1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

Natural World Photography Competition Now Open!

Now in its 10th year, Big Picture encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their works to this competition that both celebrates and illustrates the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspires action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery. Click here and enter your work for a chance to win cash prizes and be exhibited at the California Academy of Sciences!


Big Picture is open to all photography worldwide to compete for a chance to win the $5, 000 grand prize. Winning images include images named as grand prize, first place, and finalist images. They will be displayed at the California Academy of Sciences for all visitors to enjoy.

Competition Period

The Big Picture Photo Competition begins at 12:00 am on December 1, 2022 and closes at 11:59 pm on March 1, 2023.

Entry Fees

Each photographer can enter photos as follows:

$ 25 for up to 10 single image submissions in any category.

$ 15 for each 6 - 8 image Photo Story submission.

Photographers are limited to up to 10 image submissions per registered email address and may register an unlimited number of email addresses. Entry fees are used to provide the competition prizes and help the Academy in its mission and can not be returned.


Big Picture is open to all photography enthusiasts and professionals alike worldwide, except employees, volunteers and Board Members of the Academy (as well as their sponsors) and the immediate families and individuals living in the same household.

(1) Where is the text most likely from? A. A picture book. B. A science journal. C. A camera guidebook. D. A conservation website.
(2) If a photographer submits 17 single images, how much will he pay? A. $ 25. B. $ 40. C. $ 50. D. $ 15.
(3) Who can participate in the competition? A. Amateurs unrelated to the Academy. B. Experts as members of the Academy. C. Volunteers working for the Academy. D. Enthusiasts of the board member's family.
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Princess culture is less about a princess lifestyle, and more about great-depth of character, serving as a beautiful reminder of worth—whether a girl is a princess or not. In Frances Hodgson Burnett's A Little Princess, Sara Crewe survived her many tragedies and hardships by remembering "I am a princess. All girls are… even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They are still princesses. " Whether child or adult, all can benefit from the belief that no matter their circumstances, they always have value—that true self-worth goes beyond appearance or environment and is found deep within. No matter how difficult our circumstances are, princesses encourage us to remember our worth.

Spend much time with a four-year-old girl in the U. S and you will likely see some sort of princess play, whether it is dressing up, acting out stories, or playing with princess-themed toys. This particular type of pretend play is very important to children. Lindsey and Colwell found that children who regularly engage(参与)in pretend play have more positive emotions with peers(同龄人), score higher on emotional understanding, and are better at emotional regulation one year later. Research suggests that princess play specifically can lead to rich experiences for children as they expand on the stories of familiar characters.

Princesses also provide examples of "women who rule", showing women and girls that they can be accepted as the heroines of their own stories and lead with wisdom and maturity( 成熟). In other words, princesses inspire potential.

Adults often think of princesses in a negative way someone who is too proud or crazy about their appearance. But in children's imagination, the word "princess" allows them to think about what they can become. Maybe they won't save the world, but they will defend their values. Maybe they won't have the perfect figure, but they can develop the confidence to move beyond appearance.

(1) Why does the author mention Sara Crewe in the first paragraph? A. To explain the definition of princesses. B. To prove the value of princesses. C. To tell her painful experiences. D. To show her determination.
(2) How does pretend play benefit children? A. It makes children get high scores. B. It helps children get on well with peers. C. It helps children learn tings easily. D. It encourages children to understand adults better.
(3) Why do adults think negatively of princesses? A. Children may focus on appearance. B. Children may like to rule others. C. Children may be addicted to virtual world. D. Children may lose interest in communicating with adults.
(4) What's the author's attitude towards princesses according to the passage? A. Doubtful. B. Uncertain. C. Positive. D. Disappointed.
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Eat right, exercise, avoid stress... These instructions are often considered to be the necessary ingredients (要素) for a long and healthy life. While these day-to-day habits and behaviors matter, a person's attitude to life—including, and maybe especially, the way he or she reacts to hardship—is arguably the more important side of the longevity (长寿) coin.

Faced with difficult times, a lot of people start drinking, smoking, abandoning exercise, cutting ties with friends, or making other unhealthy choices. These new habits can be hard to kick once the difficult Period has passed: However, certain qualities seem to safeguard some people from such risks. Experts say one quality consistently tops the list, that is, the being high on conscientiousness. Conscientiousness refers to someone who is organized, careful, and persistent (坚持的) in their goals. Conscientious people are planful and responsible. When they take on a task, they don't give up easily.

This may come as a surprise to those who assume carefree, take-it-easy types are most likely to avoid life's many injuries and injustices. "We actually found the most cheerful and optimistic people lived shorter lives," Martin, an expert, says. "Being worried or anxious all the time is a problem, but a little worrying—when you're thinking ahead~can help you to be better prepared. " Conscientious worriers tend to put their anxiety to good use: They make choices or changes in response to their concerns. Their worrying is productive, not pointless.

While conscientious people are not totally free of risks, they're clear about the risks they're going to take. These are folks who tend to wear their seat belts, stay away from heavy drinking or drugs, and avoid other sources of unreasonable risk. Conscientious people also tend to adopt and stick with healthy habits, and their awareness and diligence tend to lead them into healthy relationships and jobs. All of these tendencies promote a long and healthy life.

(1) Which of the following can be an example of "being high on conscientiousness"? A. Tom has set a lot of goals and is afraid of failure. B. Jenny is always anxious and sleepless when in trouble. C. Jane always adopts a take-it-easy attitude to difficulties. D. John often plans well to avoid possible trouble before a trip.
(2) A small amount of worrying may ________. A. help avoid injustices B. lead to a big problem in life C. contribute to better preparations D. develop into a feeling of anxiety
(3) What is the text mainly about? A. Hardship is helpful in shaping peopled qualities. B. Conscientiousness has a great impact on longevity. C. Habits and behaviors are more important than attitudes. D. Staying away from risks can promote a long and healthy life.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Roosters (公鸡) act differently when faced with another chicken rather than just their own reflection. This may mean that the birds can recognize themselves in a mirror, a key indicator of self-awareness. In the traditional mirror self-recognition test, which originated in 1970, researchers place a mark on an animal's body in a spot that it only see when seeing its reflection. They note if the animal touches the mark while examining its mirror image, which suggests it understands that what it sees represents its own body. Few non-human species have passed this test, but they include some great apes, dolphins, elephants.

However, results from the test are often variable. Sonja Hillemacher and her colleagues from the University of Bonn in Germany wondered if this was because there is little natural reason for many animals to find out such marks. So, they have tried to adapt the test to the natural behaviour of roosters. Roosters usually make loud noises to warn other chickens when they see predators (捕食者) but generally stay quiet when they are alone. 

In the lab, they tested 68 roosters one by one in an arena divided by a wire net. They placed a bird on one side, and either left the other side empty or put another rooster in it. Then they added a mirror to the divider for some tests. The results showed that when a rooster was paired with another rooster, it raised the alarm more often than when it was alone, regardless of whether it could see its own reflection. When another rooster was present but hidden behind a mirror, few alarms were raised, showing that roosters can distinguish between reflection and reality through vision rather than smell or sound.

Since the birds acted similarly when alone and with a reflection, they may realise their reflection is of themselves, say the researchers. While the research suggests that roosters may recognize themselves in mirrors, it is too early to claim that chickens possess this ability. 

(1) What can we learn about the traditional mirror self-recognition test? A. The test was improved in 1970. B. Elephants failed to pass the test. C. Most non-human species have passed the test. D. Animals touching the mark show self-awareness.
(2) What made Sonja target the roosters in her test?  A. Their sharp vision. B. Their poor smell. C. Their loud sound. D. Their native behavior.
(3) What did Sonja's test suggest about roosters? A. They sent fewer alarm before another rooster. B. They showed more interest in their reflection. C. They used vision to tell reality from reflection. D. They were unable to recognize their reflection.
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the text? A. Roosters: Quiet Reflection-observers B. Roosters: Possible Self-recognizers C. Roosters: Clever Mark-checkers D. Roosters: Brave Alarm-raisers
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