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The cuisine that marks Christmas is as diverse as the people feasting on it. Here's a look at how the locals celebrate Christmas through cuisine in their countries, which will give you a glimpse of the celebrations.


The real festivities start on Christmas morning with champagne and smoked salmon. After the King's or Queen's annual Christmas speech, it's time for the main meal, typically including a turkey or roast beef accompanied by various side dishes.


The French celebrate their Christmas Eve with a lavish meal, with seafood served first. The main course usually consists of a rooster that's renowned for its tenderness. Fine red wine from Burgundy can't be missed of course.


Similar to France, Italians celebrate Christmas on the eve. The locals typically attend midnight Mass and then indulge in a lavish meal before heading to church. For the main course, northern Italians often have stuffed turkey, while those in seaside areas may feast on a large baked sea bass accompanied by roasted potatoes and vegetables.


After attending an early morning holy communion in church on Christmas, Greeks go home for an all-day eating gathering. Families gather around the fireplace, feasting on a special w heat bread only made at Christmas. Later, the main course may include roast chicken stuffed with chestnuts.

(1) What activity distinguishes England in Christmas celebration? A. The seafood-themed dinner. B. The yearly Royal address. C. The religious ceremony. D. The main course featuring turkey.
(2) To experience the religious atmosphere, you'd better spend Christmas in ____. A. France and Italy. B. England and France. C. England and Greece. D. Italy and Greece.
(3) From which column of the magazine is the passage probably from? A. Religion and culture. B. Diet and health. C. Festival and tradition. D. Sports and fitness.
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Over the last five months, local and regional competitions have been held across Kenya for Maasai men of"warrior(勇士)"age. They are part of the Maasai Olympics, which have been held every two years since 2012. These men compete in six events: 5,000m, 800m, 200m, high jump, javelin and the rungu(a wooden throwing club) throw. There are also two events for women: 1,500m and 100m.

December 15,2018 marked the final round with crowds gathering in Kimana, near the Amboseli National Park, about 200 km south of Nairobi(the capital of Kenya). Different kinds of medals are among the prizes for the winning individuals and communities.

International charity Born Free, a main sponsor of the events, helped to offer Maasai warriors an alterative to killing lions as part of their traditional ceremony. It was the brainchild of the wildlife charity Big Life Foundation and eight Maasai elders who wanted to"stop lion hunting by our warriors once and for all, making it a cultural taboo(禁忌)."

"As human populations grow, and our wants seem to increase—with little sympathy for those other species with whom we share the planet—the pressing need for co-existence, and examples of how this may be achieved. are few and far between," said Born Free's CEO Howard Jones.

"The Maasai have a 500-year-old tradition of hunting lions to prove the courage of young men. As a result, an estimated 2,000 lions now remain in Kenya. The Maasai live and work alongside these creatures, so they are expected to play a key role in their protection and conservation," added Jones.

The Maasai Olympics were developed to encourage young men to compete in an organized sports completion based on their traditional warrior skills. As well as the competitive element, the events also aim to educate local people about conserving lions and wildlife, and the importance of human-wildlife co-existence and tolerance.

(1) What can we learn about the Maasai Olympics? A. They take place in the Amboseli National Park. B. They have been held four times till 2018. C. They include over ten events for men. D. They last as long as a whole year.
(2) What can we say about the Maasai's tradition of proving their courage? A. It is primitive and unacceptable. B. It is still as popular as it used to be. C. It is thought highly of by Born Free. D. It is friendly to the local environment.
(3) What does Howard Jones try to express? A. The Maasai should stick to their old tradition. B. Humans should have sympathy for each other. C. The Maasai should control their population growth. D. Humans should live in harmony with wildlife.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Bring Kenya's Tradition Back B. The Nature of Maasai Warriors C. The Influence of the Maasai Olympics D. Hunt Medals Not Lions in the Maasai Olympics
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Lego is considering a brick rental scheme in an attempt to cut down on plastic waste. The Danish toymaker has promised to make all its bricks from sustainable sources by 2030 and is searching significant resources into finding alternatives.

Tim Brooks, vice-president responsible for sustainability, said the company was "totally open" to the idea of a product rental scheme but acknowledged that lost pieces could be a significant problem. He said the rental scheme was "possible" but admitted there were some "technical barriers", one of which is the complexity of some Lego sets, many of which contain thousands of pieces. "What are the chances of giving them to an eight-year-old child and getting them all back again?" Mr. Brooks added.

Lego has come under increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint with growing international alarm about the impact of plastic waste on the environment. Lego reportedly gives off around a million tons of carbon dioxide each year, with about three-quarters coming from raw materials that go into factories. It produces 19 billion pieces per year -36, 000 a minute - that are made of plastic and much of the inner packaging is also plastic.

So far, the only breakthrough has been the development of a line of bricks made from plant-based plastic sourced from sugarcane(甘蔗). The green trees, plants and flowers were first included in Lego sets late last year but account for only one-two percent of the total amount of plastic elements produced.

Henrik Ostergaard Nielson, a production administrator in Lego's factory, told the New York Times last year, "We need to learn again how to do this. " The company has invested more than €100, 000, 000and hired 100 people to research non-plastic alternatives. It is aiming to keep all of its packaging reusable by 2025.

(1) What is the aim of Lego's brick rental plan? A. To cut down on its costs. B. To reduce plastic waste. C. To seek alternative resources. D. To deal with technical barriers.
(2) What is Tim Brooks' attitude towards the toy rental scheme? A. Negative. B. Confident. C. Ambiguous. D. Objective.
(3) What method is mainly used in the last three paragraphs? A. Listing figures. B. Making comparisons. C. Giving examples. D. Giving definitions.
(4) What can we know from the last paragraph? A. Lego will not make new products after 2025. B. Lego has already bought non-plastic alternatives. C. Lego is making efforts for eco-friendly products. D. Lego's green technology is relatively backward.
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Using the health records of more than a million Swedish conscripts (应征入伍者), a recent study revealed that keeping cardiorespiratory (心肺的) fitness in their late teens and early twenties can cut the risk of developing nine types of cancer by 40% when older. The research team from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden said, "These results could be used to further strengthen the promotion of interventions aimed at increasing fitness in youth."

Almost a third of people aged from 16 to 24 in England aren't physically active, without meeting guidelines of at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week including walking, riding a bike and dancing.

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) measures how well the heart, lungs and linked systems work to get oxygen to muscles during constant activities. The conscripts, aged between 16 and 25, had tests of CRF on exercise bikes between 1968 and 2005. The researchers used Swedish health data to see who went on to have cancer during an average follow-up of 33 years. The study found that increasing fitness was beneficial, regardless of body weight. However, they also found that higher fitness was linked to a higher risk of skin cancer. The researchers explained that this trend might be driven by exposure to sunlight.

Findings from those observational studies provide much evidence for a link between higher levels of physical activity and a lower risk of cancer. However, these studies cannot fully rule out the possibility that active people have lower cancer risk because they engage in other lifestyle behaviors. The researchers cautioned that they had no access to full data on factors such as diet, alcohol intake and smoking and so couldn't fully account for those.

Dr Claire Knight, of Cancer Research UK, said, "The NHS recommends 150 minutes of activity a week, but it's fine to build up activity over time and there are lots of ways to be more active. You don't need to run a marathon or join a gym. Anything that gets you warmer and slightly out of breath and your heart beating faster counts."

(1) What's the significance of the research findings? A. They prove the importance of a good diet. B. They show how our health declines with age. C. They stress the importance of general health. D. They give reasons to improve the health of the young.
(2)  What do we know about CRF? A. It measures the blood oxygen level. B. It shows the ability of body systems. C. It indicates the level of exercise. D. It controls the spread of cancer in the body.
(3) What's the limitation of the study? A. It didn't analyze the collected data thoroughly. B. It connected sunlight exposure with cancer. C. It failed to suggest the ideal time for exercise. D. It didn't consider other health-related factors.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Lifestyle changes in youth help reduce cancer risks B. Less exposure to sunshine can rid us of cancer C. The cardiorespiratory system plays a big role D. Sports have a great effect on our health
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