1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Billions of insects are moving together over the sky like a black cloud. It's a swarm of locusts. Many insects move in huge swarms. They form swarms for different reasons. Some move together to look for food or to find new homes. Sometimes insects swarm for protection. These enormous swarms can destroy food crops and harm other living things.

When something disturbs a red fire ants' nest, out they will come. Not just one or two, but thousands of them. The fire ants swarm all over their victim. Their stings burn like fire. Each ant in the swarm can sting over and over again. The fire ants hold onto their victim with their mouth parts. Then they inject their prey with poison. Most small animals cannot survive the stings from a swarm of fire ants.

When army ants are on the move, anything in their path is prey. Even snakes can' t escape a swarm of these stinging ants. Army ants move together to look for food. They can't see their prey, but they use smells and sounds to find their way. If they come to a river, they make a bridge with their bodies. They cling together with their legs. Then the rest of the ants can cross the bridge. There is not much that can stop these fierce and cruel ants from chasing their prey.

Insects are not the only animals that swarm. There are many others that do. Most are not harmful to people. Being close to a huge swarm of animals can be scary and dangerous. Some scientists have studied animal swarms. They have found that many swarms follow simple rules. They work together to solve problems. When they work together they are a very strong team.

(1)  What does the underlined word "swarm" in Paragraph 1 mean? A. To force a liquid into something. B. To hold onto something tightly. C. To move together in a large group. D. To watch over something.
(2) What can we learn about fire ants from the text? A. Their stings contain a kind of poison and are deadly to most small animals. B. They can destroy food crops and are harmful to other living things. C. When they move together, they are called "a swarm of locusts". D. They move in swarms to make new nests in different places.
(3) Which of the following can be the proper feature of army ants according to the text? A. Blind and smelly. B. Angry and violent. C. Scary and dangerous. D. Strong and fast.
(4) What is the most suitable title for the text? A. Moving Nests B. Stinging Fire Ants C. A Moving Army D. Swarms of Animals
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There is a time when many Americans question whether a college degree is worth its cost. However, a recent study found Americans who completed college or university are more likely to have friends and are less lonely than those who only finished high school.

Daniel Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life, said that in general Americans are experiencing a “friend recession”, meaning a decline in their number of friends. Cox noted “Americans have fewer close friends today than we did in the early '90s. But men and those without a college degree were particularly affected because they seem to have experienced a much more dramatic decline over that period.”

The Center questioned 5,054 people this past summer. It found Americans with a college degree feel more socially connected and are more active in their communities than people who didn't go to college. As a result, those who completed college report feeling less lonely.

Previous research showed that Americans who didn't go to college are less likely to marry. A 2012 study found that college-educated women were much more likely to get married than women who dropped out of high school. A 2013 study of people born between 1957 and 1964 found that both men and women who didn't finish high school were less likely to marry than those with more education.

Today, 65 percent of college-educated Americans over age 25 are married. About 50 percent of people with a high school diploma, or who dropped out of high school, are married. Those numbers were different in 1990, when marriage rates among the college educated were at 69 percent, compared with 63 percent for those who did not go to college, says a Pew research report.

The American Community Life Survey found around 1 in 10 college graduates say they have no close social connections. That number rises among Americans without a degree, where almost 1 in 4 say they have no close friends.

(1) According to the text, the study was carried out when ______. A. psychological problems arose sharply B. the number of college graduates declined C. Americans experienced a friend recession D. concerns about college costs appeared
(2) Why are some studies mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To provide evidence for the research, B. To analyze the reasons for loneliness. C. To show the importance of marriage. D. To compare differences in generations.
(3) In which column of a magazine may this text appear? A. Entertainment. B. Education. C. Technology. D. Health.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. Social problems in the American society. B. Reasons for Americans' low marriage rates. C. Links between education and social interaction. D. Discussions about whether to get a college degree.
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Learn English with Apps

Improve your English with our fun and exciting learning apps! Designed for all the family, our games, videos and quizzes will help you learn English at home or on the move.

Learning Time with Timmy

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LearnEnglish Kids: Videos

Watch children's favourite stories like Little Red Riding Hood in this video stories app. It features audio and text narration, and a parents' guide that offers expert advice on how to help children learn English.

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(1) Which of the following apps provides stories for children to learn English? A. Learning Time with Timmy B. LearnEnglish Kids: Videos C. IELTS Word Power D. LearnEnglish Grammar
(2) What is LearnEnglish GREAT Videos intended for? A. Offering expert advice. B. Getting ready for exams. C. Practising listening skills. D. Perfecting grammar.
(3) What do the listed apps have in common? A. They are about English teaching. B. They help explore UK culture. C. They provide videos and games. D. They can be downloaded for Android.
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3.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给A, B, C, D选项中, 选出最佳选项。


ABCmouse is one of the most well-known learn to read apps for children. With its expert-made curriculum, the program offers endless hours of content for children aged 2 to 8. The interactive app offers thousands of activities to help develop this essential skill, with lessons that expose students to math, arts, and science at age-appropriate levels too. The cost after free trial is around $15 per month. Families who purchase a full year's subscription can get about 40% off the price.


Homer provides a personalized learning path for children aged 2 to 8. Children will learn reading, math, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way. Instead of a one-size-fits-most approach, Homer customizes learning plans and allows students to take the lead in deciding what they want to work on. The price point is in line with similar apps at about $5 per month after a free trial, or roughly $60 for a full year or $100 for lifetime access.

Hooked on Phonics

Hooked on Phonics is an exceptional tool for homeschoolers, with a wide range of lessons, games, and fun activities. It is one of the most popular brands for teaching kids to read, and its integrated system makes it an ideal option for homeschooling students. Children are introduced to each new concept through a series of fun activities, videos, and even songs. The system is a little bit pricier than other apps, at about $16 per month after a trial month for roughly $1.


FarFaria invites children to join in on a magical adventure that includes island hopping and the choice between reading the story or having it narrated completely with fun, magical animation. While the free membership offers one story a day, paid subscribers unlock access to unlimited adventures at roughly $8 per month. Readers can either read the books themselves or take advantage of the "read to me" option to have stories read aloud by professional narrators.

(1) For an annual subscription to ABCmouse, how much does a family need to pay? A. $72. B. $108. C. $126. D. $180.
(2)  Which app best suits children who are taught at home?  A. ABCmouse. B. Homer. C. Hooked on Phonics. D. FarFaria.
(3)  Which section of newspaper is this text probably taken from? A. Education. B. Science. C. Culture. D. Finance.
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