
Your child is unique, but what all children have in common is natural curiosity and an ability to learn they are born with. Our brains are active all the time, and a baby's brain is the busiest of all. Research has shown that babies begin to understand language about twice as fast as they actually speak it. By showing children other languages at an early age, you are giving them the opportunity to make use of their natural ability to hear and recognize between the sounds of other languages, and their ability to make sense of what they are hearing.

Communication is something that children do to help them achieve something else, and they are unaware of the large amount of learning taking place. They take everything in through their senses, making connections between what they hear, see, smell, taste and touch. As long as we provide the right conditions, their learning and development will take place in a natural way.

In your child's early years, the emotional environment is just as important as the physical environment. Children learn when they feel safe, happy, valued and listened to. This is central to any learning experience in a child's early years, including learning an additional language. Your child has a trial-and-error approach to its development, and making mistakes is a valuable part of the learning process. When children learn an additional language at an early age, they get the benefits of experimenting with that language as a natural part of their development. Their progress isn't prevented by a fear of getting it wrong, and very young children are simply working their way towards getting it right.

The long-term benefits of learning another language go beyond being able to communicate with others. Studies suggest that children learning an additional language tend to score better on standardized tests because learning languages develops listening, observation, problem-solving and critical(批判性的) thinking skills. These are skills that are of life-long benefit, both personally and professionally. Encouraging in children a love of language at an early age prepares them well for school and for life.

(1) What do we know about Children according to Paragraph 1? A. Children are busy playing. B. Children are born to speak. C. Children are good at speaking native language. D. Children have a better ability to learn other languages.
(2) While learning a language, children __________. A. speak to themselves B. need to have language classes C. make use of their different senses D. notice how much they have learned
(3) Children learn when they __________. A. are in bad emotion B. do not make mistakes C. learn from their mistakes D. are taught by their teachers
(4) In fact learning another language helps children to _________. A. take more tests B. have a good time C. encourage themselves D. develop life-long skills
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Rushing down the path, the traceur (跑酷者) is on the lookout for his next obstacles such as fire escapes, walls, or fences. As soon as he realizes a massive brick wall stands between him and where he wants to be, he unintentionally grabs on the wall with his hands and lifts himself to stand on top of it. His next move is a jump that lands him back on solid ground; however, noticing that he is unstable, he rolls to avoid injury. 

Traceurs are athletes who perform remarkable gymnastics actions in urban environments. Serious traceurs are fascinated not just by the physical challenges of Parkour, but by its philosophy. Those who learn to excel at Parkour claim to develop not just physical fitness, but increased self-confidence and critical thinking skills, as they train themselves to find ways around every obstacle in their paths. 

Because of these philosophical foundations, Parkour is often described by traceurs as more of a lifestyle or an art form than a sport. Passionate traceurs are determined to keep Parkour from becoming a competitive attempt. Competition, they argue, devalues the philosophical theory behind Parkour. People who practice Parkour should be more concerned with their relationship to the environment than with a ticking clock, a score, or a cheering crowd. Furthermore, traceurs should work with each other to improve confidence, awareness, and unity. Competition, they argue, only brings about feelings of conflict and disharmony. 

While Parkour purists suggest that the philosophy behind Parkour helps to limit injuries, they must remember that not everyone who tries to leap over a mailbox is an experienced traceur trying to get in touch with his or her environment. Adolescents attempting to carry out these acrobatic (杂技的) skills could severely injure themselves. So while newcomers to Parkour might be eager to investigate this art of movement, it would be wise for them to remember the physicality behind the philosophy. After all, philosophy is not much good to a broken leg. 

(1) Why does the author describe a traceur at the beginning? A. To illustrate what Parkour is like. B. To teach ways of avoiding injuries. C. To explain different Parkour moves. D. To highlight the popularity of sports.
(2) How can Parkour enhance a traceur's self-confidence? A. By strengthening physical fitness. B. By winning Parkour competitions. C. By building faith in conquering barriers. D. By grasping some philosophical theories.
(3) What do we know about serious and pure traceurs? A. They are aware of how to treat injuries. B. They suggest individual efforts in the sport. C. They stress the relationship to the environment. D. They are more concerned with remarkable actions.
(4) What does the author advise newcomers to do? A. Face physical challenges boldly. B. Learn from experienced traceurs. C. Start from leaping over a mailbox. D. Consider the risk of severe harm.
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The maker of ChatGPT recently announced its next move into generative artificial intelligence. San Francisco-based OpenAI's new text-to-video generator, called Sora, is a tool that instantly makes short videos based on written commands, called prompts. 

Sora is not the first of its kind. Google, Meta and Runway ML are among the other companies to have developed similar technology. But the high quality of videos displayed by OpenAI — some released after CEO Sam Altman asked social media users to send in ideas for written prompts-surprised observers. 

A photographer from New Hampshire posted one suggestion, or prompt, on X. The prompt gave details about a kind of food to be cooked, gnocchi (意大利团子), as well as the setting — an old Italian country kitchen. The prompt said: "An instructional cooking session for homemade gnocchi, hosted by a grandmother — a social media influencer, set in a rustic (土气的) Tuscan country kitchen." Altman answered a short time later with a realistic video that showed what the prompt described. 

The tool is not yet publicly available. OpenAI has given limited information about how it was built. The company also has not stated what imagery and video sources were used to train Sora. At the same time, the video results led to fears about the possible ethical and societal effects. 

The New York Times and some writers have taken legal actions against OpenAI for its use of copyrighted works of writing to train ChatGPT. And OpenAI pays a fee to The Associated Press the source of this report, to license its text news archive (档案) . OpenAI said in a blog post that it is communicating with artists, policymakers and others before releasing the new tool to the public. 

The company added that it is working with "red teamers" — people who try to find problems and give helpful suggestions — to develop Sora. "We are working with red teamers-express in areas like misinformation, hateful content, and bias — who will be adversarially testing the model," the company said. "We're also building tools to help detect misleading content such as a detection classifier that can tell when a video was generated by Sora."

(1) What makes Sora impressive? A. Its extraordinary video quality. B. Its ethical and societal influence. C. Its artificial intelligence history. D. Its written commands and prompts.
(2) What can we infer from the text? A. Some disagreements over Sora have arisen. B. Sora is the first text-to-video generator in history. C. OpenAI CEO Altman wrote a prompt as an example. D. All the details about how Sora was built have been shared.
(3) What is the main idea of Paragraph 6? A. The company's current challenge. B. The company's advanced technology. C. The company's problems in management. D. The company's efforts for Sora's improvement.
(4)  What is the author's attitude towards Sora? A. Neutral. B. Optimistic. C. Pessimistic. D. Cautious.
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3. 阅读短文,从每题所给四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Best Family Vacations in Europe


In Barcelona, Gaudf's art work is sure to impress adults and make children feel as if they've wandered into a fantasy land. Similarly, the street performances surprise audiences of all ages. Plus, families can always watch the FC Barcelona team play a soccer match at Camp Nou stadium.


The Eiffel Tower is sure to delight your children, whether you choose to take a lift to the top or see it at night. Nearby Disneyland Paris, whose fairy-tale setting leaves a lasting impression on its visitors, is also a popular attraction for those with little ones.


Kids will get a kick out of seeing the bizarre Dancing House, engaging with the interactive exhibits, and exploring Prague Castle. Meanwhile, parents will love the city's rich cultural heritage(遗产) and reasonable prices. Because of its small size, Prague is an easily walkable city, which makes it perfect for those who want to save money on transportation.


This city attracts visitors young and old with its London Zoo, West End theatre district, London Eye and Platform 93/4 at King's Cross Station, among other sights. Many of the top attractions offer guided tours, which are excellent ways for families to learn about London's history and culture.

From playing soccer in Barcelona to touring London Eye, Europe features activities for travelers of all ages and interests. If interested, click here to know more.

(1) What do Barcelona and Paris have in common? A. They offer guided tours. B. They are known for sports stadiums. C. They bring children into a world of imagination. D. They share the experience of street performance.
(2) Which city is pedestrian friendly? A. Barcelona. B. Paris. C. Prague. D. London.
(3) Where can the text be found? A. On a website. B. In a magazine. C. In a history book. D. In a travel journal.
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