flamingos Are Inappropriate
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