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Take A Scenic Ride On The World's Steepest Railway For Passengers—If You Dare!

Originally built for mining in 1878, the Scenic Railway is now a tourist ride that can take your breath away! In the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia, the former mining railway became a tourist attraction in 1945. It currently holds the Guinness World Records as the steepest passenger train with the steepest railway gradient (坡度).

The gradient of 52 degrees is comfortably viewed from inside an 84-seat, glass-enclosed carriage car. The passenger car travels along on a cable-driven system of rails as it navigates the steep terrain. During the tour, passengers will see the train travel through sandstone cliffs and a rock tunnel next to Orphan Rock.

Orphan Rock was once available for trail climbing. Following rock slides in the 1950s, the trail was partially closed. The trail access was completely closed in 1974 and never reopened due to potential risks.

On the Scenic Railway, you will see stunning views from a slightly different angle than Orphan Rock. The railway is open every day of the year, making the trip along the rails every ten minutes.

Sight-seeing passengers can ride the steepest railway up from the Jamison Valley or travel on the cable car. Either option affords incredible scenic views of the Blue Mountains. The glass roof in the passenger cars allows for a fantastic view from every seat on the train.

Just take a look for yourself!

(1) Where might the Scenic Railway originally lead to? A. A mine. B. A village. C. A mountain. D. A valley.
(2) What can be known about the trail access to Orphan Rock? A. It is a rock tunnel. B. It is out of use.

C It is partially open.    D. It is a 10-minute trip.

(3) What might be the Scenic Railway trip like? A. Eco-friendly. B. Absurd. C. Demanding. D. Adventurous.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Johannes Fritz, a biologist, needed to come up with a plan, again, if he was going to prevent his rare and beloved birds from going extinct. 

To survive the European winter, the northern bald ibis (秃鹃) — which had once disappeared entirely from the wild on the continent — needs to migrate south for the winter, over the Alps, before the mountains become blocked. But shifting climate patterns have delayed when the birds begin to migrate, and they are now reaching the mountains too late to make it over the peaks, locking them in an icy death trap. Determined to save them, Mr. Fritz decided he would teach the birds a new, safer migration route by guiding them himself in a tiny aircraft. And he was confident he could succeed in this daring, unusual plan —because he had done it before. 

Mr. Fritz was his young pupils' only provider of food and love since they' d been just a few days old, and the ibises eagerly followed their teacher. He learned to fly, modifying a tiny aircraft so it would fly at speeds slow enough for his winged students to keep up. In 2004, three years after some experiments, Mr. Fritz led the first flock from Austria to Italy, and has since led 15 such migrations. Over that time, he has rewilded (放归) 277 young ibises, many of which then started to pass the route on to their own young. For now, however, the main worry is getting the birds to follow the aircraft. " While they have a strong bond with their ' mothers' and follow them around on the ground, flying is more difficult, "  Fritz said. 

" Fly Away Home was a huge hit with us biologists, "  Mr. Fritz said, recalling the 1996movie in which a Canada geese was led to migrate by an aircraft. When Mr. Fritz claimed he' d do the same with the ibises, he was initially laughed at. But through years of trial and error, he succeeded. He even learned to fly like a bird, he said, laughing with ease. Mr. Fritz' s two sons, both now teenagers, followed their flying father and the migrating birds on the ground, and his family and colleagues witnessed the risks he was taking. But the unexpected risks are " necessary" , Mr. Fritz said. 

" It' s not so much a job, "  he added, " but my life' s purpose. " 

(1) What made Mr. Fritz believe he would make it this time? A. Confidence. B. Experience. C. Bravery. D. Determination.
(2) What is Fritz' s present concern according to paragraph 3? A. Whether the birds can fly after the aircraft. B. Tight schedule to modify a tiny aircraft. C. The extreme weather that prevents flying. D. Limited support from the local government.
(3) How is Mr. Fritz according to the passage? A. Imaginative and out-going. B. Generous and easy-going. C. Purposeful and strong-willed. D. Energetic and open-minded.
(4) What can we know from paragraph 4? A. Mr. Fritz once starred in a film in 1996. B. Mr. Fritz was favored by those around him. C. Mr. Fritz had no difficulty with what he did. D. Mr. Fritz thought what he did was worthwhile.
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The first thing my wife, Peg, said when I retired was "Good news! Now you'll have time to clean the garage!" Not exactly good news-it was the one task I'd been putting off. Inside the garage had been gaps so big you could see all the way down to the ground and all the junk that had piled up since I'd started my job.

I'd earned a job as a news director, a position where I could use my skills. I threw my whole into it and put aside all the family trifles. I'd even worked my way up to head of the office. And after 30 years' service, I knew it was time to retire. But after decades of long hours and strict deadlines, now what?

This dusty garage didn't seem like much compared to the marble halls of the office building. Sure, I would have more time to spend with my family, but I worried I'd lose the sense of purpose and identity I had felt in my job.

I picked my way past coolers, snow shovels and folded canvas. Here I was puttering (磨蹭), of all things. I pulled on work gloves, then removed a box of motor oil out of the way, intending to empty some shelves when my hand hit something hard. What could that be?

"Just a dusty tin of seeds." I sighed. "Huh, maybe older than me."

I grabbed a plastic tray and pushed them into the soil. "What are my chances?" I asked an experienced gardener. "Not very good," he said. I told Peg with a sigh, wanting to get rid of the tray, but something made me hesitate.

One morning, a sprig of green accidentally came into my view. Was it just grass? A weed? Or could it be...? I found myself checking first thing every morning, until one day I saw leaves unfurled. I proudly showed off the broad, healthy leaves to Peg and our grandchildren. "I just feel it even something this old can still come up. Pretty cool, right? Just like your papal!"

(1) Why did the author put off cleaning the garage? A. The garage was not in use. B. He was lazy with cleaning. C. The garage was full of wastes. D. He was occupied in his work.
(2) How did the author feel about his retirement at first? A. He felt a sense of loss. B. He was worried about housework. C. He felt freed from burdens. D. He was hopeful about the future life.
(3) What does the underlined word "something" in paragraph 6 mean? A. The experience of planting seeds. B. The ability to take care of the seeds. C. The words from the gardener about chances. D. The expectation for the coming up of the seeds.
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This is a national chain brand education group. We are currently looking for a headmaster for a primary school in Beijing.


Be motivated to develop a learning community of both students and their teachers.

Hold a master's degree and a teaching qualification in primary or middle school.

Have successful teaching experience within a primary school or middle school setting.

Experience of Project-Based Learning will be an advantage and preferred.

Be ready to organize and participate in after-school events that might occasionally include evenings and weekends.

Key Responsibilities:

Ensure that best interests of students and their learning sit at the heart of all decision-making.

Manage and regularly review the use of available resources, including human resources like accepting appropriately qualified staff, so as to improve students' learning and achievements.

Provide broad and balanced courses that meet relevant requirements and the school's education vision, including the use of PBL (problem-based-learning) alongside more traditional teaching methods for primary courses.

Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning as well as standards of achievement.

Work in partnership with parents/carers, the community, other schools and in particular colleges, businesses to improve and enrich the school and ensure the academic, moral, social and emotional well-being of students.

Provide regular management information to the Board(董事会) covering the financial, academic and examination performances of the school.

If you meet the above-mentioned qualifications and are interested in employment, please send us your resumes(简历) and application letter to edu@foreignhr. com before June 1, 2022.

(1) What is the purpose of the passage? A. To explain a teaching method. B. To introduce a school. C. To share a personal experience. D. To advertise a position.
(2) Which of the following is Not a must for application? A. A diploma and qualifications in teaching. B. Relevant work experience in education. C. Experience of Project-Based Learning. D. Willingness to work after working hours.
(3) What should a qualified headmaster do? A. Center on the best interests of the staff. B. Arrange courses based on his education vision. C. Cooperate with related members and groups. D. Keep management information from the Board.
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