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The first set of Chinese stories presented in English scripts, titled Stories of China: Performed in English, was officially published by Foreign Language Press. Planned by the New Channel International Education Group with the participation of playwrights from China, the United Kingdom and the United states, the book provides a new way for young people to learn English while inheriting and spreading Chinese culture. 

The book contains 20 English scripts in novel formats covering a wide range of subjects. Unlike the most common English scripts for young readers on the market which are based on adaptations of European and American stories, those scripts presented in this book are unique for being based on classic Chinese stories, readapted and written in English. The book is divided into three grades in terms of grammar and vocabulary difficulty, making it suitable for young English learners from primary schools to junior and high schools. 

All the scripts in the book are written by top playwrights with elegant, pure and vivid language. The scripts are provided with a summary of the story in both Chinese and English, so that readers can fully understand the plot as well as the history and culture behind it. Readers can not only improve their English skills through immersive reading and performance but also appreciate Chinese culture. 

Hu Min, English education expert and founder of the New Channel, said the combination of traditional Chinese culture and English teaching has become a trend, guiding young people to tell Chinese stories to the world with their own wisdom and deep Chinese cultural heritage. The New Channel will offer special courses on Stories of China: Performed in English in its many schools across the country, and cooperate with primary and secondary schools in Beijing, Shanghai to offer English drama courses on a trial basis. Hu believes the courses will set off a new wave of enthusiastic learning among young people. 

(1) What is the reason for publishing Stories of China: Performed in English? A. To introduce some famous playwrights in China. B. To make foreign students enjoy Chinese culture. C. To offer a new teaching method on a trial basis. D. To improve English learning and pass down Chinese culture.
(2) What is special about the book? A. Its popularity among young people. B. Its elegant, pure and vivid language. C. Being published by a top foreign press. D. The way of introducing classic Chinese stories.
(3) What's Hu Min's attitude towards the offered courses? A. Hopeful. B. Doubtful. C. Objective. D. Critical.
(4) In which section of a magazine might you find the text? A. Science. B. Tourism. C. Culture. D. Business.
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"That's awesome," said NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren, after he ate a piece of red lettuce (窝笸) that was grown in a special box. "Tastes good," agreed US astronaut Scott Kelly, who is spending one year at the research station. "Kind of like arugula (芝麻菜))" Kelly added, and then used small bottles to spread olive oil and vinegar on his leaf, much as one might spread ketchup on a hot dog.

NASA says that if space explorers can grow their own food while they are away from the Earth they would be more likely to survive the deep space exploration, which can last months or even years. With no way to resupply a spacecraft making a long journey to and from Mars, the ability to grow food during the trip will be key to survive. "Having the ability for us to grow our own food is a big step in that direction," Kelly said.

Ray Wheeler, NASA's lead scientist for advanced life support activities at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, also said fresh foods that contain antioxidants, such as tomatoes, blueberries and red lettuce, "could have a positive impact on people's moods and also could provide some protection against radiation in space.

The red romaine lettuce was grown in a special plant-growing box called a Veggie unit, and was flown to space. The seeds are contained in rooting pillows, which come complete with soil and fertilizer. Since water cannot be poured in space, a special irrigation system delivers moisture to the plant pillows from below.

The seeds were "activated" by Kelly on July 8 and grew for 33 days. On Monday, Lindgren used tongs (夹子) to harvest the lettuce from its growing box, before attaching the leaves carefully to a tray. He cleaned them with food-safe bag and shared with other four members.

A previous crop of lettuce was grown in space last year but was not eaten by astronauts. Instead, it underwent-and passed-food safety tests back on Earth.

(1) How did Scott prepare the space-grown lettuce? A. He cooked it in a special box. B. He mixed it with some arugula. C. He spread a little bit ketchup on it. D. He put olive oil and vinegar on it.
(2) What does the underlined part "that direction" refer to? A. The journey to and from Mars. B. The way to grow food. C. The building of a research station. D. The ability of flying in space.
(3) Which of the following may Ray Wheeler agree to? A. The lettuce is a great step enabling human to travel to Mars. B. Humans won't be able to arrive at Mars without the lettuce. C. Tomatoes are obviously better than blueberries in size. D. Radiation wouldn't be harmful if people ate some lettuce.
(4) What is difficult in growing lettuce in space? A. There is no enough growing area. B. It is very hard to send up the seeds. C. A special way of watering is needed. D. It does not need soil or the fertilizer.
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South Koreans are about to get a year or two younger, thanks to a new law passed on Thursday that aims to standardize how age is calculated in the country.

At present, it's common for South Koreans to have not just one age, but three – an "international age," a "Korean age" and a "calendar age. " But to end confusion, the country's parliament has decreed(颁布法令)that from June 2023 all official documents must use the standard "international age. "

In South Korea, a person's "international age" refers to the number of years since they were born, and starts at zero – the same system used in most other countries. But when asked their age in informal settings, most South Koreans will answer with their "Korean age," which could be one or even two years older than their "international age. " Under this system, babies are considered one year old on the day they're born, with a year added every January 1. In some circumstances, South Koreans also use their "calendar age" – a kind of mashup (混搭) between international and Korean age – which considers babies as zero years old the day they're born and adds a year to their age every January 1.

Take "Gangnam Style" singer Psy, for example. Born on December 31, 1977, he is considered 44 by international age, 45 by calendar age, and 46 by Korean age.

If this sounds confusing, it is, with daily life in the country often switching between the hodgepodge (大杂烩) of different systems. Most people use Korean age, which has its roots in China, in everyday life and social interaction, while international age is more often used for legal and official matters – for instance, when dealing with civil laws. However, some laws – including those surrounding the legal ages for drinking, smoking, and military conscription (征兵) – use calendar age.

"The revision is aimed at reducing unnecessary socio-economic costs because legal and social disputes as well as confusion persist(持续存在)due to the different ways of calculating age," Yoo Sang-bum of the ruling People Power Party told parliament.

(1) What can we infer from the third paragraph? A. Calendar age is least used in South Korean. B. A baby can be 2 years old on the second day of birth. C. A person's Korean age is younger than his calendar age. D. International age is widely used in many other countries.
(2) Why does the author mention the example of singer Psy? A. To explain a rule.           B. To present a finding. C. To provide evidence.     D. To arouse readers' interest.
(3) In which of the following situation Korean age is used? A. Applying for a job. B. School registration. C. Introducing a friend.   D. Military conscription.
(4) What's the purpose of standardizing the use of international age? A. To settle the social disputes. B. To promote social interaction.  C. To make age calculation easier. D. To cut down on the socio-economic costs.
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Jonathan the tortoise, the world's oldest land animal, turned 190 over the weekend on the island of St. Helena, where he enjoyed a "cake" of seasonal fruits, leafy greens and vegetables, including carrots carved into the number "190".

Jonathan was brought to St. Helena from the Seychelles in 1882 as a gift. According to Guinness World Records, Jonathan surpassed the previous record holder, Tu'i Malila, who lived in the 1770s until 1965and could be even older. He arrived in St. Helena as a fully mature tortoise, meaning he was at least 50 in 1882.

"The vet is still feeding him by hand once a week to boost his calories, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, as he is blind and has no sense of smell. His hearing though is excellent and he loves the company of humans, and responds well to his vet Joe Hollins' voice as he associates him with a feast, Guinness World Records said.

"The tortoise enjoys the sun but on very hot days takes to the shade. On mild days, he will sunbathe his long neck and legs stretched fully out of his shell to absorb heat and transfer it to his core," according to Hollins. When it's cold, Jonathan has been known to "dig himself into leaf mold or grass cuttings and remain there all day."

In most cases, the lifespan of a tortoise or turtle depends on the species and level of care they receive. They generally live much longer in captivity than in the wild, because in the wild, they must find their own food in addition to evading predators while not getting medical treatment. Larger turtle and tortoise species also tend to live longer than their smaller counterparts. For more information about animal record holders, click here.

(1) When might Jonathan be born? A. In 1882. B. In 1770. C. In 1965. D. In 1832.
(2) Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text? A. Jonathan had a birthday cake made of fruits, meat, and vegetables. B. Jonathan was born and raised on the island of St. Helena. C. Jonathan is the Guinness World holder of the oldest land animal. D. Jonathan is a very old but healthy tortoise with full senses.
(3) Which is not a reason why a tortoise in the wild has a relatively shorter lifespan? A. Species differences. B. Food shortage. C. Lack of medical treatment. D. Animal enemies.
(4) Where can we probably find this article? A. In a science fiction. B. On a news website. C. In a travel brochure. D. In a biology textbook.
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