
South Koreans are about to get a year or two younger, thanks to a new law passed on Thursday that aims to standardize how age is calculated in the country.

At present, it's common for South Koreans to have not just one age, but three – an "international age," a "Korean age" and a "calendar age. " But to end confusion, the country's parliament has decreed(颁布法令)that from June 2023 all official documents must use the standard "international age. "

In South Korea, a person's "international age" refers to the number of years since they were born, and starts at zero – the same system used in most other countries. But when asked their age in informal settings, most South Koreans will answer with their "Korean age," which could be one or even two years older than their "international age. " Under this system, babies are considered one year old on the day they're born, with a year added every January 1. In some circumstances, South Koreans also use their "calendar age" – a kind of mashup (混搭) between international and Korean age – which considers babies as zero years old the day they're born and adds a year to their age every January 1.

Take "Gangnam Style" singer Psy, for example. Born on December 31, 1977, he is considered 44 by international age, 45 by calendar age, and 46 by Korean age.

If this sounds confusing, it is, with daily life in the country often switching between the hodgepodge (大杂烩) of different systems. Most people use Korean age, which has its roots in China, in everyday life and social interaction, while international age is more often used for legal and official matters – for instance, when dealing with civil laws. However, some laws – including those surrounding the legal ages for drinking, smoking, and military conscription (征兵) – use calendar age.

"The revision is aimed at reducing unnecessary socio-economic costs because legal and social disputes as well as confusion persist(持续存在)due to the different ways of calculating age," Yoo Sang-bum of the ruling People Power Party told parliament.

(1) What can we infer from the third paragraph? A. Calendar age is least used in South Korean. B. A baby can be 2 years old on the second day of birth. C. A person's Korean age is younger than his calendar age. D. International age is widely used in many other countries.
(2) Why does the author mention the example of singer Psy? A. To explain a rule.           B. To present a finding. C. To provide evidence.     D. To arouse readers' interest.
(3) In which of the following situation Korean age is used? A. Applying for a job. B. School registration. C. Introducing a friend.   D. Military conscription.
(4) What's the purpose of standardizing the use of international age? A. To settle the social disputes. B. To promote social interaction.  C. To make age calculation easier. D. To cut down on the socio-economic costs.
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You may have heard that bats are to blame for many disease outbreaks in recent years, including COVID-19 and SA RS. But how exactly does a disease spread from bats to humans? And with so many diseases coming from bats, you would think that bats would be sick all the time. It turns out this isn't the case and it's likely because of the way that bats' immune (免疫)systems work.

Bats have very active immune systems to protect their cells from viruses. When a bat's body notices a virus, a protein (蛋白质)is released (释放)that sends a signal to the bat's cells to keep the virus out. In response, viruses reproduce very quickly to try to get into the cells before this immune reaction triggers (触发).Although the bats don't get sick, these rapidly increasing viruses can jump to animals with slower immune systems and can quickly cause serious infections.

At the same time, bats are great disease carriers. Bats live in large crowded places—a perfect setting for viruses to spread. In addition, the average bat lives for around 30 years, which is a long time that an infected bat can spread the disease around its environment.

The question remains: Why are so many diseases spreading from bats to humans? Put simply, that problem may be on us. As the number of humans on Earth has increased, there are more chances for bats and humans to have contact with each other. People have taken over large areas of bats' natural habitats due to urban development and the cutting down of trees. This leaves the bats with no choice but to live closer to us.

Even though bats can harbor dangerous diseases, we can't blame them for getting us sick. It is only because of bats' strong immune systems that they can carry such deadly illnesses. By studying bats, we may find ways to develop new treatments. However, the only way to do that is to protect the natural habitats of these extraordinary creatures.

(1) What do viruses do when faced with the bat's immune system? A. Release a protein. B. Increase quickly. C. Send a signal to cells. D. Jump to other animals.
(2) What causes diseases to spread from bats to humans? A. Larger areas taken over by bats as habitats. B. The rising population of bats living on Earth. C. The trees used to support urban development. D. Increased contact between bats and humans.
(3) What suggestion does the author give in the last paragraph? A. Stopping bats from getting sick. B. Protecting bats natural habitats. C. Studying those who get sick from bats. D. Strengthening the human immune system.
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Check out our top 5 weather apps for your smart phones, which will keep you one step ahead of nature.

Tornado Warning and Alert App

This app from the American Red Cross tracks a tornado as it approaches with step-by-step advice about what to do before the storm hits. A siren warning is built into the app and goes off when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issues a tornado warning in your area.

The Weather Channel App

This app includes weekly weather forecasts from more than 200 meteorologists and lets you check what kind of weather lays ahead, complete with storm prediction maps. The Weather Channel App also alerts users to storm warning in the area.

Lightening Finder

If the goal is to get to the storm, rather than avoid it, this app is here to help. The Lightening Finder color—codes the age of the lightening bolt, and estimates a safe distance from which to watch it.

NOAA Weather Radio HD

This app broadcasts radio reports from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and gives you around-the-clock updates on the latest weather warnings, watches, advisories, and forecasts. Push notifications alert you to serious storm warnings in your area even when you are not currently using the application. The app also gives detailed four-day forecasts based on your GPS coordinates, or a chosen location.

Dark Sky

Stay dry with Dark Sky, which offers weather reports, including minute-by-minute rain forecasts for your exact location. To keep its predictions as accurate as possible, this app forecasts only one hour into the future.

(1) If you want to keep track of daily weather changes, you may choose _________. A. Lightening Finder B. The Weather Channel App C. Tornado Warning and Alert App D. NOAA Weather Radio HD
(2) Which of the following is TRUE about Dark Sky? A. It is especially suitable to predict wet days. B. It provides more services than the others. C. It only offers accurate prediction for your area. D. It keeps you aware of the weather days ahead.
(3) The main differences of the five apps lie in ___________. A. user's phones. B. user's locations C. their images D. their functions
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How about changing your body language and facial expressions, depending on the background of the person in front of you? Would you sit or stand differently and pay attention to your hand gestures?

These are just a handful of the small changes in behaviour that can contribute to what is known as your "cultural intelligence", or CQ— and there is growing evidence that suggests they are well worth learning.

"The number one predictor of your success in today's borderless world is not your IQ, not your resume, and not even your professional skills, " writes social scientist David Livermore in his book The Cultural Intelligence Difference. "It's your CQ. "

Much of the research on CQ has been done by Soon Ang, a professor of management at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. In the late 1990s, her job was updating computer systems in Singapore to deal with a software problem that would possibly bring down the world's computer networks. Ang put together an international team of programmers to solve the problem.

They were some of the brightest minds, yet she soon found that they just couldn't work together. The programmers failed to work together effectively. Often, the members would appear to agree on a solution, but then carry it out in completely different ways.

Clearly, it wasn't a question of expertise or motivation. Instead, she saw that these highly gifted employees were stumbling over each other's cultural differences, leading to a breakdown in communication and understanding.

These insights would lead Ang to team up with the organizational psychologist P. Christopher Earley. Together they built a comprehensive theory of CQ, which they described as "the capability to function effectively in a variety of cultural contexts".

Typically CQ is measured through a series of questions that assess four distinct components. The first is "CQ Drive"—the motivation to learn about other cultures. Then there is "CQ Knowledge", which is an understanding of some of the general cultural differences you may face. "CQ Strategy", examines how you make sense of those difficult confrontations and learn from them, while "CQ Action", involves your behavioral flexibility—whether you are able to adapt your conduct flexibly.

(1) What's the function of the first paragraph? A. To introduce what CQ is. B. To explain why people need CQ. C. To show how to improve CQ. D. To encourage people to make changes.
(2) What does David Livermore think of CQ? A. It's an anti-traditional element. B. It's decisive for one's success. C. It's impractical. D. It draws no clear distinction from IQ.
(3) Why did the programmers work inefficiently? A. They spoke different languages. B. Some of them were not experts. C. They lacked passion for teamwork. D. They had barriers to mutual understanding.
(4) What would be the best title for the passage? A. How CQ works B. CQ determines success C. IQ or CQ? D. How to measure CQ
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