1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

On December 16, 2023, the first section of Maya Train officially opened, which runs between Campeche and Cancún, carrying up to 231 passengers across 290 miles and stopping at 14 train stations. 

Built as an ambitious effort to promote tourism and boost Mexico' s economy, the rail system connects the major cities and tourist regions of the Yucatán Peninsula-from Cancún' s beaches to Tulum' s archaeological (考古的) wonders. Once the project is completed, the entire rail system will link tourist destinations across five states. However, environmentalists and archaeologists argue that the train route will cause great damage to the environment and ancient Mayan sites. 

The Maya Train passes through six UNESCO World Heritage sites, and thousands of archaeological sites. One particular area of concern is the Calakmul biosphere reserve, which is home to many endangered species, such as jaguars and over 500 other animal species. The train lines, more than 60 meters wide, could act as artificial barriers that may limit the movement of these animals within the reserve, making it difficult for them to move around and access food and water sources. 

Opponents also express safety concerns. Certain sections of the rail system will be built right on top of the aquifer' s (地下水层的) most fragile points of contact with the surface. " It' s like wanting to build over eggshells, says Guillermo Christy, a water treatment consultant. "  Putting trains weighing thousands of tons on top could cause the underground caves to crash down. To construct the train infrastructure (基础设施) also requires driving long piles deep into the ground, which poses a big threat to this fragile ecosystem and leads to water shortages. 

In the ongoing debate of Maya Train, it is crucial to consider the delicate balance between economic development and environmental preservation. While Maya Train may provide economic benefits, we must not overlook the potential environmental and cultural losses, as well as the safety risks it may bring. Achieving harmony between progress and conservation may be a significant challenge for the project, but we must take into account the long-term consequences of our actions. 

(1) What do we know about the Maya Train project? A. It consumes lots of labor in Mexico. B. It was completed on December 16, 2023. C. It has concerned some professionals. D. It blocks the development of local tourism.
(2) What is the effect of the train lines on the animals in the reserve? A. They disturb their sleeping patterns. B. They restrict their activities. C. They pollute their water sources. D. They engage their enemies to the area.
(3) Why does the author mention " eggshells"  in paragraph 4? A. To show the difficulty of constructing the rail lines. B. To prove the urgency of protecting the fragile ecosystem. C. To explain the reasons for water shortages along the railway. D. To stress the potential harm of Maya Train to the aquifer system.
(4) Which statement would the author probably agree with? A. Preserving cultural sites requires strong financial support. B. It is time to speed up the construction process of Maya Train. C. Economic development should not come at the expense of the environment. D. We should prize the economic benefits of the project in the long run.
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Getting into college is a big step for high school graduates, and it comes with a lot of changes. For most students, it's the first time they're living away from home and managing their own life. Not surprisingly, adapting to this new lifestyle can be challenging. The following four tips will make high school graduates better prepared for college life.

Goal setting

When setting goals, whether they're academic, career, or personal, remember they should be attainable but not too easy, so that you really have to push yourself to achieve them, and feel rewarded when you do. Writing down your goals and breaking down each huge, long-term goal into smaller more practical ones can help make it feel more real, and writing out a plan for achieving it can give you a roadmap to success.

Interpersonal skills

At college, you will interact with fellow students, professors, librarians, and many others. Strong interpersonal skills will help you build relationships during this time, and get more out of them. If you feel that your interpersonal skills need some work, practice asking thoughtful questions and listening closely, develop your understanding by putting yourself in someone else's shoes, and enhance your self-confidence.


With fewer in-class hours and more on-your-own learning, you're required to really digest learning material rather than simply memorize facts. To be successful in college you'll need to learn how to integrate large amounts of information obtained through reading, do research, and write papers. Organization is the key, so if you are not someone who is naturally organized, set up your study schedule.


Managing money is a critical life skill, and for many, it is at college that they develop it for the first time. Start by estimating your financial balance. Then give high priority to the expenses on basic needs and determine how much money to set aside every month to cover those costs. Don't forget about savings … and the fun stuff(movies, dinners out), too.

(1) Who is this passage most probably written for? A. College teachers. B. University graduates. C. High school teachers. D. Would-be college students.
(2) What is the key to successful college study according to the author? A. Being well-organized. B. Being well-informed. C. Effective reading skills. D. Reliable research methods.
(3) To learn how to manage money, the first thing to do is ____.  A. save money for financial investment B. estimate one's income and expenses C. set aside money for fun activities D. open a personal bank account
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With her first song on social media in 2019 and her first Grammy win in the best African Music Performance category four years later, Tyla has become the new face of African pop.

For many listeners, Tyla's 2023 hit song "Water" was their first taste of the sound of amapiano, which is a new musical movement that started in the towns of South Africa in the 2010s. Roughly translated from Zulu to mean "the pianos" or "piano people," amapiano is a mix-up of a few different types of music: jazz, deep house, kwaito and log drum percussives. "Amapiano is the mainstream music of South Africa's party scene," says Moma, a Sudanese-American DJ. "And it has become a lifestyle there."

Moma first heard amapiano in 2016 when he hopped in a taxi in South Africa. He tipped his driver $50 to let him download the music and took the sounds back to the US. As the music started to move around America, Tyla was perfecting her own version of it back home in South Africa.

She started singing on TikTok and dropped her first song, "Getting Late" in 2019, to show her parents that she was serious about pursuing a career in music after high school. Based on the track, they agreed to give her one year to make it happen.

It took a few months for Tyla and her team to shoot the video for "Getting Late", with no backing, no budget. But when they finally uploaded it to TikTok in early 2021, labels noticed.

In the video, Tyla's taken the building blocks of amapiano and added elements of pop made by stars like Rihanna (to whom critics and fans are now comparing her) and Justin Bieber. Her signature sound has been called "pop-iano".

After publishing "Water" in July 2023 and noticing it had become a piece of trending audio on the app, Tyla and her team created a dance challenge in August. Tyla's performance during the competition really made a____splash. "It introduced me to a wider audience than I had ever imagined," Tyla says. "It has positively changed my life."

(1) What can we say about Moma? A. He is a famous music writer. B. He introduced amapiano to the US. C. He helped Tyla study amapiano. D. He created a different type of music.
(2) What was Tyla's parents' reaction to her career choice? A. Unconcerned. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
(3) Which element is added to amapiano by Tyla? A. African pop. B. Jazz. C. Deep house. D. Kwaito.
(4) Which is closest in meaning to "made a splash" in the last paragraph? A. Ended in a disaster. B. Took plenty of time. C. Was sharply criticized. D. Attracted a lot of attention.
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After circling Earth for six months, the three crew members of China's Shenzhou XIII mission have departed from the Tiangong space station and returned to the mother planet on Saturday morning, finishing the nation's longest manned spaceflight.

Zhai Zhigang, who was the mission commander, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu breathed fresh air for the first time after the half-year space journey as ground recovery staff opened the door of their reentry capsule (返回舱) at 10: 03 am.

Medical service workers on the site told China Central Television that the astronauts are in good condition. Carrying the mission crew, the Shenzhou XIII spacecraft left from the Tiangong station at 12: 44 am. In the last hours of their stay inside the Tiangong, the astronauts worked with ground controllers to adjust the station, sending some experimental data back to Earth and sorting out materials.

The crew has set a new record for China's longest spaceflight, almost doubling the previous record of 92 days created by their colleagues in the Shenzhou XII mission who travelled with Tiangong from mid-June to mid-September last year.

During the Shenzhou XIII mission, the astronauts carried out two spacewalks that totaled more than 12 hours. They tested components on the station's robotic arm and used it to practice spacewalk. Wang took part in the first spacewalk on Nov 7, becoming the first female Chinese spacewalker.

The crew members also carried out two science lectures from the space station for Chinese students. In one experiment, Wang used a Bing Dwen Dwen toy, the popular mascot (吉祥物) of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, to display how objects fly in weightless environment. The space-based lessons marked the start of the Tiangong Class series, China's first space lecture series that aims to popularize space science and inspire youngsters to pursue their "science and space dreams", according to the manned space agency.

(1) What mission did the crew members accomplish? A. Living in space for half a year. B. Controlling the space station on their own. C. Opening the door of the reentry capsule. D. Departing from the planet on Saturday morning.
(2) Which was the achievement of the astronauts? A. They completed a 12-hour spacewalk. B. They conducted two science experiments. C. They became the first Chinese spacewalkers. D. They checked parts on the station's robotic arm.
(3) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Teenagers will be sent into space station to explore. B. There will definitely be more space lectures in the future. C. "Science and space dreams" will be the top aim among teenagers. D. Astronauts will use more Bing Dwen Dwen toys to do experiments.
(4) Which is the best title of the text? A. Inspire Youngsters to Pursue Space Dreams B. The Mission Commander of Tiangong Station C. Space-based Lessons Marked the Start of the Tiangong Class D. Crew Members of the Shenzhou XIII Mission Returned to Earth
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