
Scientists have designed ways to "read" words directly from brains. Brain implants (植入物) can translate internal speech into external signals, allowing communication from people with paralysis (瘫痪) or diseases that steal their ability to talk or type. New results from two studies, presented on November 14 provide additional evidence of the extraordinary potential that brain implants have for restoring lost communication, says Leigh Hochberg, a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

"The new studies targeted internal speech, which requires that a person only think. Our device predicts internal speech directly, allowing the patient to just focus on saying a word inside his head and transform it into text," says Sarah Wandelt.

Neural signals associated with words are detected by electrodes (电极) implanted in the brain. The signals can then be translated into text, which can be made an oral speech by computer programs.

Another approach presented at the meeting, led by neuroscientist Sean Metzger of the University of California, San Francisco and his colleagues, relied on spelling. The participant was a man called Pancho who hadn't been able to speak for more than 15 years because of a disease. In this study, Pancho attempted to silently think code (代码) words, such as "alpha" for A and "echo" for E. By stringing these letters into words, he produced sentences such as "I do not want that" and "You have got to be kidding." Each session would end when Pancho attempted to squeeze his hand thereby creating a movement-related brain signal that refused the decoding (解码).

With this system, Pancho produced about seven words per minute. That's faster than the five words per minute his usual communication device makes, but much slower than normal speech, typically about 150 words per minute. The techniques will need to ger faster and more accurate to be useful. It's also unclear whether the technologies will work for people with more serious speech disorders. "These are still early days," Hochberg says.

(1) Who are brain implants intended for? A. People who do research on speaking. B. People who are fond of talking. C. People who are tired of speaking. D. People who have difficulty in talking.
(2) What do patients need to do in the first approach? A. Predict internal speech directly. B. Say a word inside their heads. C. Detect wards implanted in the head. D. Make an oral speech directly.
(3)  How can Pancho stop "speaking"? A. By pressing his hand. B. By decoding the speech. C. By stringing the letters. D. By considering code words.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. Scientists develop a device. B. Brain implants "help" to spell. C. Brain implants "read" thoughts. D. Scientists help people to speak.
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Cash Composition Contest

In support of Financial Literacy Month(April), Michigan State University Extension and 4-H, a youth organization, are coordinating(协调)the Cash Composition Contest. Youths residing in Michigan are encouraged to answer this year's essay question with an essay of 300 words or less. The 5 top-scoring essays will each win a $100 gift card thanks to the generous sponsorship by Extra Credit Union. 


April 30, 2023: Essay submission due by 11:59 pm

May 31, 2023: Winners notified

Cash Composition Topic

What is the difference between a need and a want? Discuss how you determine if something is a need or a want. How can you make sure you have enough money to get your needs and still enjoy some of your wants? Share how needs and wants might change throughout one's life. 

Grading Standards

●Quality of Writing

●Organization and Information



Participants must: 

●Between 9—12 years of age as of January 1, 2023 living in the state of Michigan. 

●Have knowledge of money management such as saving, spending, borrowing, and planning appropriate for age and grade level. 


●Youths must have parental or guardian permission to apply and participate. 

●The application form must be completed by a parent/guardian. 

●Youths must write an essay

(300 words or less)on the assigned topic above. 

●Essays must be submitted on the contest registration page. 

●The essay must be the work of the student submitting it. It is highly recommended that youths write their essay prior to completing the registration/submission form. 

(1)  Who will sponsor the contest prizes?  A. Michigan State University. B. Extra Credit Union. C. A local youth organization. D. The state of Michigan.
(2) What will be focused on in the entry?  A. The changes throughout one's life. B. The ways to improve quality of writing. C. The need for charity management. D. The discussions on needs and wants.
(3) Which will result in disqualification for an applicant?  A. Submitting the essay on April 29. B. Writing an essay of 300 words. C. Filling the application form in person. D. Finishing the essay before registration.
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Niu Yu, 24, became a shining star at Shanghai Fashion Week for her confident and leisurely attitude while striding down the runway sporting a prosthetic leg. Niu's minute in the spotlight has acquired many

compliments (费扬) on social media-a punch in the nose for prejudice against disabled people.

When the other models appeared, the audience cheered and applauded; but when it was Niu's tum, the venue suddenly fell silent. Niu recalled that after four or five seconds, she clearly heard a female audience member next to the stage sigh in admiration, "So cool!"

Niu attended Shanghai Fashion Week at the imitation of a sports brand Pony. "I was touched by something they said and agreed. They said that traditional views have always connected sports with healthy legs, but sports should be a kind of spirit. Even if I do not have a leg, I still deeply love sports and will do so forever," Niu said.

Niu lost her right leg after she was trapped under debris for three days during the 2008 Wenchuan

Earthquake, when Niu was only 11 years old. This is not the first time that Niu has been in the public spotlight. She first grabbed the public's attention when she completed a marathon in 2018. The marathon was held in Wenchuan, Southwest China's Sichuan province, on May 12, 2018, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the devastating earthquake. The day was also Niu's 21th birthday.

Niu works as a photographer and often uploads video clips from her life on short video platforms such as Douyin, where she has more than 850,000 flowers." China had 85 million disabled people with licenses in 2020, and we have no idea about the number of those who do not have licenses. However, it is rare for disabled people to be seen on the streets. I always thought about the reasons for this and then I realized it's because they hide themselves."

(1) What does the underlined word "prosthetic" in the first paragraph refer to? A. Genuine. B. Typical. C. Plastic. D. Fake.
(2) Why didn't the audience cheer for Niu at the beginning of her performance? A. Because Niu walked awkwardly on the stage. B. Because the audience was astonished by Niu's unique performance. C. Because the other models blocked out the spotlight of Niu. D. Because Niu took part in Shanghai Fashion Week at the invitation of a sports brand Pony.""
(3) What does Niu mean in the last paragraph? A. The government should give more licenses to disabled people. B. Disabled people should go to the streets more often. C. People with disabilities should be encouraged to present more of themselves to the public. D. The modeling company should hire more disabled models.
(4) What would be the best title of this news? A. A historical moment for the disabled. B. Life of a survivor after a ruinous earthquake. C. A strong-willed girl. D. A shock to the fashion stage with one leg.
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Thunderstorms often show up uninvited to Carnival (狂欢节) in Brazil. This year's attempt to influence the skies took place in Sao Pablo by a party's official sponsor, Skoal, a Brazilian beer brand. "The fun stops when it rains," says Pedro Ada my, Skoal's marketing director. So do beer sales.

An airplane painted with Skoal's logo sprayed (喷洒) water droplets into clouds to make rain fall before the clouds reached the city. According to its YouTube video that has been viewed 12 million times, it is a "mission worthy of science fiction".

Whether it's science or fiction is up for debate. The use of cloud-seeding to increase rainfall dates back to the 1940s. But the United States government stopped funding it in the 1980s due to a lack of" scientific proof of the effectiveness of intentional weather change", according to the National Research Council. A new paper based on experiments in Idaho found that seeding clouds with silver iodide increased snowfall on three occasions, but the authors say that more research is needed to find out if it can reliably promote precipitation (降水), Pablo Tartar, a Brazilian physicist, says flatly that cloud-seeding is "useless".

Still, governments and firms in many countries use the technology. Sao Pablo's water company has signed million dollar contracts with ModClima to bring rain, most recently during a drought in 2014-15. Although cloud-seeding normally uses a chemical such as silver iodide to provide a surface around which water or ice droplets form, ModClima says it has invented an "experimental" method that uses water alone.

Carnival-goers cheered when the first two days were cloudy but dry. Many shared Skol's video. But at around 5pm on February 24th, the sky darkened and rain poured down. Celebrants at one block party left the Skol stands and rushed to buy umbrellas and plastic rain capes.

(1) Why did Skol support cloud-seeding? A. To increase rainfall. B. To promote its beer sales. C. To provide evidence for a research. D. To highlight the theme of the Carnival.
(2) Which is Artaxo's attitude toward cloud-seeding? A. Objective. B. Doubtful. C. Conservative. D. Negative.
(3) Why was the US government no longer in favor of cloud-seeding? A. Its outcome couldn't be proved. B. It worked in limited situations. C. It needed more field researches. D. It used an un-ecofriendly chemical.
(4) What is the best title of the text? A. Could rain ruin fun? B. How do we change weather? C. Could we rely on intentional rain? D. How do we avoid cloud-seeding pollution?
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