1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Since the 1950s, some 9.2 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced globally, of which only 10% has ever been recycled. Yet environmentally conscious companies and consumers continue to look to recycling as a way to ease the plastic problem. Manufacturing(制造业) giants claim to be committed to making more of their products and packaging from recycled materials. However, this confidence masks a complex web of issues around plastic recycling. Recycling rates remain extremely low and critics argue that we should look at alternative ways to tackle plastic pollution.

While many plastics have the potential to be recycled, most are not because the process is costly, complicated and the resulting product of a lower quality than the original. Despite rising demand for recycled plastic, few waste companies turn a profit. Part of this is because virgin plastic- linked to oil prices一is often cheaper than recycled plastic, meaning there is little economic incentive to use it. Worse yet, much of our plastic waste is difficult to recycle. Lightweight food packaging, like a mozzarella packet, contains different plastics, dyes(染料) and toxic additives. This dirty mix means plastic recycled through mechanical methods — the most common form — can only be melted down and moulded again a couple of times before it becomes too fragile to be reused. And the nature of the process means plastic recycling has a carbon footprint of its own.

Given all of these difficulties, environmental critics say recycling is not the solution-and argue that creating more products from recycled material to attract environmental consciousness merely worsens the problem. "The solution is to use less plastic and to stop misleading the public about the recyclability," says Enck, president of Beyond Plastics, a US campaign group with a mission to end single-use plastic. "They should stop making false claims about the recyclability of plastics since they know most will either be littered or; burned or landfilled (填埋). Using less plastics means shifting to reusable products and relying more on paper, cardboard, glass and metal — all of which should be made from recycled content."

(1) What is an environmentally conscious customer's attitude towards recycling plastics? A. Suspicious. B. Favorable. C. Indifferent. D. Disapproving.
(2) What does the underlined word "incentive" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Motive. B. Issue. C. Crisis. D. Policy.
(3) What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The recycling process of plastics. B. Pollutants contained in recycled plastics. C. Reasons why users dislike recycled plastics. D. Contributing factors to low plastic recycling rates.
(4) What will the environmental critics be happy to see according to the text? A. Using metal or glass food containers. B. Littering recycled plastics in a landfill. C. Processing plastics in a mechanical way. D. Launching campaigns to promote recyclability.
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Today, I've been recording an audiobook. I am excited that I have realized my life-long dream.

I will never forget at primary school I used to wait with breathless anticipation to take my turn reading out a paragraph of great works in front. At my secondary school, when students were encouraged to select and present a reading at "morning talk", I often added my name to the list.

This was all handy background for my career in broadcasting. But, much as I enjoy hosting shows and interviewing people, I often find myself missing the simple pleasures of reading out loud. I'd thought about putting myself forward as a narrator (朗读者) for audiobooks. But I'm not an actor. I can't do regional accents or play female voice. Non-fiction, then, seemed the obvious target, but I felt that such books were best read by their authors. If it were authors' own voice, their stories would touch me.

Recently, delivering my son's nightly bedtime story has reawakened my love for reading out loud—highlights so far have included Charlotte's Web. But I never thought I'd get the opportunity to do it professionally.

Then, last month, I was contacted by James Plunkett, author of End State, a forthcoming book about political ideas. He had no desire to read his book out loud, but as a fan of my program, he thought I might do a reasonable job.

So, I've spent this week in a studio, simply reading stuff out loud. And I'm LOVING IT!

Mind you, it's an entirely unexpected experience. It's disheartening when the recording needs to be stopped because I've just carelessly skipped over a 'the', or had to clear my throat, or catch my breath. I've also learned how many words I've been mispronouncing my entire life: behavioural is BE-HAYVE-YOU-RAL, not BE-HAYVE-EE-AH-RUL.

Though tackling this 339-page book doesn't turn out to be that easy, I've found the whole process awesome, and hope this becomes the first of many.

(1) What does the author want to show by mentioning his experiences at school? A. The power of dreaming. B. His love for reading aloud. C. The impact of schooling. D. His talent for reading.
(2) What can we learn about the author from paragraph 3? A. He regrets being a host. B. He can not read non-fiction well. C. He lacks working experience. D. He is aware of his disadvantages.
(3) Why did the author get the job as a narrator? A. He was good at reading bedtime story. B. He applied for it in person. C. He was appointed by the writer. D. He had crowds of fans.
(4) What does the author think of being a narrator? A. Demanding but enjoyable. B. Risky but fruitful. C. Tiring but stress-free. D. Boring but rewarding.
阅读理解 未知 普通
2. 阅读理解

Windy City Harvest Farm Tours

Visit one of the Windy City Harvest farm sites and learn more about our program. We offer different tours which include information about the program history, job-training mission, and growing practices. All profits from the tour fees help fund the education of the city. 


North Lawndale Farm

This farm site is located on the west side of Chicago on a 1/5-acre (英亩) lot. It has been a training site since our programme was launched in 2003. Currently this space can serve up to 20 people at a time. 

McCormick Place Farm

It is a 3/5-acre rooftop farm at McCormick Place West in cooperation with Savor Chicago, the food service team for McCormick Place. Produce grown on the rooftop farm is harvested and then delivered directly to Savor Chicago. This 12-year-old farm is a sought-after training site for WCH program participants. 

Washington Park Farm

Established in 2012, Washington Park Farm is a major job-training center. Located on the east of Chicago Park District, this 3/4-acre site hosts up to 25 participants during the growing season. 




Nonprofit and School Group

$5 per person(starting at $50)

Private Group

$10 per person (starting at $100)

ADMISSIONReservation is required. Provide payment in the form of check or money order payable to Windy City Harvest or in cash upon your arrival at the tour site except Washington Park Farm. For groups interested in visiting two or more farm sites during the tour, an additional fee will apply. It's important to note that tour groups should arrange for their own transportation.

(1) What is special about McCormick Place Farm? A. It is the smallest farm. B. It has the longest history. C. It is on the top of a building. D. It provides courses for job seekers.
(2) How much will a family of 7 as a group pay for a tour of a farm? A. $100. B. $75. C. $50. D. $35.
(3) What do we know about the admission? A. Washington Park Farm is free. B. Booking in advance is a must. C. Four kinds of payment are mentioned. D. A lower price is offered for the second site.
阅读理解 未知 普通
3.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

In the United States, people often use large amounts of salt to remove dangerous ice from roads and walkways in the winter. But when the spring arrives, all that salt can really damage plants in the garden. Salt is the chemical sodium chloride.

Salt pulls water from living cells, like plant roots and the healthy ground soil around them. So, spring growth may show up lighter in color than normal, or, in the worst cases, plants may simply die. Rain can wash away much of the salt, permitting some older plants to live. Salt can also be removed by pouring a large amount of water on the ground where plants are growing. But the best action is to simply use less salt.

There are. of course, other things that can be used to cover for sodium chloride. One is the chemical calcium chloride, which does less damage to plants and melts ice faster than salt. It also works when the temperature is below negative 17 degrees Celsius. Salt loses some of its effectiveness at temperatures below negative 12 degrees.

Still, calcium chloride does put chloride ion(氯离子), which plants don't like, into the soil. It is also more expensive and can do more damage to cars. Calcium magnesium acetate, also called CMA, has become a popular alternative. It is made by combining limestone, a type of rock. and vinegar. It breaks down naturally so it does not damage plants or soil. It stays on roads and does not hurt cars.

CMA does have problems, however. It is most effective at around negative 9 Celsius, just like salt. And it is better at stopping ice from forming rather than removing it. So, it is best placed on a road before the temperature gets very cold. Some materials other than salt-such as sand or very small pieces of wood- can also work against ice. But they can be very messy.

(1) What is the poor result by using salt to remove ice? A. All the plants are likely to disappear overnight. B. The plants may well look much weaker than ever. C. Some older plants can't resist being washed away. D. A large amount of water is trapped on the roads.
(2) What does the underlined part mean in the 3rd paragraph? A. Remove. B. Wrap. C. Collect. D. Replace.
(3) What is the advantage of calcium chloride? A. It functions well at cold temperatures. B. It provides chloride ion to the soil. C. It can melt ice just above minus 17'℃. D. It brings no damage to plants or soil.
(4) The author wants to show         . A. many materials can be used to remove ic B. using less salt is beneficial to your plants C. sand and pieces of wood are eco-friendly D. too much salt is used on the roads in the USA
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