
A lot of people think that college is all about getting good grades, but there are a lot of other things you could be doing to make your college experience more pleasant.

Always make study friends

It's way better to study with someone else rather than by yourself! If you have trouble focusing when studying, this will keep you off your phone and any other distractions, and you will feel the responsibility of actually studying since another person's time is at stake. Make sure you are arranging study sessions with the people in your class. You can make group chats through different platforms for you to meet in the library or online.

Attend your professors' office hours

Professors always have an enormous influence on your educational path. So, make sure they are getting to know you both as a person and as a student. Therefore, office hours are the perfect time for you to come to ask questions and show an interest in their class. Even if you don't have good grades, it shows that you are trying hard, and they love that.

Check your email

Please make sure you have a valid email address. Almost everything you do in college will involve your email. This is how most professors and every other person in the university community will communicate with you and vice versa (反之亦然).

Review the material that you didn't understand

Let's be real: There are two or three days a week when we just feel out of it. We often simply feel a lot of tiredness and very little motivation. It becomes very hard for us to learn something new or remember it. That is OK and every college student feels this way sometimes!

The important thing here is how we make up for the lost time to still have good grades in our classes, and I can give you a very easy strategy to follow. The key is to review the topic or material you were supposed to understand in class later that same day. Please do this!

(1)  Study friends play an important role in____. A. attracting your attention when you have trouble focusing B. driving you to devote more time and attention to your studies C. helping you arrange study sessions with your classmates D. making group chats for you to meet in person or online
(2) Why importance should be attached to professors' office hours? A. Because it is a good time for professors to leave a deep impression on you. B. Because you can show how good your grades are during the hours. C. Because it is a good chance for professors to further understand you. D. Because it is when you can share your interests with the professors.
(3)  What is the purpose of having a valid email address? A. To help students get in touch with their families. B. To keep students informed of school affairs. C. To collect useful information for the email users. D. To make it easier for others on campus to contact you.
(4)  What does the author suggest students do to achieve high scores in classes? A. Go over the topic or material later that day. B. Take enough rest and be motivated all the time. C. Consult the professors during office hours. D. Try to make up for the lost time as much as possible.
(5) Who will probably find this passage most helpful? A. Working staff in colleges. B. Senior students in universities. C. Would-be college students. D. High school teachers and students.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Billions of insects are moving together over the sky like a black cloud. It's a swarm of locusts. Many insects move in huge swarms. They form swarms for different reasons. Some move together to look for food or to find new homes. Sometimes insects swarm for protection. These enormous swarms can destroy food crops and harm other living things.

When something disturbs a red fire ants' nest, out they will come. Not just one or two, but thousands of them. The fire ants swarm all over their victim. Their stings burn like fire. Each ant in the swarm can sting over and over again. The fire ants hold onto their victim with their mouth parts. Then they inject their prey with poison. Most small animals cannot survive the stings from a swarm of fire ants.

When army ants are on the move, anything in their path is prey. Even snakes can' t escape a swarm of these stinging ants. Army ants move together to look for food. They can't see their prey, but they use smells and sounds to find their way. If they come to a river, they make a bridge with their bodies. They cling together with their legs. Then the rest of the ants can cross the bridge. There is not much that can stop these fierce and cruel ants from chasing their prey.

Insects are not the only animals that swarm. There are many others that do. Most are not harmful to people. Being close to a huge swarm of animals can be scary and dangerous. Some scientists have studied animal swarms. They have found that many swarms follow simple rules. They work together to solve problems. When they work together they are a very strong team.

(1)  What does the underlined word "swarm" in Paragraph 1 mean? A. To force a liquid into something. B. To hold onto something tightly. C. To move together in a large group. D. To watch over something.
(2) What can we learn about fire ants from the text? A. Their stings contain a kind of poison and are deadly to most small animals. B. They can destroy food crops and are harmful to other living things. C. When they move together, they are called "a swarm of locusts". D. They move in swarms to make new nests in different places.
(3) Which of the following can be the proper feature of army ants according to the text? A. Blind and smelly. B. Angry and violent. C. Scary and dangerous. D. Strong and fast.
(4) What is the most suitable title for the text? A. Moving Nests B. Stinging Fire Ants C. A Moving Army D. Swarms of Animals
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Singapore's government has approved the sale of a laboratory-grown chicken meat. The American company that invented the product, Eat Just, says it is the first time lab-grown meat has received such approval anywhere in the world. Lab-grown meat — also called clean or cultured meat — is created from animal cells in a laboratory. The product is made without harming animals. The cells grow directly into the meat, outside of any animal.

The Eat Just product is to be sold as small pieces, called nuggets. The product is set to launch at a Singapore restaurant "in the very near term," the company's CEO Josh Tetrick told Reuters news agency.

Demand for alternatives to animal meat is rising across the world because of public concerns about health, animal welfare and the environment. Plant-based products — popularized by companies like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods and Quorn — are selling in a growing number of stores and restaurants. But the development of lab-grown meat has been much slower than that of plant-based versions. The main reason for the delay is money. Lab-grown meat costs a lot more to produce.

Tetrick said the San Francisco-based company is also seeking approvals from U. S. government agencies. But he added that Singapore was a "good bit" ahead of the United States. The Singapore Food Agency said it examined data from processing, production control and safety testing before approving Eat Just sales. Tetrick said it is likely that the U. S. and countries in Europe and elsewhere will examine Singapore's approval system and will attempt to create a similar process.

Eat Just was founded in 2011 and has raised more than $300 million, Tetrick said. The company is valued at around $1. 2 billion. Worldwide, more than 24 companies are testing lab-grown fish, cow and chicken meat. They are hoping to break into a new part of the alternative meat market. Financial experts at Barclays Bank have estimated the market could be worth up to $140 billion by 2029. Competitors in the market have also been able to raise large amounts of money and win support from well-known investors.

(1) What can we learn about the laboratory-grown chicken meat? A. It has been put into market. B. It is produced in Singapore. C. It can be created without animals. D. The sale of it hasn't been approved in America.
(2) Why has the development of lab-grown meat been slow? A. It focuses on public concerns. B. More money is needed to produce it. C. The approval system is very complex. D. It's not as popular as plant-based products.
(3) What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. Eat Just has made great profits. B. The development of lab-grown products is fast. C. Competitors should be cautious when investing. D. The market for lab-grown products is promising.
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Toy industry experts say some people in the United States are turning off their electronic devices to play with classic toys like board games. This is especially true among the so-called millennial generation (千禧一代). One coffee shop in Los Angeles is making profitable use of the increase in popularity of board games.

GameHäus Café opened in November of 2013. The café is dedicated to board games. It has more than 750 games available for its customers. The business does not feature wireless Internet connection. Many customers like Roxanne Lee and her husband Agassi Lai think that is good. Ms. Lee praises the atmosphere of the café. "I think it's very interesting for spending quality time together so that's why I like it."

Agassi Lai used to like playing video games. But everything changed when he discovered board games a few years ago. He likes to play a board game called "Escape the Curse of the Temple."

You keep rolling the dice and try to move to different places and try to escape the temple. Twenty-three year-old Weland Bourne is one of those board-game-loving millennials. "I think more with my generation, they're wanting to take time. They're wanting to take it slowly and I think, too, video games have kind of lost their attraction"

Adrienne Appell is with the Toy Industy Association, She says the new generation just wants to put down the telephone and Tablet and connect directly with other people.

(1) What can we learn about GameHaus Cafe from the text? A. It features board games. B. It serves millennials only. C. It denies access to the Internet. D. It provides a romantic atmosphere.
(2) According to the text, what advantage do board games have over video games? A. They are financially profitable. B. They help develop intelligence. C. They have more varieties available. D. They enable face-to-face interaction.
(3) What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A. To advertise a game. B. To introduce a business. C. To inform a phenomenon. D. To promote a study.
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