1. 阅读理解

"Hello. You are you and I am I. We are people, also known as humans. This makes us different from most of the things on Earth." This fairly straightforward observation is the opening spread of Like, written by Annie Barrows. It establishes a somewhat odd yet matter-of-fact tone with a young boy addressing the reader.

Matters get more quizzical-or philosophical (哲学意义的), if you prefer—on the following spread, which carefully thinks about the ways in which people are different from one specific thing on Earth, "We are not at all like tin cans. We are not shaped like tin cans. We cannot hold tomato sauce like tin cans. If you open up our lids, nothing good happens. We are not at all like tin cans." The target audience will no doubt be amused, as was I, and perhaps reassured.

Like next matches people with the swimming pools, "We are a little bit more like a swimming pool than a tin can. We have water and chemicals and dirt inside us. But unlike a swimming pool we don't have people splashing around inside us." Mushrooms, we learn, differ from tin cans and swimming pools by being alive, and by growing and reproducing-human traits, too! Mushrooms, however, don't have mouths and brains. But wait: Hyenas have all that. They run around really fast, like we do... But hyenas don't say words. They don't tell stories. They don't get embarrassed, even when they're caught eating something off the ground.

Where to go from there? "Look at all these people, the text exclaims over the illustration full of people of seemingly every size, shape, color, age and means of mobility. They are not exactly like us. But they are more like us than they are different."

"I am more like you than I am like most of the things on Earth, the narrator concludes. I'm glad. I'd rather be like you than a mushroom-an appealing and inarguable understanding."

(1) What does the underlined word "quizzical" mean in the second paragraph? A. Definite. B. Consistent. C. Unusual. D. Ambiguous.
(2) According to the passage, which of the following is most like humans? A. Hyenas. B. Tin cans. C. Mushrooms. D. Swimming pools.
(3) How is the writer's idea mainly developed in the passage? A. By describing in details. B. By making comparisons. C. By analyzing causes and effects. D. By presenting problems and solutions.
(4) Where is the text most probably taken from? A. An animal encyclopedia. B. A story entry. C. A philosophical textbook. D. A book review.
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In many casual discussions of language and the Internet, it's common to hear about how "social media language" is ruining language. Some people argue that technology has made us lazy about how we speak and write. And major media such as the BBC and The Daily Mail have all bemoaned the way in which people communicate through technology.

Of course, language does change when ifs used to write messages online. Social media language is an evolution (进化) of language. It's even the focus of the field of linguistics (语言学) called Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). This field concentrates on the study of interaction brought about by technology like computers, mobile phones and tablets.

People have been making complaints about language being ''ruined" for as long as ttiey5ve been writing and speaking. In a TED Talk, linguist John McWhorter shared stories of people being annoyed about language change through the ages. In A. D. 63, for example, a Roman scholar complained that students of Latin were writing in an "artificial language". In fact, this writing was a new language that would become French!

Today, people are able to communicate rapidly using a wide variety of tools and technologies. Perhaps no linguistic development better indicates changes in the ways we communicate than the popular emoticon (表情符号).

The emoticon ":)" is a visual prefinance of a smiley face turned sideways. Although an emoticon may look like a smile, a frown or any other kind of facial expressions, it doesn't really represent a face. Instead, it's intended to express a feeling, such as "I'm happy. "or"just joking".

Words that represent these feelings are what linguists call discourse particles (话 语 小品词). These are little pieces of language that offer information about the tone of the statement.

Far from ruining language, these examples indicate how people can now communicate complex feelings in a simple, direct maimer. This kind of change is perfect for our modern, fast-paced world.

(1) What does the underlined word "bemoaned" in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A. Complained about. B. Approved o£ C. Checked up. D. Put forward.
(2) Why is the TED Talk mentioned in Paragraph 3? A. As evidence of complaints about shared stories. B. As an example to support the author's argument. C. As a proof of language ruined by social media language. D. As a way to explain language change through the ages.
(3) What's the function of emoticons according to the text? A. To represent a smiling face. B. To express intentions. C. To communicate feelings. D. To set the tone.
(4) What's the author's attitude towards social media language? A. Unclear. B. Skeptical. C. Opposed. D. Approving.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

In Jakarta, apart from the narrow, unpaved road, the two-meter-high concrete coastal wall is the only thing that separates Susan's small restaurant from the sea. Her family depends on that wall. Growing up here, Susan used to play on the beach in front of her house. But by the 2000s the beach had disappeared, and the sea frequently flooded the neighborhood.

In 2002, the government built the coastal wall, to give the residents peace of mind and time-a respite(暂缓) from the steady sinking of the land under the city and the steady rising of the sea. But just five years later, in 2007, the wall proved no match for the worst floods in Jakarta's modern history.

Jakarta is now sinking at a truly alarming rate-a rate that varies around the city but is up to 11 inches a year in the northern areas. About 40 percent of Jakarta is below sea level. By comparison, climate change is raising sea level by only less than an inch a year. But sinking land and rising sea both point toward the same outcome: regular flooding in Jakarta. "Jakarta is the center of administration, economy, culture, and entertainment. Over the years Jakarta has grown into a big city with no environmental support system. " says Andy, a lecturer at the University of Indonesia. Ultimately that's why it is sinking today.

The situation is one reason the government announced that the nation's capital would be moved away to a new city to be built on Borneo, which is now forest. But local communities aren't so happy with the plan. They fear the project would destroy their land, forest, and livelihoods. In Jakarta, on the other hand, those who welcome the decision arguing that it will ease Jakarta's burdens of crowding and pollution.

But as the government leaves the sinking capital, what is to become of the 10 million people like Susan who still live there?

(1) What is the function of the coastal wall? A. To prevent the land from sinking. B. To keep the residents from floods. C. To stop the steady rising of the sea. D. To restore the beach for the residents.
(2) What can we learn about the floods from Paragraph 3? A. The floods were caused by nature and humans. B. Climate change is the primary cause of the floods. C. The rise of the sea leveI is the outcome of regular flooding. D. The economic development has a great impact on the floods.
(3) What can be learned from the passage about Jakarta? A. It is no longer the nation's capital now. B. It is an underdeveloped city with a large population. C. Its residents suffer a lot from the plan of the government. D. Its measures to protect the environment are far from satisfactory.
(4) What is the author's attitude to the plan of the government? A. Intolerant. B. Supportive. C. Worried. D. Indifferent.
阅读理解 未知 普通

Halfway through the women's slalom (障碍滑雪赛) event at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, 18-year-old Mikaela Shiffrin held a commanding lead over the greatest women's slalom skiers in the world. On her final run, she burst from the start house at top speed, zigzagging (曲折行进) around the poles. Suddenly, her left ski slid out, causing her to temporarily lose control. It seemed as if her dreams of a gold medal might slide down the mountain, out of her reach. But in the blink of an eye, Mikaela stopped her mini-skid and rocketed through the rest of her run. She became the youngest slalom skier ever to win an Olympic gold medal.

Skiing has always been a big part of Mikaela's life. At two and a half years old, Mikaela made her first ski run down her steep driveway on plastic skis. From ages 8 to 11, she worked hard, repeating hundreds of training runs on small hills to learn the correct techniques. When Mikaela was 11, she enrolled at the Burke Mountain Academy, a Vermont boarding school for skiers.

According to headmaster Kirk Dwyer, "What separated Mikaela from others was the degree of her commitment to be the best. Mikaela practiced more than anyone and believed in herself then and now. " At age 14, Mikaela began her international career when she raced in the world championships for 13-and 14-year-olds. And she won! By the time she was 17, she had already won her first World Cup race.

For Mikaela, working hard is a full-time job. In the summer, when Mikaela is off the ski slopes and in the gym, her daily training consists of six to seven hours of weightlifting, core body work, and biking to improve her strength and agility.

"If you're passionate about your goals, whatever they are," she says, "there's no limit to what you can achieve. Give it your all!"

(1) What happened to Mikaela at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games? A. She fell behind others at first. B. She overcame the accident and completed her run. C. She lost control and slid down the mountain. D. She was the first slalom skier to win an Olympic gold medal.
(2) According to the text, how many times did Mikaela win in international competitions? A. One B.   Two. C. Three. D. Four.
(3) Which of the following best describes Mikaela? A. Demanding and curious. B. Ambitious and diligent. C. Caring and brave. D. Patient and intelligent.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Zigzagging to Success B. The Strength of Confidence C. The Value of Failure D. An Exciting Slalom Event
阅读理解 常考题 普通