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On a cold morning in May, I received a fascinating email from a high school friend. inviting me to a 10-day all-female surfing adventure in Portugal. The offer was irresistible, and I instantly knew my answer was yes. 

The trip seemed simple enough. Ten women, ranging from 30 to 45 years old, all strangers, will gather on the Portuguese coast to embrace the challenge of surfing the Atlantic waves. 

As a travel enthusiast, I quickly sought permission from my boss for this once-in-a- lifetime journey. 

Through my 33 years, I've observed a common adult tendency: we often limit ourselves to refining skills we already possess. There's a certain pride in improving our expertise, becoming increasingly knowledgeable in our chosen fields, yet unintentionally, this focus often leaves other skills undeveloped and leads to neglecting other areas of potential growth. 

Two days later, I arrived in Ericeira, a charming surf town, where I met my surfing group. Despite our different personalities and backgrounds, we were all united in a persistent desire to challenge ourselves, learn, tackle and grow. 

The shores at Ericeira, where the beginners learn to surf, are shallow and covered with slippery rocks. They make for softer waves but are difficult to navigate (驾驭). 

Guided by our amazing coaches, together, we faced the waves. Sometimes, it poured with rain, and the waves crashed around us, but we were still out there. And with every slip and fall, words of encouragement filled the air. 

Honestly, I probably spent most of my days frozen to the bone, but that didn't matter because a new level of genuine joy and personal achievement had been unlocked. 

Learning a new skill taught me the humbleness that can come from doing badly at something new, and the pride that develops when you finally manage to grasp something you've been working on. 

While surfing might not be my calling, trying it out inspired me to take more risks in life, to step outside of my comfort zone and to never stop believing in myself. You never know what you're capable of if you don't go out there and try. 

(1) What motivated the author to join the surf trip to Portugal? A. The opportunity to improve existing skills. B. The need to reconnect with a high school friend. C. The chance to undertake work duties in Portugal. D. The desire to embrace a challenge and learn a new skill.
(2) What is the author's view on adults focusing on mastering one field? A. It narrows one's abilities. B. It is essential for career success. C. It disrupts one's work-life balance. D. It develops creativity and exploration.
(3) Which of the following words best describe the author's surfing experience? A. Tough but rewarding. B. Boring and uneventful. C. Difficult and frustrating. D. Relaxing but unpredictable.
(4) What can be inferred about the author? A. She used to lack confidence in herself. B. She became more willing to take risks. C. She went on to become an expert surfer. D. She discovered the surfing was her true calling.
(5) What wisdom did the author gain from the experience with surfing? A. The value of pushing your limits and trying new things. B. The need to seek professional training in all new skills. C. The benefit of traveling with unknown companions. D. The importance of being an expert in one field.
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The success of many North American crops partly depends on ground beetles, small insects that eat pests and weed seeds that could otherwise damage crops. But a new study by researchers in the U. S. and Canada suggests not all of the nearly 2,000 species of ground beetles found in North America will survive climate change. Some could decline. And that could have a far-reaching impact on agriculture, forestry, and conservation.

By analyzing data on 136 different ground beetle species across continental North America, Puerto Rico and Hawaii, the researchers found that a species' chance of success in a changing climate depends on several important factors, such as its habitat preference, body size, and whether it flies, climbs or runs.

"We found that less mobile, nonflying ground beetles, which are critical pest control agents, are more likely to decline over time in a warmer, dryer climate," said Tong Qiu, who led the study. "That means you're going to have more pests that can impact agricultural and forest ecosystems." But there is reason for hope, Qiu added, because the analysis also showed that habitat conservation can lessen these effects and reverse the trends in some areas.

"We hope conservation biologists will use this information and the online map that we created to better manage habitats for insects in general. Ground beetles are very beneficial to ecosystems, but they're largely invisible to the average person. In this paper we're showing the broad impacts they have on whole communities in forested and agricultural ecosystems," said Qiu.

The researchers used ground beetle count data from the National Science Foundation's National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and from 11 previously published studies to measure and map the beetles' distribution across North America. Habitat information, such as the location of gap s in forest canopies and the density of plants on a forest floor, was obtained by using NEON's imaging instruments to create detailed three-dimensional images of landscapes. They then entered the data collected into a computer model to simulate (模拟) climate changes to study how the insects would respond.

(1) What does the new study in North America show? A. The survival of ground beetles only depends on its habitat. B. Some ground beetles will not survive a climate change. C. Pests could destroy crops. D. Some ground beetles will destroy crops in a warmer climate.
(2) What does Tong Qiu intend to convey in paragraphs 3 and 4? A. Ground beetles will become less mobile in a warmer climate. B. There is no way to stop the decline of ground beetles. C. Critical pests are more adaptable in a warmer, drier climate. D. The importance of ground beetles should be widely recognized.
(3) How did the research team carry out the study?  A. By analyzing data. B. By performing experiments. C. By studying documents. D. By doing field research.
(4) What can be the best title for the text? A. New Breakthrough in Biodiversity Research B. A Catastrophic Climate Change on the Way C. Crop-saving Beetles under Climate Threat D. North American Agriculture Crops at Risk
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Mona Zipay was there almost from the beginning when her boss decided to become an independent insurance adjuster (理算员) in 1955.

Fifty-eight years later, she decided it was time retire from Dorner Adjustment Co. "I love what I did," said Zipay, 83, of Whitney Pint New York. "I still do. But it's time to stay at home now."

The secretary has helped customers through natural disasters and fires. She has lived longer than her boss John M. Dorner and remembers when women were not allowed to wear pants to work. Not only has she used manual typewriters, electric typewriters and computers, but she's also adapted to a wave of technology so she could type out reports sent to insurers.

"But what has served her well through the years has been her typing and customer service skills," said MaryAnn Dorner, daughter-in-law of John Dorner. "She's an excellent typist," MaryAnn Dorner said. "She's accurate and she's fast. She's professional on the phones, keeping a good temper when dealing with irate customers," said Patrick Dorner, who now operates the company.

Dorner Adjusting wasn't the only place Zipay worked. She graduated from high school in 1951, taking business courses because she knew she would not be able to afford college and didn't want to work in a factory.

John Dorner invited her to his new company in 1955 from the General Adjustment Bureau in downtown Binghamton, New York. There they had worked together until John Dorner decided to become an independent agent.

Now, Zipay wears pants but always dresses professionally.

"That was one of the things that impressed me about her," MaryAnn Dorner said. "She's always dressed up."

(1) What did Zipay experience when she worked in Dorner Adjustment Co.? A. Her family suffered many disasters. B. Her former boss died when she worked there. C. She was helped by customers when she was in trouble. D. The company required female employees to wear pants to work.
(2) What is Zipay good at during her working years? A. Typing and communicating with customers. B. Adjusting to new typewriters and new bosses. C. Maintaining a good relationship with her boss. D. Solving problems and dealing with emergencies.
(3) What does the underlined word "irate" in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Angry. B. Disabled. C. Greedy. D. Selfish.
(4) What do we know about Zipay from the text? A. She only worked at Dorner Adjusting. B. She went to college after high school. C. She has never worn pants in her life. D. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance.
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Portia Kapraun has always seen unwelcome ads on Twitter, usually from major brands pitching (竭力推销) her expensive jewelry or vehicles that she, as a librarian in Indiana, could not afford. Ms. Kapraun was not interested. But she soon saw the ads again. And again. And again. "These feel like low-end ads," she said. In a shaky advertising market in an uncertain economy, ads that few people want to see suddenly seem to be everywhere.

Advancements in digital advertising technology were meant to improve users' experience. People interested in shoes are intended to get ads for sneakers and boots, not repeated pitches promoting gold investments. And the technology is supposed to remove misleading or dangerous pitches. But lately, on several platforms, the opposite seems to be happening for a variety of reasons, including a slowdown in the overall digital ad market. As numerous deep-pocketed marketers have pulled back, and the softer market has led several digital platforms to lower their ad pricing, opportunities have opened up for less demanding advertisers.

Advertising experts agree that poor-quality ads appear to be increasing greatly. They point to a variety of potential causes: internal troubles at technology companies, weak content moderation (审核), and high-level advertisers seeking other choices. Then, there's the economy: A recent survey of 43 multinational companies representing more than $44 billion in advertising spending found that nearly 30 percent planned to cut back on their marketing spending last year.

Other factors are also contributing to lower advertising quality. Social media advertising, once only practiced by specialists, is now easily available to anyone. Many of them are avoiding targeted ads — placements intended to reach specific audiences, usually at a higher cost — in favor of a cheaper spray-and-pray (广撒网式的) approach online, hoping to catch the attention of gullible (容易受骗的) or bored shoppers. Major social media platforms are now like "a mall that used to be good", Corey Richardson, vice president at a multicultural ad company, says. "But now there's no longer a mall there—it's just a calendar store and a place sling beepers (传呼机). "

(1) What message does the author want to deliver in Portia Kapraun's story? A. Repeated ads have a strong power of persuasion. B. Social media users often encounter unwanted ads. C. Major brands usually prefer social media advertising. D. An uncertain economy leads to lower levels of consumption.
(2) What can be inferred about the "less demanding advertisers" mentioned in Paragraph 2? A. They are forced to exit the digital ad market. B. They have benefited from advertising experts. C. They can now advertise at a more affordable price. D. They work hard to improve their users' experience.
(3) What is Corey Richardson's attitude to major social media platforms? A. Favorable. B. Hopeful C. Unclear. D. Negative.
(4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text? A. Where is social media advertising heading? B. What is shaking up the online advertising market? C. Why are you seeing so many bad digital ads now? D. How are targeted ads impacting your purchase decisions?
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