1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D  四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Community Volunteers Program

Community Volunteers Program is a brand new service opportunity that engages volunteers in weekly service with community-based organizations in neighborhoods surrounding the Boston campus. It offers various volunteer placements that will allow you to connect your skills, passions, and interests with weekly service!

826 Boston

It is a nonprofit kids writing and publishing organization empowering traditionally under-served students(age 2 to 13)to find their voices, tell their stories, and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in future life.

·Primary Focus:After-school enrichment/tutoring.

·Opportunity Type:Remote.

Family Gym Program

Family Gym's goal is to provide families with young children(age 0 to 10)with a safe, accessible space to engage in fun, and age-appropriate physical activity.

·Primary Focus: Nutrition and Meal Assistance, Nutrition and Physical Education.

·Opportunity Type:Virtual/Remote.

Community Servings

Community Servings actively engages the community to provide medically tailored, nutritious, scratch-made meals to critically ill kids(age 6 to 10)and  their  families.

·Primary Focus:Food Security, Nutrition and Meal Assistance.

·Opportunity Type:In person.

Hernández After School Program

HASP involves youth from the Rafael Hernández Two-Way Bilingual School to provide   the highest quality of specialized services to meet the educational, social, emotional, cultural, and    recreational needs of its students(age 5 to 12) in the surrounding communities.

·Primary Focus: After-school enrichment/tutoring for multilingual students.

·Opportunity Type: Remote.

(1) What is the main job of volunteers in 826 Boston? A. To teach students expressive skills. B. To provide kids with physical training. C. To offer teenagers social assistance. D. To help youth with emotional problems.
(2) Which program may prefer volunteers with medical knowledge? A. 826 Boston. B. Family Gym Program. C. Community Servings. D. Hernndez After School Program.
(3) What do the four programs have in common? A. They advocate healthy diets. B. They focus on education. C. They feature online service. D. They center around children.
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Known for its Terracotta Warriors, the ancient Chinese city of Xi 'an in Shaanxi Province is also a city with delicious food. Here are some of them.

Yangrou paomo

Yangrou paomo, or pita bread soaked in lamb soup, is another signature food of Xian, The main ingredient in this mouth- watering dish is mutton and pita bread. The hard bread is torn into small pieces and added to a bowl, then topped with stewed and sliced mutton, scallion, coriander and chili, and then the soup is poured over all of it,

Biangbiang noodles

Biangbiang noodles (stewed-pork hand-ripped noodles) are thick, fat and long. Each noodle is three fingers wide, spiraling down into a big bowl. It is served dry, with toppings of chili and pork belly in alternating layers of fat and lean meat. Biangbiang noodles are famous not only for their distinctive taste, but also for the name, the character of which is so complicated that many Chinese don't know how to write it. Biang refers to the sound chefs make when they pull the dough into noodles and bang them against the table.


A visit to Xian is not complete unless you try the dumplings. They are made in different shapes, colors and flavors--sour, sweet or peppery, the dumplings have different fillings. Cooking methods have also expanded, from boiling to frying.


Ancient Chinese called it "Rou jia yu mo zhong", which means the meat is inside the bun(a kind of small bread). The most important part of "Rougamo" is the special sauce meat.

According to the history record, "Rougamo" first found in book is in Qin Dynasty, which was called "Hanmo". "Rougamo" is not only a sign of the ancient city, but also a sign of Chinese traditional foods.

(1) In which of the following foods is bread used? A. Yangrou paomo and Rougamo. B. Rougamo and Biangbiang noodles. C. Yangrou paomo and dumpling. D. Biangbiang noodles and dumpling.
(2) What does Biangbiang noodles get the name from? A. The chef who creates them, B. The ingredients they include. C. The sound when they are made. D. The place where they are made.
(3) In which column of a newspaper is this text probably from? A. Health. B. Culture. C. Science. D. Fashion.
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When Oumou Dieye first started competing against men in the sport of golf, she was not confident and felt a little afraid. The men did not want to golf with her nor did they take her seriously. But then, she won her first game. After that, she had all the confidence she needed to keep playing and defeating male golfers.

Dieye is the only professional female golfer in Senegal. She was introduced to golf by her brother-in-law and immediately fell in love. Not long after she began competing, Dieye was given a chance to train in Morocco. With the financial support from her French golf partners, she spent three months training with the Moroccan Golf Federation. She said she enjoyed the experience so much that she returned to Morocco and stayed for seven years. While there, she also taught children at a golfing school.

Today her home is filled with many golfing awards. She has won so many that she has lost track of the number. What she has done is notable because Senegal is a conservative, Muslim nation.

There is much pressure from society for women not to be involved in professional sports. The country practices a more liberal form of Islam(伊斯兰教). However, the culture still has traditional ideas of what women should do. A woman who chooses sports over duties at home risks being rejected by her family. At first, her family was not supportive. But after seeing her love of the sport, they changed their minds.

In 2018, when Dieye returned from Morocco, she was not happy about the state of golf in her home country. She wanted to create a golf school similar to the one in Morocco. In 2020, the Senegalese Golf Federation agreed to help Dieye establish a golf school in preparation for the 2026 Summer Youth Olympics in Dakar. It will be Dieye's job to train Senegal's first national golf team. This will involve preparing female golfers-including her own daughter.

(1) What was the situation when Dieye first played golf with male players? A. She was a shy girl short of social skills. B. Her family didn't support her golf career. C. They didn't think she was a worthy competitor. D. She was the only female golfer of the country.
(2) What can we learn about the country of Senegal? A. It has received financial support from France. B. Women there are encouraged to stay at home. C. Sports play an important part in people's life. D. Golf players are very popular in the country.
(3) Which of the following best describes Dieye? A. A pioneer. B. An explorer. C. A producer. D. An investigator.
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Chinese people spent more time on leisure activities in 2021 compared with the period before the novel coronavirus hit, according to a recent report by the China Tourism Academy. The academy said that urban residents' leisure time was closely related to their work. They spent more time on leisure activities on weekends in 2021, about 4. 4 hours a day, compared with an average of 3. 82 hours a day on workdays. It said that urban residents, leisure time increased both at weekends and during holidays in 2021 when compared with 2019. Daily weekend leisure time increased by 0. 91 of an hour and that during holidays by 0. 64 of an hour. The time that people in rural areas spent enjoying leisure activities rose nearly 39 percent compared with 2019, increasing to 4. 36 hours a day from 3. 14 hours before the COVIEM9 pandemic struck.

Shopping at physical stores remained the most popular leisure activity for both urban residents and people in the countryside, followed by activities like facial treatments, hairdressing and manicures (修指甲)."Shopping is my favorite way to give vent to my negative emotions and pressure, also for leisure," said Li Lingli, a 28-year-old financial analyst in Beijing. She said she had quite a heavy workload on workdays and also on weekends, meaning she didn't have much time to enjoy other leisure activities, especially outdoor ones like camping or hiking.

The report said it will be difficult to increase people's leisure time in the future due to the large amount of time they spend working and looking after children.

A recent survey by the academy shows that 50 percent of urban residents worked over eight hours a day and 15 percent worked over 10 hours a day. "Heavy workload is truly a big problem," Li said. "For me, as long as I don't message or email back my clients, it's my leisure time. I sometimes go to museums or exhibitions over holidays. It's also a good form of leisure to appreciate beautiful art pieces. "

Dai Bin, chairman of the academy, said at an online conference that with more rural residents spending time on leisure activities thanks to the nation's rural vitalization (振兴) policy, the tourism market and travel companies will embrace new growth in the future.

(1) How many hours did people in rural areas spend a day on leisure activities in 2021? A. 3. 14. B. 3. 82. C. 4. 36. D. 4. 4.
(2) What can be known about the report by the China Tourism Academy? A. Touring around was the most popular leisure activity. B. A quarter of urban residents worked more than ten hours a day. C. People will find it hard to have more and more leisure time in the future. D. Urban residents' leisure time didn't have much to do with their work.
(3) What does the underlined phrase "give vent to" in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Turn over. B. Let out. C. Make for. D. Figure out,
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the news report? A. People spend more time on leisure activities, report says B. More people prefer free time after work, report says C. People treasure time for leisure activities, report says D. More people enjoy themselves during weekends and holidays, report says
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