
This year researchers expect the world to snap(按快门)1.35 trillion photographs, or about 3.7 billion per day. All those pixels(像素)take up a lot of room if they are stored on personal computers or phones, which is one reason why many people store their images in the cloud. But unlike a hard on drive which can be encrypted(加密)to protect its data, cloud storage users have to trust that a tech platform will keep their private pictures safe. Now a team of Columbia University computer scientists has developed a tool to encrypt images stored on many popular cloud services while allowing authorized users to browse and display their photographs as usual. 

Malicious(恶意的)attempts to access or leak cloud-based photographs can expose personal information. In November 2019, for example, a bug in the popular photograph storage app Google Photos mistakenly shared some users' private videos with strangers. Security experts also worry about employees at cloud storage companies on purpose accessing users' images. 

So the Columbia researchers came up with a system called Easy Secure Photos(ESP), which they presented at a recent conference. "We wanted to see if we could make it possible to encrypt data while using existing services," says computer scientist Jason Nieh, one of the developers of ESP. "Everyone wants to stay with Google Photos and not have to register on a new encrypted-image cloud storage service." 

To overcome this problem, they created a tool that preserves blocks of pixels but moves them around to effectively hide the photograph. First, ESP's algorithm(算法)divides a photograph into three separate files, each one containing the image's red, green or blue color data. Then the system hides the pixel blocks around among these three files(allowing a block from the red file, for instance, to hide out in the green or blue ones). But the program does nothing within the pixel blocks, where all the image processing happens. As a result, the files remain unchanged images but end up looking like grainy black-and-white ones to anyone who accesses them without the decryption key. 

(1)  What's probably the main purpose for people to store images in the cloud?  A. To save storage room. B. To make photos beautiful. C. To try a new storage way. D. To keep their privacy safe.
(2)  Why might employees in cloud storage companies be distrusted by experts?  A. They sell users' passwords. B. They have invented new tools. C. They often let out personal information. D. They may steal a glance at users' images.
(3) What's the advantage of ESP?  A. It can provide clear images. B. It can decrease the upload time. C. It can classify images automatically. D. It can encrypt data on the original platform.
(4)  What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?  A. Method of decryption. B. Image-processing technique. C. Separate files of images. D. Data analysis of colors.
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Sleep behind ancient stone walls, wake up in an elegant four-poster bed and explore a private estate. We can introduce you to the best castles to rent. From five-star luxury to budget-friendly rustic (质朴的) experiences, each one has its own fascinating history.

A. Schlosshotel Klink Germany

€ 96 per room, per night (room only)

Hotel Schloss Klink stands directly beside Lake Müritz, a 5-minute walk from the boat harbor. Built in 1898, many of the elegant rooms feature wooden beams(木梁) and sloping ceilings. There are five on-site restaurants, a large spa and an indoor pool with lake views.

B. Castello di Bibbione Italy

€ 99 per room, per night (room only)

Castello di Bibbione is set between Florence and Siena with views of the Chianti hills. The rustic apartments feature wood-beamed ceilings and terracotta floors, and each comes with a fully-equipped kitchenette with a dining area. In the summer, you can relax in the outdoor swimming pool or garden. Wine tastings can be arranged, and bikes are provided free-of-charge.

C. Augill Castle England

£180 per room, per night (bed & breakfast) Free cancellations

Augill Castle is located in the upper reaches of the Eden Valley and is a mere 10 minutes' drive away from the picturesque Yorkshire Dales. This is very much a family retreat and, as such, the castle owners can offer an informal and relaxed castle experience, creating memories that adults and children alike will never forget.

D. Highlands Castle USA

$600 per room, per night (room only)

Highlands Castle is located in Bolton Landing in upstate New York, offering views of Lake George and the Adirondack Mountains. Accommodation includes a seating area and in some cases, a dining area, terrace and kitchen. Guests can enjoy swimming, boating, kayaking (划独木舟), horse-riding and diving.

(1) What is special about Castello di Bibbione? A. It is near the Yorkshire Dales. B. Visitors can taste wine there. C. Visitors can ride horses for free. D. It is surrounded by the Adirondack Mountains.
(2) Where can a family with kids have a comfortable castle experience? A. Augill Castle. B. Castello di Bibbione. C. Schlosshotel Klink. D. Highlands Castle.
(3) What do Schlosshotel Klink and Highlands Castle have in common? A. Both have indoor pools. B. Both are located in New York. C. Both offer lake views. D. Both were built in the 19th century.
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As to psychological well-being, the comfort zone is frequently perceived as a haven, a familiar location where individuals feel calm and peaceful. Pushing beyond this psychological state might have benefits. 

The comfort zone can be understood as a behavioral metaphor. Within a comfort zone, an individual takes on a state of minimal anxiety without a perception of risk, responding predictably to deliver a consistent level of performance. These include behaviors that people do commonly, find relaxing, or that take them away from high-stress situations. Engaging in the same manner over time leads to a predictable and familiar zone of comfort. As creatures of habit, we become dependent on these routines that we know we can complete well to feel secure. However, by stepping outside of our comfort zone, we learn about our ability to handle new situations and control risks, leading to greater self-confidence, and lower levels of anxiety. 

One study found that individuals who are more secure in stepping out of their comfort zone are more likely to be excited by and look forward to new experiences, feeling greater confidence in their ability to take them on. 

One behavior that demonstrates the benefits of stepping out of a comfort zone is learning to play a musical instrument. When we consider actions outside of our comfort zone, we must assess our desire to engage in that activity. By weighing the pros and cons, we evaluate how uncomfortable a situation may seem, and whether the danger of entering such an unknown situation will be worth the risk. 

Music offers a safe way to step out of your initial comfort zone because you can begin by practicing in an isolated setting, which offers a casual, safe way to build a new skill set. By picking up and practicing a new instrument, you have proven to yourself that you are capable of meeting an unfamiliar objective, thus decreasing anxiety.

(1) What does the underlined word "haven" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean? A. Habitat. B. Shelter. C. Community. D. Destination.
(2) Which will not be considered when we step out of our comfort zone? A. We recall the old experience. B. We think whether it is worth the risk. C. We evaluate our thirsty for the activity. D. We weigh the strengths and weaknesses.
(3) What will be probably discussed in the following paragraph? A. The definition of the comfort zone. B. The importance of psychological well-being. C. The process of learning a new musical instrument. D. The benefits of stepping out of one's comfort zone.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. How to Identify Comfort Zone B. Staying Inside Comfort Zone is Important C. Stepping Outside Comfort Zone Promotes Learning D. How to Take Yourself Away from High-stress Situations
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If you are looking for an amazing real-life castle, here are some good options for you.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

The beauty of Neuschwanstein, perched high on a hill in southwest Bavaria, inspired one of America's most famous castles: Disneyland's famed Sleeping Beauty castle. The slender spires and towering roofs are impressive, but nothing compared to the brilliantly decorated interiors. Windsor Castle, England

This castle in the historic market town of Windsor that has been the family home to kings and queens for over 1, 000 years. The castle is the largest and oldest occupied castle in the world. Guests are welcome to tour year-round. When the Royal Standard flag is flying from the castle's Round Tower, the queen is home.

Eltz Castle. Germany

Medieval Eltz Castle, located in Wirestem of western Germany. was built in the 12th century and is named for the family that still owns it today. Surrounded by forest, it was erected on a 230-foot rock and features eight towers that sit 115 feet in the sky. Inside, the castle still includes many of its original furnishings.

Bran Castle. Romania

Some people call Bran Castle, located southwest of Brasov. Romania, by another name: Dracula's Castle. It's just one of many castles linked to that vampire (吸血鬼) legend, but its dramatic architecture built on a steep cliff helps it fill the part, and the castle does not shy away from the legend.

(1) What do we know about Neuschwanstein Castle? A. It is the highest castle in the world. B. It is the blueprint of Sleeping Beauty castle. C. It inspired a Disney movie. D. It is plainly decorated inside.
(2) Which of the following about Windsor Castle is true? A. It is open throughout the year. B. It has a history of less than 1000 years. C. The royal family don't live there any longer. D. You can see the queen whenever you go there.
(3) What do the last two castles have in common? A. They are related to vampire tales. B. They have special goods for sale. C. They are both located on rocks. D. They were built in the 12" century.
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