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Take A Scenic Ride On The World's Steepest Railway For Passengers—If You Dare!

Originally built for mining in 1878, the Scenic Railway is now a tourist ride that can take your breath away! In the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia, the former mining railway became a tourist attraction in 1945. It currently holds the Guinness World Records as the steepest passenger train with the steepest railway gradient (坡度).

The gradient of 52 degrees is comfortably viewed from inside an 84-seat, glass-enclosed carriage car. The passenger car travels along on a cable-driven system of rails as it navigates the steep terrain. During the tour, passengers will see the train travel through sandstone cliffs and a rock tunnel next to Orphan Rock.

Orphan Rock was once available for trail climbing. Following rock slides in the 1950s, the trail was partially closed. The trail access was completely closed in 1974 and never reopened due to potential risks.

On the Scenic Railway, you will see stunning views from a slightly different angle than Orphan Rock. The railway is open every day of the year, making the trip along the rails every ten minutes.

Sight-seeing passengers can ride the steepest railway up from the Jamison Valley or travel on the cable car. Either option affords incredible scenic views of the Blue Mountains. The glass roof in the passenger cars allows for a fantastic view from every seat on the train.

Just take a look for yourself!

(1) Where might the Scenic Railway originally lead to? A. A village. B. A mine. C. A mountain. D. A valley.
(2) What can be known about the trail access to Orphan Rock? A. It is out of use. B. It is a rock tunnel. C. It is partially open. D. It is a 10-minute trip.
(3) What might be the Scenic Railway trip like? A. Eco-friendly. B. Absurd. C. Demanding. D. Adventurous.
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Chinese astronauts conducted a science lecture to millions of students on Dec. 9,2021 from the Tiangong space station. The three astronauts, Hai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, showed life in space and conducted experiments in microgravity.

It was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class, China's first extraterrestrial(地球外的)lecture series. Its goal is to popularize space science.

"The laboratory of the space station has many conditions that the Earth laboratory does not have, such as the environment of weightlessness and radiation," said Wen Xin, a professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He said that important jobs for astronauts in the space station include cell observation and maintaining plant life.

In the lecture, Ye demonstrated experiments related to cell growth in a weightless environment. He compared the growth and shape of cells in artificial gravity and zero-gravity to study their changing principles in space.

Another experiment in the space lecture was shown by Wang Yaping. She illustrated how a paper flower "bloomed" on the surface of water in Tiangong space station. She explained that the surface tension of water is magnified(放大)in space due to zero gravity.

One of the examples of surface tension on Earth is that some insects can "walk" on water. They use surface tension to "stand" instead of falling through water.

Surface tension plays a key role in product development. Researchers around the world are measuring surface tension to improve the quality of their products, according to Biolin Scientific, a science company. Paints are tailored to stick better on the surfaces they are applied to. Surface tension also has impacts in drug development.

Although the astronauts are thousands of miles away, their research does influence our life. Shi Yi, a teacher at the Beijing No. 101 Middle School, told China Daily that the space lecture was "an eye-opening experience that would arouse students' interest in science".

(1) What makes the space laboratory special? A. It is operated by a professor. B. It has a unique experiment environment. C. It broadcasts experiments to students. D. It promotes cell growth.
(2) What can we learn through Ye's cell experiment in space? A. The rules of cell growth. B. The secret in a weightless environment. C. The conditions of cell growth. D. The differences between the universe and the earth.
(3) What can we say about surface tension? A. It can speed up flower blooming. B. It is related to product quality. C. Paints have an influence on it. D. Drugs are used to measure it.
(4) Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A. Special Laboratory Environments B. Examples of Surface Tension C. Learning from Space D. Lectures about Cells
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The first model of Apple's iPhone was launched in June 2007. Since then, many different smartphones have been introduced. The devices now influence our daily lives in many ways. One thing that has changed is that many people now use their phones to easily take pictures without the need for a camera. Not surprisingly, this change has caused major business problems for camera manufacturers.

Of course, the camera built into the first iPhone 15 years ago did not include a high-quality camera able to compete with separate camera models. But over the years, smartphone makers have invested heavily in research and development to change that. Today, many smartphones have high-quality cameras designed to produce better pictures. And most phone devices also offer powerful tools to improve the quality of the pictures we take.

Japan's Camera & Tmaging Products Association (CIPA) said the digital camera market continually expanded starting in 1999. It experienced its first decrease in 2009—and continued to fall thereafter. The biggest change appeared from 2010 to 2020, when worldwide camera shipments fell about 93 percent, CIPA reported. The decreases were mainly caused by drops in shipments of digital cameras that have built-in lenses.

However, camera makers have had more success selling digital cameras with interchangeable lenses. This is because these cameras are generally targeted at professional photographers who demand higher quality. Such cameras can produce "high image quality that distinguishes them from smartphones," CIPA said.

But this does not mean that professional photographers never use smartphones to capture pictures. Brynn Anderson is based with the AP in Atlanta, Georgia. She said: "Sometimes being a photographer with a larger camera can be intimidating to the person being photographed. Using a phone makes it easier for me to get comfortable moments that might not happen otherwise. " Rodrigo Abd, an AP photographer in Buenos Aires, Argentina says using the iPhone makes it easier for him "to always be attentive" to everyday events when not covering a news story. Oded Balilty is based in Tel Aviv, Israel. "It is definitely an alternative tool," he said of the iPhone. But he added: "It's the photographer not the device, that determines the quality of a photo."

(1) What is the potential cause of the first decrease of digital cameras in 2009? A. Less money was invested to improve digital cameras. B. Cameras had been built into smartphones and improved. C. Fewer digital cameras with built-in lenses were produced D. The digital camera market stopped promoting new products.
(2) Why do digital cameras with interchangeable lenses enjoy good sales. A. They are more affordable.     B. They have superb shooting quality. C. They offer the power to beautify photos.     D. They are specially designed for professionals.
(3) What does the underlined word "intimidating " in the last paragraph probably mean? A. Amusing. B. Demanding. C. Rewarding. D. Scaring.
(4) What does Oded Balilty mean? A. The level of the photographer depends on the iPhone. B. The iPhone completely replaces his professional tool. C. The professional skills of the photographer is crucial. D. The iPhone enables him to work at any time and place.
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Brittany Starks is a single mother of two working multiple jobs in Tennessee. Her life has not been easy. In the past few years she has been homeless, suffered from severe depression, had to care for a sick child, and was almost killed in a car accident.

It was the accident, she says, that aroused in her a desire to spread kindness in all the ways she could. She became focused on taking every opportunity she had to help those in need. On August 4, Starks offered free hair-braiding (发辫) services to her community. "I thought I was only going to get five to seven kids but I had 35," Starks said.

Her inbox was quickly flooded with requests for appointments and Starks found herself working every night for two weeks straight into the early hours of the morning. "I wanted to do something for the parents like me whose money is going to be feeding their children and making sure they have a roof over their head," Starks said. "I wasn't expecting a big reaction. I thought I maybe get five kids or so, but I didn't realize how huge the need was for this." And the requests keep rolling in with many parents willing to come from out of state.

So many requests that she has had to call in extra support. She's also launched a GoFundMe to help pay for the hairstyling supplies she was initially paving for herself. "I didn't want to make a GoFundMe but I had so many people asking me to make one so that they can donate," she said.

Starks says once the back to school rush is over, she plans to keep up the effort once a month for children all over Nashville. "Doing this makes me happy," she said. "The smile on the children's faces are priceless. It brings me so much joy to know I made a difference in their life."

(1) The author explains how Starks was going by ____. A. listing numbers B. presenting facts C. making an example D. making a comparison
(2) Which of the following pushed Starks to spread kindness? A. The car accident. B. A stranger's kindness. C. The free hair-braiding service. D. A help in her childhood.
(3) How did people respond to Starks's service? A. They were indifferent to it. B. They were unable to refuse it. C. They were eager to ask for help. D. They were grateful for the kindness.
(4) What can we infer from the passage? A. Starks hopes to launch a GoFundMe in the future. B. Starks donated much money to an account of GoFundMe. C. Starks often rushed to help when school was over. D. Starks will keep on spreading kindness all over Nashville.
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