
The Chinese new year begins on 22 January, 2023 and lasts until 9 February, 2024. While most of Asia celebrates the year of the rabbit, Vietnam celebrates the year of the cat. In the Chinese zodiac(十二生肖), there are 12 animals, and the 4th animal is the rabbit; while in the Vietnamese zodiac, the 4th position is occupied by the cat. How the cat covered for the rabbit in Vietnam's zodiac is still the subject of debate.

It was said the Jade Emperor organized a race across a river for all the animals in the world. The first 12 to reach the other side would appear in the zodiac. In the Chinese version of the story, the cat and the rat were riding across a river on an ox when the rat pushed the cat into the water. The rat won the race, turning the two animals into enemies. That is why cats have been hunting rats ever since. However, in the Vietnamese version—which did not have a rabbit—the cat could swim and ended up arriving.

One possible explanation for replacing rabbit with cat might have to do with language. In old Chinese, there is a word tied to the sign of the rabbit that is pronounced mao(卵). The pronunciation is similar to mèo, the Vietnamese word for cat.

Quyen Di, a lecturer at UCLA, said the custom has to do with the landscape of Vietnam. "Initially, the Chinese lived in the savanna(稀树草原) area, while the Vietnamese lived in the lowland area. The people of the savanna prefer a nomadic life, close to the wilderness, and they chose the rabbit as an animal that lived in the wild fields. In contrast, the lowland people of Vietnam consider rabbits as animals that are used for food and chose the cat because they believe cats are friends living in their house.

This year, many Vietnamese are buying new cat-themed cases for their mobile phones. And one of the top Google searches in Vietnam is "why there is no cat in the Chinese zodiac".

(1) What does the underlined phrase "covered for" in paragraph 1 refer to? A. took charge of. B. fought for. C. took the place of. D. depended on.
(2) What can we learn from the Vietnamesc zodiac story? A. The Jade Emperor showed favor to the cat. B. The rabbit fell into the river in the zodiac race. C. The cat finished fourth by swimming across the river. D. The rat and the rabbit were enemies in ancient times.
(3) According to Quyen Di, what made the Vietnamese choose the cat? A. Their living environment. B. Their language pronunciation. C. Their lifestyle of raising cats as pets. D. Their custom of hunting rabbits for food.
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the text? A. The History of the Chinese Zodiac B. Ways of Celebrating the Year of the Rabbit C. The Popularity of Chinese Traditional Culture D. The Origin of the Year of the Cat in Vietnam
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The cuisine that marks Christmas is as diverse as the people feasting on it. Here's a look at how the locals celebrate Christmas through cuisine in their countries, which will give you a glimpse of the celebrations.


The real festivities start on Christmas morning with champagne and smoked salmon. After the King's or Queen's annual Christmas speech, it's time for the main meal, typically including a turkey or roast beef accompanied by various side dishes.


The French celebrate their Christmas Eve with a lavish meal, with seafood served first. The main course usually consists of a rooster that's renowned for its tenderness. Fine red wine from Burgundy can't be missed of course.


Similar to France, Italians celebrate Christmas on the eve. The locals typically attend midnight Mass and then indulge in a lavish meal before heading to church. For the main course, northern Italians often have stuffed turkey, while those in seaside areas may feast on a large baked sea bass accompanied by roasted potatoes and vegetables.


After attending an early morning holy communion in church on Christmas, Greeks go home for an all-day eating gathering. Families gather around the fireplace, feasting on a special w heat bread only made at Christmas. Later, the main course may include roast chicken stuffed with chestnuts.

(1) What activity distinguishes England in Christmas celebration? A. The seafood-themed dinner. B. The yearly Royal address. C. The religious ceremony. D. The main course featuring turkey.
(2) To experience the religious atmosphere, you'd better spend Christmas in ____. A. France and Italy. B. England and France. C. England and Greece. D. Italy and Greece.
(3) From which column of the magazine is the passage probably from? A. Religion and culture. B. Diet and health. C. Festival and tradition. D. Sports and fitness.
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Terri Boltonis a dab hand when it comes to DIY(do-it-yourself). Skillde at putting up shelves and piecing together furniture, she never pays someone else to do a job she can do herself.

She credits these skills to her late grandfather and builder Derek Lloyd. From the age of six, Terri, now 26, accompanied Derek to work during her school holidays. A day's work was rewarded with £5 in pocket money. She says: "I'm sure I wasn't much of a help to start with painting the rooms and putting down the flooring throughout the house. It took weeks and is was backbreaking work, but I know he was proud of my skills."

Terri, who now rents abhouse with friends in Wandsworth, South West London, says DIY also saves her from losing any deposit when a tenancy(租期)comes to an end. She adds: "I've moved house many times and I always like to personalise my room and put up pictures. So, it's been useful to know how to cover up holes and repaint a room to avoid any charges when I've moved out"

With millions of people likely to take on DIY projects over the coming weeks, new research shows that more than half of people are planning to make the most of the long, warm summer days to get jobs done. The average spend per project will be around £823. Two thirds of people aim to improve their comfort while at home. The fifth wish to increase the value of their house. Though DIY has a traditionally been seen as male hobby, the research shows it is women now leading the charge.

(1) Which is closest in meaning to "a dab hand" in paragraph 1? A. An artist. B. A winner. C. A specialist. D. A pioneer.
(2) Why did Terri's grandfather give her £5 a day? A. For a birthday gift. B. As a treat for her work. C. To support her DIY projects. D. To encourage her to take up a hobby.
(3) How did Terri avoid losing the deposit on the house she rented? A. By making it look like before. B. By finishing it herself. C. By splitting the rent with a roommate. D. By cancelling the rental agreement.
(4) What trend in DIY does the research show? A. It is becoming more costly. B. It is getting more time-consuming. C. It is turning into a seasonal industry. D. It is gaining popularity among females.
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Chinese people spent more time on leisure activities in 2021 compared with the period before the novel coronavirus hit, according to a recent report by the China Tourism Academy. The academy said that urban residents' leisure time was closely related to their work. They spent more time on leisure activities on weekends in 2021, about 4. 4 hours a day, compared with an average of 3. 82 hours a day on workdays. It said that urban residents, leisure time increased both at weekends and during holidays in 2021 when compared with 2019. Daily weekend leisure time increased by 0. 91 of an hour and that during holidays by 0. 64 of an hour. The time that people in rural areas spent enjoying leisure activities rose nearly 39 percent compared with 2019, increasing to 4. 36 hours a day from 3. 14 hours before the COVIEM9 pandemic struck.

Shopping at physical stores remained the most popular leisure activity for both urban residents and people in the countryside, followed by activities like facial treatments, hairdressing and manicures (修指甲)."Shopping is my favorite way to give vent to my negative emotions and pressure, also for leisure," said Li Lingli, a 28-year-old financial analyst in Beijing. She said she had quite a heavy workload on workdays and also on weekends, meaning she didn't have much time to enjoy other leisure activities, especially outdoor ones like camping or hiking.

The report said it will be difficult to increase people's leisure time in the future due to the large amount of time they spend working and looking after children.

A recent survey by the academy shows that 50 percent of urban residents worked over eight hours a day and 15 percent worked over 10 hours a day. "Heavy workload is truly a big problem," Li said. "For me, as long as I don't message or email back my clients, it's my leisure time. I sometimes go to museums or exhibitions over holidays. It's also a good form of leisure to appreciate beautiful art pieces. "

Dai Bin, chairman of the academy, said at an online conference that with more rural residents spending time on leisure activities thanks to the nation's rural vitalization (振兴) policy, the tourism market and travel companies will embrace new growth in the future.

(1) How many hours did people in rural areas spend a day on leisure activities in 2021? A. 3. 14. B. 3. 82. C. 4. 36. D. 4. 4.
(2) What can be known about the report by the China Tourism Academy? A. Touring around was the most popular leisure activity. B. A quarter of urban residents worked more than ten hours a day. C. People will find it hard to have more and more leisure time in the future. D. Urban residents' leisure time didn't have much to do with their work.
(3) What does the underlined phrase "give vent to" in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Turn over. B. Let out. C. Make for. D. Figure out,
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the news report? A. People spend more time on leisure activities, report says B. More people prefer free time after work, report says C. People treasure time for leisure activities, report says D. More people enjoy themselves during weekends and holidays, report says
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