
When Darrell Langworthy was growing up, Thanksgiving meant 30 neighbors sharing a potluck meal in the family driveway.

"My parents worked at a golf course. They'd invite all the workers to Thanksgiving dinner. They would never turn anybody away," he says. "If there was a kid in the neighborhood who needed dinner, he got it." It has become an essential part of their family life. Today, Langworthy carries on the tradition at his restaurant in Colchester, Vermont, where a combination of barbecue and community service has made Mark BBQ a hot spot.

Colchester is a small town on the shores of Lake Champlain, just north of Burlington. Locals know Mark BBQ for its brisket burgers, pulled-pork sandwiches and Tex-Mex meatloaf.

For many, Mark BBQ is also a stop on the road to recovery. Enter: Recovery Kitchen, a programme that brings former addicts into the kitchen to build service industry skills. The effort was inspired by manager Casey DeGuise, who arrived with a troubled history and even more determination.

"He had been turned down for 35 jobs," Langworthy says. "We said ‘Let's take a chance,' and he's never let me down."

Langworthy knows that a little help can go a long way. "I had a time when I was definitely drinking too much," he recalls. Now, he offers to others the support he once needed. He keeps a cooler by Mark BBQ's front door with free food for anyone who wants it. But his favorite pastime is still watching full plates turn to dirty dishes.

"If we can pay the bills and staff, we're happy," says Langworthy. "If we can help the community, we're happier." So far, Darrell Langworthy has handed out more than 170,000 free meals.

(1) What's the tradition of the Langworthy family? A. To invite people in his community to Thanksgiving dinner. B. To work at a golf course like his parents. C. To start a programme called Enter: Recovery Kitchen. D. To have a family reunion on Thanksgiving Day.
(2) What is special about Darrell Langworthy's restaurant? A. It serves tasty and countless food. B. It offers job chances for people. C. It combines BBQ and community service. D. It lies on the shores of Lake Champlain.
(3) Which of the following words can best describe Darrell Langworthy? A. Adventurous and responsible B. Generous and empathetic C. Cooperative and productive D. Ambitious and demanding
(4) What message is conveyed in the text? A. Action speaks louder than words. B. Many hands make light work. C. Loving is a thing that grows. D. Devotion makes the world a better place.
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(1) How should applicants apply for the courses at Keele? A. Through UCAS online. B. Through on-site registration. C. Through the live chat at weekends. D. Through the charitable foundation.
(2) What must be included in your application? A. A reference from UCAS. B. Your family insurances. C. Academic qualifications. D. Details of your adviser.
(3) By what time must most applications be submitted for equal treatment? A. 30 June. B. 15 January. C. 11 February. D. 15 October.
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Pollution,Pollination and the Sensitive Rules of Attraction

【The New York Times (Feburary 20, 2024)】

The damage that air pollution can do is wide-ranging and well known: The chemicals produced by human activities can trap heat in the atmosphere, change the chemistry of the oceans and harm human health in myriad ways. Now, a new study suggests that air pollution might also make flowers less attractive to pollinating insects.       Compounds called nitrate radicals, which can be abundant in nighttime urban air, severely degrade the scent emitted by the pale evening primrose, reducing visits from pollinating hawk moths, researchers reported in Science this month.

The study focuses on the pale evening primrose, a plant with delicate flowers that open at night. Its key pollinators include hawk moths, which have exquisitely sensitive odor-detecting antennae(触角). A flower's scent is a complex olfactory bouquet that contains many chemical compounds. To identify the ingredients in the signature primrose scent, the scientists fastened plastic bags over the blooms, capturing samples of the fragrant air. When the team analyzed these samples in the lab, it identified 22 distinct chemical components.

The scientists then recorded the electrical activity of the moths' antennae when they were exposed to these scent compounds. They found that the moths were especially sensitive to a group of compounds called monoterpenes, which also help give conifers their fresh, evergreen smell.

The researchers used these attractive aromas to concoct their own simulated primrose scent. Then, they added ozone and nitrate radicals, both of which can form when pollutants produced by fossil-fuel combustion enter the atmosphere. Ozone, which forms in the presence of sunlight, is abundant during the day, whereas nitrate radicals, which are degraded by sunlight, are more dominant at night.

The scientists added ozone to the primrose scent first and observed some chemical degradation, with concentrations of two key monoterpenes dropping by roughly 30 percent.They next added nitrate radicals to the mix, which proved far more damaging, reducing these key moth attractants by as much as 84 percent compared with their original levels. They were"almost completely gone," Dr. Thornton, the leading researcher said.

The researchers believe that the problem extends far beyond the hawk moth and the primrose. Many pollinators are sensitive to monoterpenes, which are common in floral odors. Using computational modeling, the researchers calculated that in many cities around the world, pollution has reduced scent-detection distances by more than 75 percent since the preindustrial age.

(1) Why did the scientists make use of plastic bags in the research? A. They used them to protect the subject of the study B. They used them to detect chemical compounds C. They used them to obtain samples of the fragrant air D. They used them to modify the ingredients in the signature primrose scent
(2) Which of the following statement is true according to the passage? A. Moths' antennae is more easily to react to conifers' evergreen smell B. The researchers used monoterpenes to make artificial primrose scent C. Ozone produced by fossil-fuel consumption is easier to be found at night D. Nitrate radicals forms in the absence of sunlight and changed by night
(3) What may Dr. Thornton disagree with concerning the result of the passage? A. Some chemical degradation can be caused by the addition of ozone B. The combination of nitrate radicals and ozone can be more damaging C. Key moth attractants are almost gone after the adding of the nitrate radicals D. Nitrate radicals are more damaging than ozone to ozone
(4) What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Severe air pollution problems arise from human activites B. Pollution may reduce flower pollination with less attraction to pollinators C. The urgency to alleviate air pollution in the atmosphere D. The loss of habitat of pollinating insects
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Julia Whelan climbed into the double-walled, foam-insulated booth in her home office near Palm Springs, Calif. In preparation, she had stopped drinking alcohol the night before, had avoided dairy since waking at 6 a. m. and had run through the humming and vocalizing of her warm-up exercises. Her glass jar filled with water, her Vaseline lip therapy at hand, she was ready to work. 

Whelan, 38, the comforting, confident female voice behind more than 400 audio-books, is so sought-after that six months' notice is required. Once she has taken on a project, she reads through the book once or twice, deciding on themes to highlight when she gets into the recording booth by using different tones and accents, and emphasizing certain words. "Narrating a book really is a performance, "she said, "and it can be harder to do than acting, because I can't use my eyes or facial expression to communicate something to the audience. "

Her narrating voice, slightly different from her regular speech, is crisp and low-pitched. There is no singsong, no up speak, "I have an absolute affection on her voice, with a detached but not uninterested tone that makes her a very persuasive storyteller. When I listen to Julia read my stories, it sounds like she is calling you over to tell you a great story. "said Olivia Nuzzi, NewYork magazine's Washington correspondent.

Flynn, an American writer and film maker, decided against rereading the book Gone Girl, opting instead to listen to the narration when preparing to write the screenplay for the film adaptation. "Julia gave me the benefit of listening to Amy and seeing the world through her eyes, "Flynn said. Just before the pandemic, Whelan began her writing Thank You for Listening. She learned about her writing when she experienced it as a narrator. "There is something about it that changes when you're performing it, "Whelan said, "I read the book out loud during every stage of its revisions but it's different when you sit down and have the microphone in front of you. When I finally am inhabiting all the characters, the story comes to life. "

(1) Why did Julia Whelan make the preparations? A. To avoid muscle strain. B. At her followers' request. C. To build up her confidence. D. For her occupational necessity.
(2) What can we learn about Whelan from paragraph 2? A. She is a serious-minded narrator. B. Her accent is typical of her narration. C. She earns people's admiration in acting. D. Her body language speaks louder than voice.
(3) Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word"detached"in paragraph 3? A. Relaxing. B. Flat. C. Silky. D. Critical.
(4) What does the author indicate by mentioning Whelan's writing experience? A. Whelan's exceptional writing talent. B. Whelan's deep gratitude to. the audience. C. The hardship of Whelan's interpreting stories. D. The contribution of Whelan's narration to writing.
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