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Events from Cornell University

Movies on the Arts Quad (MOTAQ)

MOTAQ is an in-person event series on Thursdays at the start of the fall semester for a month. We are opening seating at 7:30 p.m., with the film starting at 8:00 p.m. Bring your warm clothes and blankets, for it sometimes gets cold out. MOTAQ is brought to you by Cornell University Class Councils, CU Tonight, Campus Activities, and Cornell Cinema, Follow @cornellactivities on Instagram.


In its 19th year, ClubFest continues as a celebration of Cornell's amazing student groups demonstrating their activities and promoting the admission of new members. We are also looking for performance groups at ClubFest. ClubFest for the Spring semester will take place this Sunday in Barton Hall. ClubFest is an opportunity for Cornellians to connect with clubs and organizations. Contact us at student union@cornell.edu with any ClubFest questions.

Slope Day

The Slope Day Programming Board is excited to announce Slope Day this year. Join us on this Saturday for performances throughout the day. There is a long history of the spring-time gathering. While this event has taken many shapes over the past century, one common goal never changes: celebration. It has been a long time since we've had a live band headlining the Slope Day festival, and the band COIN is sure to be a hit. On Slope Day, approximately 500 volunteers are needed. Contact Volunteer Director Riya Agarwal@hotmail.com to apply.

Senior Days

We invite graduating undergraduate students to celebrate their achievements during Senior Days from Monday to Friday. Senior Days offers opportunities for seniors to connect through free and ticketed on and off campus events. There are exciting events like Bingo Night, Bowling at Helen Newman and Chimes Concerts&Clocktower Tours. Contact us at seniordays@cornell.edu.

(1) What can you do in ClubFest this Sunday? A. Watch a movie. B. Learn about student groups. C. Apply to be a volunteer. D. Demonstrate achievements.
(2) Which event will you choose if you want to enjoy a band performance? A. Movies on the Arts Quad. B. ClubFest. C. Slope Day. D. Senior Days.
(3) How long does Senior Days last? A. One day. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. A week.
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Bike Rental & Guided Tours

Welcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike. You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights. You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.

Why MacBike

MacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam. With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you. We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children's bikes.



Hand Brake, Three Gears

Foot Brake, No Gears

1 hour



3 hours



1 day (24 hours)



Each additional day



Guided City Tours

The 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much more. The tour departs from Dam Square every hour on the hour, starting at 1:00 pm every day. You can buy your ticket in a MacBike shop or book online.

(1) What is an advantage of MacBike? A. It gives children a discount. B. It offers many types of bikes. C. It organizes free cycle tours. D. It has over 2,500 rental shops.
(2) How much do you pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days? A. €15.75. B. €19.50. C. €22.75. D. €29.50.
(3) Where does the guided city tour start? A. The Gooyer, Windmill. B. The Skinny Bridge. C. Heineken Brewery. D. Dam Square.
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Musicians want to be heard. Making that happen involves time and effort that could be spent making music, however. Fortunately, Richmonders Eljah Hedrick and designer Rian Moses-Hedrick have started a platform to help. HearRVA shines a spotlight on Richmond musicians. "We're basically trying to play matchmaker with music fans here in Richmond," Rian says.

The promotion platform was created in July last year by the designer and her husband, Eljah. HearRVA's website offers videos of local performances, a list of live music spots and playlists of songs from Richmond-based musicians. Musicians submit links to their work to be considered for promotion at no cost. The site is a passion project for the married couple and is supported by money donations from the natives.

One of the next steps is an interview series, "Liner Notes, " which highlights local musicians and the motivations behind their music. The series was launched in November with local singer Devonne Harris, who plays recorded popular music on the local radio. "It's a great way for listeners to get a close look into what's going on behind some of the creative forces in the city," Harris says. "Sometimes having extra insight adds more of a connection, so people can really go back to listen to your music and be grateful for what you do and listen to it from a different angle. "

Rian and Elijah are looking ahead to season two –of "Liner Notes", which they plan to release next year. For them, everything ties back to providing exposure to local musicians. "People always want to go to LA or New York because they think they have a better shot there, and the market's bigger, "Rian says" but why don't we grow the market here?"

(1) What is the main purpose of HearRVA? A. To bring local artists close together. B. To build a useful source for musicians. C. To show how to appreciate local music. D. To connect local musicians with music lovers.
(2) What helps HearRVA's website work well? A. The great local demand for it. B. Local musicians'desire for fame. C. Local people's financial support. D. The married couple's gift for music.
(3) What does the interview series focus on? A. The comparisons between different musicians. B. Effective ways of composing or playing music. C. Different opinions on a certain kind of music. D. Reasons why local musicians create their music.
(4) What's Rian's attitude to the future of season two of "Liner Notes"? A. Negative. B. Positive. C. Uncertain. D. Indifferent.
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Overspending can be defined as spending beyond one's means, and is not rarely seen nowadays. According to a recent report, more than one-fourth of adults surveyed in 2020 had one or more bills that they were unable to pay in full that month.

While every individual's spending habits are unique to their circumstances, a few common potential issues tend to be responsible for overspending.

Lifestyle creep, a financial trap, where you spend more money as you make more money, for example, often accounts for unrecognized overspending. Individuals that lack a decision-making process for making purchases can also find it difficult to control their spending.

Media and advertisements can also lead to overspending. Marketing strategies aim to create a feeling of scarcity (稀少) for consumers with phrases like "almost sold out" or "two tickets remaining" when they are making online purchases. Emails from favorite sellers can give consumers the impression that they are saving money by taking advantage of a sale, and roadside billboards can lead individuals to make impulsive (冲动的) purchases.

Social pressures to enjoy dinners out and vacations with family and friends may be a push for younger people, who see others enjoying these activities through social media platforms like Instagram. "People think spending makes you happy," Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia and chief science officer at Happy Money, says. "But for many people, it's these values of being true to yourself that make you happy."

Dunn notes that, "Failures in self-control in the finance can cause dire consequences. Financial stress, for example, has been linked to physical health struggles, problems in close relationships, and stress in retirement."

"Dealing with overspending should start in bite - size pieces. Small and manageable changes over time are more likely to stick to in the long run. Instead of relying on willpower, setting specific goals and building a foundation with a budget is an effective way." adds Dunn.

(1) Why is a recent report mentioned in paragraph 1? A. To explain what overspending is. B. To stress the harm of overspending. C. To tell a way to stop overspending. D. To show overspending is common.
(2) What do paragraphs 3~5 mainly talk about? A. Possible causes of overspending. B. Typical unhealthy spending habits. C. Some unavoidable financial traps D. Issues resulting from overspending.
(3) What does the underlined word "dire" in paragraph 6 probably mean? A. Pleasant. B. Controllable. C. Terrible. D. Acceptable.
(4) What is Elizabeth Dunn's advice on overcoming overspending? A. Making a reasonable budget. B. Relying on personal willpower. C. Setting grand and general goals. D. Starting changing on the whole.
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