
When travelling on the railway, I always arrive early to take photos or films of trains on my phone. I do it for my teenage boys. I'll text these images to them, and they'll text back saying "Great pics" and occasionally get very excited if I've videoed a rare engine.

My older one, Solomon, now 17, had an early and strong interest in trains. By the age of two, he had identified his favourite train of all—the Class 465, a four-car electric multiple unit. One day, passing the railway station, he started laughing with pleasure. A train was waiting at the far platform. It looked like a 465 to me by its shape and size, but Solomon noticed it had five cars instead of four and most important of all, the first three digits of its number were 376. It excited him that he had discovered not only a new train but a new set of number. Classes 465 and 376 are common, but each train has its own unique number. That is part of the appeal, specific details.

My younger boy, Valentine, 15, came to trains through a different route: new technology. I was walking past our local station when I saw something special. A new train I'd never seen before. If such a train could exist in my rundown local station, anything was possible. Science fiction just became a science fact. I had just seen the Class 395, the Javelin, Britain's fastest train. A few months later, there would be one leaving our station every half hour to London.

Valentine adored the Javelin. Trips became fraught because both boys wanted to travel on their favourite train—the Class 465 versus the Javelin. We negotiated with them—we'd take the 465 on the way there, the Javelin back home. Everyone was happy.

My husband is also a railfan. Having the boys has allowed him to pursue his passion. Trains are our shared passion, a timeless source of pleasure.

(1) Why does the author photograph trains whenever possible? A. To kill time. B. To make money. C. To share online. D. To delight her children.
(2) Why was Solomon so pleased while wandering to the railway station? A. He noticed five brand-new cars. B. He discovered his favourite train. C. He corrected his mother's mistake. D. He spotted a new set of train numbers.
(3) What does the underlined word "fraught" mean in paragraph 4? A. Luxurious. B. Thrilling. C. Stressful. D. Unlikely.
(4) What is a suitable title for the text? A. Trainspotting Bonds My Family. B. Trainspotting Satisfies My Children. C. Trainspotting Emphasizes Train Details. D. Trainspotting Witnesses Technology Development.
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There are as many kinds of careers as there are people. They vary greatly in the type of work involved(涉及) and in the ways they influence a person's life. The kind of career you have can affect your life in many ways. By making wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself build the life you want. To do that, you need as much information as possible. The more you know about yourself, the better able you will be to choose a satisfying career.

What do people hope to obtain from a career? Some people desire a high income. Some hope for fame. Others seek for adventure. Still others intend to serve people and make the world a better place. Before you begin to explore career fields you should determine your values, your interests, and your aptitudes that will make you competent for your future work. Most people are happiest in jobs that fit their values, interests, and skills. Each person has many values, which vary in strength. For example, money is the strongest value for some people—that is, wealth is more important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their thoughts, behaviour, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values include devoting to religion, taking risks, spending time with family, and helping others.

Before making a career decision, you can ask yourself what is most important to you and examine your beliefs to better know your values. For example, is it important to you to work as a member of a team? Or would you rather be in charge or work alone? If working alone or being in charge is important to you, independence is probably one of your primary values.

(1) How can we make a wise career decision? A. We learn more about ourselves. B. We stick to our beliefs more firmly. C. We change our interests more often. D. We find more career opportunities.
(2) According to the writer, what should a satisfying career focus on? A. Bringing huge wealth. B. Meeting inner demands. C. Developing interests and skills. D. Contributing to forming values.
(3) What does the writer convey to us in the last paragraph? A. The contents of our values. B. The foundations of our values. C. The places to achieve our values. D. The ways to understand our values.
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For the first time in two years, our school held a Halloween homecoming dance. This year's homecoming was around a recent soccer victory against the neighboring school. Everyone was in a particularly festive mood.

At the same time, for a safer gathering during the COVID-19, we were required to hold the dance outdoors if we wanted to go mask-free. This was unfortunate because temperatures in Boston were expected to be no higher than 10℃ that night. Later, I realized that the cold was the least of my worries.

We sent apology letters out to the neighbors surrounding the school and told them to expect loud music on Oct 29. Then on that Friday night, members of the Student Union gathered together to decorate the tent provided by the school as a protection from the cold.

After two hours of blowing balloons, putting fake spider webs on trees and setting up the food table, people started showing up in their costumes. I ran away to the bathroom to dress up. Having seen all the news about Asian hate in the US, I decided that it was important to present Asian spirit — thus I proudly dressed myself up in a traditional Chinese qipao.

When I got outside again, the dance was in full swing. There was a DJ spinning songs, and the lights were flashing away, though no one was on the dance floor yet. However, things took a sharp turn when a familiar song — Gangnam Style by South Korean singer Psy — came on, and the dance floor was never empty again until the end of the evening. With every beat drop, the crowd jumped crazily to the beat, and I followed along. My feet hurt so much at the end of the evening, but I'll admit that it was worth all of the excitement I experienced.

(1) What can we learn about the homecoming dance? A. It was our school's first-ever homecoming. B. It was celebrated after a sports victory. C. It was held to fight against COVID-19. D. It aimed to compete with another school.
(2) What was the challenge they had faced in preparation? A. Requirements for mask wearing outdoors. B. A lack of decorating materials. C. Noise complaints from neighbors. D. Low temperature at night.
(3) Why was the author dressed herself in qipao? A. To stop Asian hate. B. To promote Halloween spirit. C. To show Asian culture. D. To show her uniqueness.
(4) What does the underlined phrase "in full swing" in paragraph 5 mean? A. Going well and strong. B. Getting well prepared. C. Getting started officially. D. Being in an awkward silence.
阅读理解 未知 普通

Flowing through winding streets of London were smells, so common during the Great Plague (瘟疫) of the 17th century that they almost meant the plague itself, historians said. For hundreds of years, people believed that disease was spread not through tiny drops or insect bites, but through taking in unpleasant smells. To purify the air around them, they would burn rosemary and hot tar.

Now, as the world faces another widespread outbreak, a team of historians and scientists from six European countries is seeking to identify and categorize the most common smells of daily life across Europe from the 16th century to the early 20th century and to study what changes in smells over time reveal about society.

The project will search through more than 250,000 images and thousands of texts, including medical textbooks, novels and magazines in seven languages. Researchers will use machine learning and AI to analyze references to smells. Once they are cataloged, researchers, working with chemists and perfumers, will re-create roughly 120 smells with the hope that museums will incorporate some of them into exhibits to make visits more immersive (沉浸式的) or memorable to museum-goers. The use of smells in exhibits could also make museums more accessible for blind people and those with limited sight, historians said.

"With smell, you can open up questions about national culture, global culture and differences between communities," said Dr. Inger Leemans, a professor of cultural history at Vrije University Amsterdam. He said that introducing smells into museums or classrooms leads people to open up in discussions in ways they do not always do when discussing other issiues of national identity. "It is such an open topic and what we want to do is think about how we can bring history to the nose."

(1) What does the writer intend to do by Paragraph 1? A. Introduce the topic. B. Put forward his argument. C. Voice his opinion. D. Offer detailed information.
(2) Why does the team carry out the project? A. To study the effects of smells. B. To develop a cure for plagues. C. To find out the causes of disease. D. To help us learn about the past.
(3) What does the underlined word "incorporate" in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Include. B. Break. C. Change. D. Create.
(4) What's Dr. Inger Leemans' attitude towards the project? A. Sceptical. B. Ambiguous. C. Supportive. D. Negative.
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