
This is a national chain brand education group. We are currently looking for a headmaster for a primary school in Beijing.


Be motivated to develop a learning community of both students and their teachers.

Hold a master's degree and a teaching qualification in primary or middle school.

Have successful teaching experience within a primary school or middle school setting.

Experience of Project-Based Learning will be an advantage and preferred.

Be ready to organize and participate in after-school events that might occasionally include evenings and weekends.

Key Responsibilities:

Ensure that best interests of students and their learning sit at the heart of all decision-making.

Manage and regularly review the use of available resources, including human resources like accepting appropriately qualified staff, so as to improve students' learning and achievements.

Provide broad and balanced courses that meet relevant requirements and the school's education vision, including the use of PBL (problem-based-learning) alongside more traditional teaching methods for primary courses.

Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning as well as standards of achievement.

Work in partnership with parents/carers, the community, other schools and in particular colleges, businesses to improve and enrich the school and ensure the academic, moral, social and emotional well-being of students.

Provide regular management information to the Board(董事会) covering the financial, academic and examination performances of the school.

If you meet the above-mentioned qualifications and are interested in employment, please send us your resumes(简历) and application letter to edu@foreignhr. com before June 1, 2022.

(1) What is the purpose of the passage? A. To explain a teaching method. B. To introduce a school. C. To share a personal experience. D. To advertise a position.
(2) Which of the following is Not a must for application? A. A diploma and qualifications in teaching. B. Relevant work experience in education. C. Experience of Project-Based Learning. D. Willingness to work after working hours.
(3) What should a qualified headmaster do? A. Center on the best interests of the staff. B. Arrange courses based on his education vision. C. Cooperate with related members and groups. D. Keep management information from the Board.
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For some people, October is October. On October 5, Katmai National Park and Preserve in southern Alaska kicked off Fat Bear Week, when fans compare before and after photos of bears to vote for the one they think has gained the most weight before they bed down for the long freezing winter. Bear 747, also known as "Bear Force One", took the first-place spot with 68,105 votes. It weighed around 1,400 pounds.

Fat Bear Week started in 2014. At first, it was just Fat Bear Tuesday. Mike Fitz, a former park keeper at Katmai, noticed that live webcams showing the bears generated a lot of online comments, so he let people vote for their favorite fat bear on the Internet. The one-day event attracted 1,700 votes. In 2015, it was extended to a week. Last year, nearly 800,000 people got involved, turning it into a global campaign.

The contest serves two main purposes. First, some of America's national parks are in remote and undeveloped areas, which are difficult or costly to reach. Fat Bear Week brings Alaska's wilderness to fans' computer screens." It's not limited to the fortunate few who can go to the river anymore." Fitz said.

Second, Fat Bear Week brings attention to the bears and the ecosystems they live in. The 2,200 bears of Katmai are strong for feeding on some of the healthiest salmon (三文鱼) in the world,said Sara Wolman, a former park keeper. Salmon in the Pacific Northwest are suffering from overfishing, dam construction and warming rivers due to climate change. Luckily, Brooks River, which Katmai's bears like to fish in, has been free from these threats so far.

Fat Bear Week has spread like viruses. Fans and creators say it's because it shows a conservation success story. For one week, people don't have to focus on climate change or habitat loss. "Maybe things aren't super great all the time in the world," said Felicia Jimenez, who is a current Katmai keeper. "But there are some really fat bears in Alaska."

(1) Why was Bear 747 the winner? A. It was the heaviest. B. It was the most famous. C. It gained the most pounds. D. It presented the best photos.
(2) What is the purpose of paragraph 2? A. To praise Mike Fitz for his work. B. To review the history of the event. C. To show the popularity of fat bears. D. To explain the role of live webcams.
(3) What can we learn about Katmai's bears? A. They bring tourists to the park. B. They have a stable food source. C. They remain difficult to be seen. D. They face a population decline.
(4) Which can be the best title for the text? A. Fat Bear Week: Conservation Is Joyful B. Brown Bears: Winter Survival Is Crucial C. Bear 747: A Fat Yet Healthy Champion D. Katmai's Bears: A Special Beauty Contest
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Beginning 2020, the fifth generation of wireless technology is expected to be widely used throughout the world. The new network, called 5G, promises to give faster speeds and a higher capacity for the use of more devices. However, while some companies are competing to be the first to deliver 5G to the consumer, the environmental influences of the new network are being overlooked.

There is some evidence that the new devices and technologies associated with 5G will be harmful to ecosystems. The main component of the 5G network that will affect the earth's ecosystems is the millimeter waves. The millimeter waves that are being used in developing the 5G network have never been used at such scale(规模) before. Studies have found that there are some harms caused by these new technologies.

The millimeter waves, specifically, had a detrimental effect on birds. In a study, researchers observed that after exposure to radiation from a cell tower for just 5~30 minutes, the eggs of sparrows were disfigured. The disfiguration of birds exposed for such a short amount of time to these frequencies(频率) is significant considering that the new 5G network will have a much higher density(浓度) of base stations(small cells) throughout areas needing connection. The potential dangers of having so many small cells all over areas where birds live could threaten their population's survival.

Additionally, it was found that cellular devices were linked to many disturbances in the ecosystems of bees. In this study, beehives exposed for just ten minutes to 900MHz waves fell victim to colony collapse disorder(蜂群崩坏症候群). Bees are an incredibly important part of the earth's ecosystem. Around one-third of the food produced today is dependent on bees for pollination(授粉), making bees are a vital part of the agricultural system.

The impact that the cell towers have on birds and bees is important to understand, because all ecosystems of the earth are interconnected. If one component of an ecosystem is disrupted the whole system will be affected.

(1) What will probably cause the environmental problems with the wide use of 5G network? A. The lack of the density of base stations. B. The less mature devices and technologies. C. The lower capacity for the use of devices. D. The large amount of use of millimeter waves.
(2) Which of the following best explains the underlined word "detrimental" in Paragraph 3? A. Important. B. Unknown. C. Harmful. D. Potential.
(3) Why are bees important in the earth's ecosystem? A. They play a key role in food production. B. They can guide some pollinators to work. C. They are likely to reduce unpleasant noises. D. They rid disturbances in the agricultural system.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Should 5G Be Used in the Future? B. The Influence of 5G on Ecosystem C. The Research on 5G Technologies D. How Can Ecosystem Survive 5G?
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Science reporting on climate change does lead Americans to adopt more accurate beliefs and support government action on the issue, but these gains are fragile, a new study suggests. Researchers found that these accurate beliefs fade quickly when people are exposed to coverage skeptical of climate change.

"It is not the case that the American public does not respond to scientifically informed reporting when they are exposed to it, " said Thomas Wood, associate professor of political science at the Ohio State University. "But even truly accurate science reporting recedes from people's frame of reference very quickly."

Results showed that accurate science reporting didn't persuade only politicians and people who initially rejected human-caused climate change also had their opinions shifted by reading accurate articles. The study involved 2, 898 online participants who participated in four waves of the experiment during the fall of 2020.

In the first wave, they all read authentic articles in the popular media that provided information reflecting the seientifie views on climate change. In the second and third waves, they read either another scientific article, an opinion article that was skeptical of climate science, or an article on an unrelated subjeet. In the fourth wave, the participants simply were asked their beliefs about the science of climate change and their policy attitudes.

To rate participants' scientific understanding. the researchers asked after each wave if they believed that climate change is happening and has a human cause. To measure their attitudes, researchers asked participants if they favored government action on climate change and if they favored renewable energy.

"What we found suggests that people need to hear the same accurate messages about climate change again and again. If they only hear it once, it recedes very quickly, " Wood said. It was significant that accurate reporting had positive effects on all groups, including those who originally rejected climate change. But it was even more encouraging that it affected attitudes.

(1) What does the underlined word "recedes" in paragraph 2 mean? A. Increases. B. Graduates. C. Disappears. D. Strikes.
(2) What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us? A. The research object. B. The research result. C. The research purpose. D. The research procedure.
(3) Why did researchers ask participants the second question? A. To survey the government's satisfaction rate. B. To make an assessment on their attitudes. C. To teach them scientific understanding. D. To measure action on climate change.
(4) What can be the best title for the text? A. Science Report Of Climate Change Can Affect Minds B. Online Participants Joined In A Four-Wave Experiment C. Accurate Science Reporting Don't Persuade Only Politicians D. People Should Hear Accurate Messages About Climate Change
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