
In Jakarta, apart from the narrow, unpaved road, the two-meter-high concrete coastal wall is the only thing that separates Susan's small restaurant from the sea. Her family depends on that wall. Growing up here, Susan used to play on the beach in front of her house. But by the 2000s the beach had disappeared, and the sea frequently flooded the neighborhood.

In 2002, the government built the coastal wall, to give the residents peace of mind and time-a respite(暂缓) from the steady sinking of the land under the city and the steady rising of the sea. But just five years later, in 2007, the wall proved no match for the worst floods in Jakarta's modern history.

Jakarta is now sinking at a truly alarming rate-a rate that varies around the city but is up to 11 inches a year in the northern areas. About 40 percent of Jakarta is below sea level. By comparison, climate change is raising sea level by only less than an inch a year. But sinking land and rising sea both point toward the same outcome: regular flooding in Jakarta. "Jakarta is the center of administration, economy, culture, and entertainment. Over the years Jakarta has grown into a big city with no environmental support system. " says Andy, a lecturer at the University of Indonesia. Ultimately that's why it is sinking today.

The situation is one reason the government announced that the nation's capital would be moved away to a new city to be built on Borneo, which is now forest. But local communities aren't so happy with the plan. They fear the project would destroy their land, forest, and livelihoods. In Jakarta, on the other hand, those who welcome the decision arguing that it will ease Jakarta's burdens of crowding and pollution.

But as the government leaves the sinking capital, what is to become of the 10 million people like Susan who still live there?

(1) What is the function of the coastal wall? A. To prevent the land from sinking. B. To keep the residents from floods. C. To stop the steady rising of the sea. D. To restore the beach for the residents.
(2) What can we learn about the floods from Paragraph 3? A. The floods were caused by nature and humans. B. Climate change is the primary cause of the floods. C. The rise of the sea leveI is the outcome of regular flooding. D. The economic development has a great impact on the floods.
(3) What can be learned from the passage about Jakarta? A. It is no longer the nation's capital now. B. It is an underdeveloped city with a large population. C. Its residents suffer a lot from the plan of the government. D. Its measures to protect the environment are far from satisfactory.
(4) What is the author's attitude to the plan of the government? A. Intolerant. B. Supportive. C. Worried. D. Indifferent.
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Like humans, animals need sleep too. A big problem for animals in the wild is keeping their enemies away while they sleep. Animals take care of this problem in different ways.

Anolis lizards live in many areas including tropical rainforests. They often sleep on leaves at the end of long branches. A leaf might seem like a strange bed, but it works like an alarm. If a hungry snake wiggles a branch, the lizard wakes up and leaps to safety.

Chimpanzees take their sleep very seriously. Each day, a chimpanzee builds itself a new, comfortable bed to sleep in. Scientists believe chimpanzees carefully choose a tree that is strong, where they build a nest using branches and leaves.

Parrotfish live among coral reefs in oceans. Every night, parrotfish usually sleep close to the rock in sheltered places. Some parrotfish go one step further by quickly making a slime layer that covers their whole body. This covering acts like a sleeping bag that provides a barrier against danger.

Bottle-nosed dolphins need to sleep, but they have to be on the ocean's surface to breathe. They also need to watch over their young. What do they do? While half of the dolphin's brain sleeps, the other half stays awake. After a while, the sleeping half wakes up while the other half snoozes.

Sooty terns have the most amazing sleep. They nest on islands. When they are not nesting, they   live for many years in the sky and on the sea's surface. When and where can they sleep? Scientists believe they are able to sleep while they are flying, staying out of the reach of enemies.

(1) What is the shared concern when wild animals sleep? A. Quietness. B. Time length. C. Comfort. D. Safety.
(2) Which animals need the most preparation before sleep? A. Anolis lizards. B. Chimpanzees. C. Parrotfish. D. Sooty terns.
(3) What do we know about the sleeping habit of bottle-nosed dolphins? A. They sleep on the job. B. They don't sleep at all. C. They sleep deep in the ocean. D. They sleep the least of all animals.
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2. 阅读理解

In her latest gardening story, Jessica Damiano tells of the garden pests and diseases she has seen in her plants. She suggests acting quickly when dealing with these issues, as they can rapidly spread and cause significant damage to plant health and growth.

Her measure always begins with the gentlest treatment possible. She only intensifies her treatments when necessary. Even then, she has her limits. Damiano says she would rather lose a flower or vegetable plant than use strong chemicals. In the case of her tomato plants, Damiano caught the aphids, a pest, early. She washed them off and removed the ones that would not come off by using her fingers under moving water.

Had the invasion been severe or the water and finger removal method been ineffective, she would have used Neem oil. This organic oil from Neem tree seeds, kills aphids and is safe for plants that will be consumed. However, she would apply it after sunset when helpful insects are less active.

On the same day, Damiano also found scarlet lily beetles on her Asiatic lily plants. They cover themselves in waste. This makes them less appealing to those that would want to eat them. But the coating also protects them from chemicals, making them difficult to remove. To fight against them, she physically tapped the beetles into a mixture of water, soap, vinegar, or household cleaners.

Her rhododendron, a flowering plant, got attacked by a pest called azalea bark scale last summer. When she noticed the return of these white insects this year, she immediately removed the infested leaves. For the remaining leaves with a few pests, she was able to remove them by touching each insect with some rubbing alcohol.

By working early, Damiano slowed or stopped infestations that could have killed her plants. The same would be true for diseases, many of which also respond better to early treatments.

(1) What does Jessica do with garden pests initially? A. Act quickly with chemicals. B. Try to remove them manually. C. Get rid of the plants with them. D. Allow them to spread naturally.
(2) When will Jessica use Neem oil to control aphids? A. They appear on her plants. B. She notices some signs of them. C. Helpful insects disappear. D. Her manual method doesn't work.
(3) What is the purpose of Jessica's story? A. To inform readers about types of garden pests and diseases. B. To encourage readers to use organic methods for pest control. C. To share her personal experience with garden pests and diseases. D. To warn readers about the dangers of using strong chemicals on plants.
(4) What can be inferred from Jessica's gardening practice? A. Leaving the pests unattended helps her garden recover. B. Removing all her plants to fight against pests works best. C. Using strong chemicals as early as possible functions best. D. Handling garden pests and diseases early turns out effective.
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My husband and I always wanted to go to the Caribbean but didn't know much about the islands or how we were going to afford it. By chance, a friend of ours in Australia mentioned "pet sitting" and that it is something you can do all over the world.

We quickly created an account on a pet sitting website and began searching for options. There were only a couple of sits available in that part of the world, but we tried our luck, sent a request, and to our surprise landed a three-month job in Grenada, so our year was going to be taken up with Caribbean pet sits.

Inspired by a Canadian couple, we decided to start our own travel blog. We began by writing about The Virgin Islands, highlighting the beautiful beaches. However, for every photo album of a beautiful beach, there were 10 photos of trash  (垃圾). It was hard to ignore the plastic pollution issue, especially on such primitive and remote beaches. So, we began to share photos of the trash we saw and how much we could pick up on our daily dog walks.

The more we looked into plastic pollution, the more we realized the severity of the global plastic pollution. From that point, we used our platform to create awareness and highlight ways to say no to plastic and travel plastic-free. We changed our daily routines, our way of living, and even our diets to accommodate more organic foods and little to no plastic packaging.

It's been over three years now and we continue to do what we can. This journey has led us to some amazing places, working with great brands and even organizing a country-wide beach clean-up campaign in Grenada.

Our aim now is to keep on going. We love connecting with like-minded people. It's been amazing few years that was sparked by a conversation about pet sitting. Who would have guessed?

(1) Why did the author do pet sitting? A. To raise fund. B. To protect the environment. C. To cover travel expenses. D. To shoot beautiful beaches.
(2) What does the author intend to convey through her story? A. Pet sitting is a new type of occupation. B. The Caribbean is an ideal travel destination. C. Travel blog is a superb way to gain popularity. D. Action should be taken to fight plastic pollution.
(3) How did the author find her experience in the Caribbean? A. Significant. B. Challenging. C. Adventurous. D. Dreadful.
(4) Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text? A. Changing Lifestyles by Pet Sitting B. Unexpected Gains from Pet Sitting Travel C. Dealing with Global Environment Pollution D. The Availability of Pet Sitting in the Caribbean
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