
Imagine the most English-English person you can think of. Now I'm fairly certain that no matter what picture you just thought up, that person comes complete with a stiff upper lip and a cup of tea in their hand, because that's what the English do. They carry on and they drink tea. Tea is so utterly English, such a rooted part of the culture, that it's also rooted in how everyone else around the world perceives that culture.

And while it's fairly common knowledge that Westerners have China to thank for the original cultivation of tea drinking, it's far less known that it was the Portuguese who inspired its popularity in England in particular, one Portuguese woman.

Travel back in time to 1662, when Catherine of Braganza (daughter of Portugal's King John IV) won the hand of England's newly restored monarch, King Charles II, with the help of a very large dowry (嫁妆) that included money, spices, treasures and the highly profitable ports of Tangiers and Bombay. This made her one very important lady: the Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland.

When she relocated up north to join King Charles, she is said to have packed loose-leaf tea as part of her personal belongings; it would also have likely been part of her dowry. A fun legend has it that the boxes were marked Transporte de Ervas Aromaticas (Transport of Aromatic Herbs) later shortened to T. E. A.

That last bit probably isn't true (experts believe the word "tea" came from a Chinese character), but what is for sure is that tea was already popular among the upper class of Portugal due to the country's direct trade line to China via Macau.

(1) What do people think of tea drinking in Britain? A. Typical. B. Fashionable. C. Incredible. D. Unusual.
(2) Who promoted the fashion of tea drinking in England? A. Common Westerners. B. The Chinese people. C. Portugal's King John IV. D. The Queen of King Charles II.
(3) What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? A. Tea was part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza. B. The word "tea" came from Portuguese marks on the boxes. C. Tea became popular in Portugal earlier than it did in England. D. The direct trade line between China and England developed because of tea.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. The story behind British tea drinking. B. The legend of tea drinking in Portugal. C. The origin of Westerners' tea drinking. D. The history of tea trade between China and Britain.
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(CNN) —European Union lawmakers struck a deal Friday agreeing to one of the world's first major comprehensive artificial intelligence laws. 

The landmark legislation, called the AI Act, sets up a regulatory (监管) framework to promote the development of AI while addressing the risks associated with the rapidly developing technology. The legislation bans harmful AI practices "considered to be a clear threat to people's safety, livelihoods and rights". 

In a news conference, Roberta Metsola, the president of the European Parliament, called the law "a balanced and human-centered approach" that will "no doubt be setting the global standard for years to come". 

The regulatory framework, which classifies AI uses by risk and increases regulation on higher risk levels, was first proposed in 2021. The riskiest uses for AI are banned. According to the law, those include systems that exploit specific disadvantaged groups, biometric identification systems for law enforcement purposes and artificial intelligence that arranges controllable "subconscious techniques". Limited risk systems, such as chat-bots like Open AI's ChatGPT, or technology that generates images, audio or video content, are subject to new transparency (透明) duties under the law. 

"The AI Act is much more than a rulebook—it's a launchpad for EU start-ups and researchers to lead the global AI race," Thierry Breton, the EU Commissioner for Internal Market, wrote on social media, "The best is yet to come."

Artificial intelligence broke into the mainstream with the launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT chat-bot in November 2022. Seemingly overnight, generative AI technology exploded in popularity and spurredan AI arms race. But AI's disturbance reaches far beyond the world of big tech: Educators have struggled with generative AI's ability to complete schoolwork assignments; artists and musicians have fought with the potential for Al-fueled imitation (模仿) and even the media industry has seen its debate.

(1) What is the text? A. A short story. B. An art review. C. A news report. D. A research paper.
(2) What does the fourth paragraph mainly tell us? A. AI risk regulation, B. AI risk classification. C. AI regulatory framework. D. AI regulatory framework usage.
(3) What is Thierry's attitude towards the AI Act? A. Positive. B. Indifferent. C. Disapproving. D. Suspicious.
(4) What does the underlined word "spurred" mean in the last paragraph? A. Ruined. B. Caused. C. Updated. D. Interrupted.
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Nowadays, people are increasingly interacting with others in social media environments where algorithms control the flow of social information they see. People's interactions with online algorithms may affect how they learn from others, with negative consequences including social misperceptions, conflict and the spread of misinformation.

On social media platforms, algorithms are mainly designed to amplify (放大) information that sustains engagement, meaning they keep people clicking on content and coming back to the platforms. There is evidence suggesting that a side effect of this design is that algorithms amplify information people are strongly biased (偏向的) to learn from. We call this information "PRIME", for prestigious, in-group, moral and emotional information.

In our evolutionary past, biases to learn from PRIME information were very advantageous: Learning from prestigious individuals is efficient because these people are successful and their behavior can be copied. Paying attention to people who violate moral norms is important because punishing them helps the community maintain cooperation. But what happens when PRIME information becomes amplified by algorithms and some people exploit (利用) algorithm amplification to promote themselves? Prestige becomes a poor signal of success because people can fake prestige on social media. News become filled with negative and moral information so that there is conflict rather than cooperation.

The interaction of human psychology and algorithm amplification leads to disfunction because social learning supports cooperation and problem-solving, but social media algorithms are designed to increase engagement. We call it functional mismatch. One of the key outcomes of functional mismatch is that people start to form incorrect perceptions of their social world, which often occurs in the field of politics. Recent research suggests that when algorithms selectively amplify more extreme political views, people begin to think that their political in-group and out-group are more sharply divided than they really are. Such "false polarization" might be an important source of greater political conflict.

So what's next? A key question is what can be done to make algorithms facilitate accurate human social learning rather than exploit social learning biases. Some research team is working on new algorithm designs that increase engagement while also punishing PRIME information. This may maintain user activity that social media platforms seek, but also make people's social perceptions more accurate.

(1) What are social media algorithms targeted at? A. Improving social environment. B. Generating PRIME information. C. Avoiding side effects of social media. D. Raising the media platform click rate.
(2) Why does the author refer to "false polarization" in paragraph 4? A. To make an assumption. B. To illustrate a conclusion. C. To explain a political issue. D. To present an extreme case.
(3) According to the author, algorithms will be improved so as to ____. A. boost engagement and regulate amplification B. strengthen social learning and delete biases C. identify biases and punish PRIME information D. monitor media platforms and guarantee users' privacy
(4) What is the best title of the text? A. PRIME information meets with misperceptions B. Algorithms control the flow of social information C. Social media algorithms twist human social learning D. Online algorithm designs face unexpected challenges
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Many things come to mind when I think of a great vacation. Impressive scenery and delicious food are certainly on my list. Those two features can't always be found in the same location. However, amazing views and great food are both on the menu at the following three restaurants.

The Rock. Zanzibar

On an enormous stone off the coast of the East African island of Zanzibar sits The Rock. The freshest seafood, much of it straight from the surrounding ocean, is always available here. Fresh lobster, prawns, octopus salad and calamari are just a few of the appetizing dining options. At low tide, customers can walk out to The Rock. As the water rises, though, customers must take a short boat ride to it. Once they arrive, they're greeted by friendly staff and 360-degree views of beautiful blue-green water. The Rock, sometimes called the "floating restaurant," is available for weddings and other small group events.

The Labasin Waterfalls Restaurant, Philippines

Stunning waterfalls sometimes have restaurants at the top. But the Labasin Waterfalls, in San Pablo City, Philippines, are different. A restaurant sits at the bottom of these falls. Guests dine on authentic Filipino meals at bamboo tables that stand right in the water. They cool their feet in the water that flows under their tables. The surrounding jungle makes a perfect background for this one-of-a-kind dining experience.

The Grotto, Thailand

The Grotto Restaurant on Thailand's Phra Nang Beach offers delicious food and an incredible dining experience. The restaurant is partly positioned inside a cave and partly on the beach. Guests seated toward the front look out at Happy Island in the lovely Andaman Sea. Those seated at the back enjoy an authentic cave-dining experience. Comfortable tables are arranged inside the cave. International food with a Thai influence is featured.

For your next travel-and-dining adventure, why not make a reservation at one of these unique restaurants?

(1) What do we know about The Rock? A. It is located on an enormous ship. B. It is suitable for holding a wedding celebration. C. Customers can walk out to the restaurant all the time. D. The tables stand right in the beautiful blue-green water.
(2) What do the three restaurants have in common? A. Customers can enjoy the beautiful views of the sea. B. Short boat rides are needed to get to these restaurants. C. They offer the freshest seafood from the surrounding ocean. D. They integrate delicious food with incredible dining experiences.
(3) What is the main purpose of this passage? A. To call on readers to visit the unique restaurants. B. To present available restaurants for readers to work in. C. To introduce the delicious food offered in the restaurants. D. To remind people to take a break from the busy schedules.
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