
Ralph Emerson once said that the purpose of life is not to be happy, but to be useful, to be loving, to make some difference in he world. While we appreciate such words of wisdom, we rarely try to follow them in our lives.

Most people prefer to live a good life themselves, ignoring their responsibilities for the world. This narrow perception of a good life may provide short-term benefits, but is sure to lead to long-term harm and suffering. A good life based on comfort and luxury may eventually lead to more pain be-cause we spoil our health and even our character, principles, ideals, and relationships.

What then, is the secret of a good life? A good life is a process, not a state of being : a direction, not a destination. We have to earn a good life by first serving others without any expectation in return because their happiness is the very source of our own happiness. More importantly, we must know ourselves inside out. Only when we examine ourselves deeply can we discover our abilities and recognize our limitations, and then work accordingly to create a better world.

The first requirement for a good life is having a loving heart. When we do certain right things merely as a duty, we find our job so tiresome that we'll soon burn out. However, when we do that same job out of love, we not only enjoy what we do, but also do it with an effortless feeling.

However, love alone is insufficient to lead a good life. Love sometimes blinds us to the reality. Consequently, our good intentions may not lead to good results. To achieve desired outcome, those who want to do good to others also need to equip themselves with accurate world knowledge. False knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance. If love is the engine of a car knowledge is the steering wheel(方向盘). If the engine lacks power, th car can't move; if the driver loses control of the steering, a road accident probably occurs. Only with love in heart and the right knowledge in mind can we lead a good life.

With love and knowledge, we go all out to create a better world by doing good to others. When we see the impact of our good work on the world we give meaning to our life and earn lasting joy and happiness.

(1) What effect does the narrow perception of a good life have on us? A. Making us simple-minded B. Making us short-signted. C. Leading us onto a busy road. D. Keeping us from comfort and luxury.
(2) According to the author, how can one gain true happiness? A. Through maintaining good health. B. By going through pain and suffering. C. By recognizing one's abilities and limitations. D. Through offering help much needed by others.
(3) According to Paragraph 4, doing certain right things with a loving heart makes one________. A. less selfish B. less annoying C. more motivated D. more responsible
(4) In what case may good intentions fail to lead to desired results? A. When we have wrong knowledge of the world. B. When our love for the world is insufficient. C. When we are insensitive to dangers in life. D. When we stay blind to the reality.
(5) According to Paragraph 5, life can be made truly good when ________. A. inspired by love and guided by knowledge B. directed by love and pushed by knowledge C. purified by love and enriched by knowledge D. promoted by love and defined by knowledge
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Guided Tour of Harry Potter London Locations

If you are a fan of Harry Potter, the Wizards London Walk is a perfect way to spend a couple of hours in London. You will get to see more than 10 filming locations from the Harry Potter movies. 

The tour features Harry Potter London film locations Meanwhile, you also have a chance to explore famous London landmarks and attractions like St Paul's Cathedral and Millennium Bridge and Big Ben. Along the way you'll have plenty of chances to take lots of pictures and see the filming locations up close. 

Come and explore Harry Potter London filming locations on our magical tour

About this tour

Cancellation Policy 

Free cancellation up to 48 hours in advance


Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 pm (Jan-Dec)

Daily at 2:00 pm (Apr Ist-Aug 31st)

How long? 

2-2.5 hours

How much?

Child (5-15) £10 Adult £15 Child (under 5): No ticket required

Where to meet? 

Westminster tube station

Where to end? 

Bank Station

Private/Group Tours 

1-10 people: £125 per group 11-20 people: £145 per group

Available daily at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. SAVE 6% with Promo Code: SAVE 6

Please also note:

This tour is not accessible for wheelchair users or for parents with prams 

Anyone who is 17 years old or younger must be accompanied by adults on all tours.

(1) Which of the following is most probably a Harry Potter filming location? A. Sr Paul's Cathedral. B. Millennium Bridge. C. Leadenhall Market. D. Big Ben.
(2) Which of the following is right according this passage? A. It will cost £15 for a 20-year-old man to pay for the tour with SAVE6 today. B. The tourists will finish this tour at Westminster tube station. C. Tom, a 15-year-old student is old enough to take this tour by himself. D. A tourist can cancel his arrangement for free five days in advance.
(3) What's the purpose of this passage? A. To introduce the Harry Potter filming locations. B. To inform people of a tour. C. To adverise the Harry Porter films. D. To introduce London to people.
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Recently a growing number of foreign universities, such as the University of Cambridge, are accepting China's gaokao results as one of their admission standards. Is the Chinese college entrance exam being recognized globally? Forum readers share their opinions:

Cecilia Zhang (China)

The gaokao is a really tough exam. If possible, it can be used as one of the indicators(指标) for foreign universities, in addition to other indicators, such as how well they speak the target language. The students, who perform well in the gaokao, also have the ability to successfully adapt to Western styles of education. I believe accepting the gaokao as an indicator is a win-win for Chinese students and overseas universities.

Wchao 37 (US)

In fact gaokao is perhaps much more difficult than the SAT or ACT exams. You can get a perfect score of 1600 on the SAT but not in the gaokao, partly because the SAT is a machine-scored multiple-choice exam. Do you know anyone that has ever achieved a perfect score in the gaokao?

Harry 01 (UK)

Hundreds of students from China have entered universities in the UK using their gaokao scores, which require that their knowledge of English be above a certain level This measure has benefited specific groups of students from various backgrounds in China.

Mbursian (Canada)

In order to attend a university in an English-speaking country, a student needs to have an acceptable band score on the IELTS. Most importantly, students need an acceptable knowledge of the language spoken in any country they plan to study in. Now the Chinese gaokao is closer to meeting the requirements of different countries.

(1) Who believes accepting the Chinese gaokao benefits both native students and universities abroad? A. Cecilia Zhang. B. Wchao 37. C. Harry 01. D. Mbursian.
(2) What is most important for Chinese students planning to study abroad? A. The IELTS score. B. Enough test preparation. C. The Chinese gaokao score. D. Knowledge of the native language.
(3) What does the text intend to tell the readers? A. The gaokao will replace other tests. B. The gaokao is becoming globally accepted. C. The gaokao is the most difficult of all tests. D. The University of Cambridge made a good decision.
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Fighting climate change by cloning trees

【USA Today(April 15, 2024)】

It's been struck by lightning at least three times and has survived multiple hurricanes. "Big Tree," an imposing southern live oak, sits in an unassuming park just outside Orlando's business district. Over 400 years old, the tree is so impressive that members of a Michigan-based nonprofit flew to Orlando in February to climb and sample it. The arborists are now in the midst of a monthslong process to grow new roots the from the clippings. The reason: To clone the historic tree, store its DNA and plant potentially thousands of replicas across the Southeast.

In order to clone an ancient tree, one must climb it. Helmeted researchers hoisting themselves up the trunk of a colossal redwood or sequoia in order to find a piece of live tissue. The freshly cut limbs and leaves are taken to the group's lab in Michigan, where propagators work to spur growth from the samples. The most common method is by rooted cuttings, which has long been used by horticulturists. In this method, a tip of a tree's branch is dipped into hormones, placed into a foam plug and set inside a mist chamber. Then, the waiting begins. A sign of life could take months to a year, if one comes at all. In another method called tissue culture, propagators take a quarter-inch of stem, drip it in a liquid made up of a dozen hormones and other chemicals, seal it in an airtight container and wait until it grows roots.

With each new tree, the group tries hundreds of combinations. The experts change the hormones, adjust the temperature of the test room and vary the amount of water being sprayed on the samples. About 90% will fail. However, those that form new roots are subsequently cloned. Because they're young, their success rate is much higher than that of samples from the original tree.

Experts lauded the group for its innovative methods and large-scale propagation, but they cast doubt on the assumption underlying the nonprofit's work: That the clones will prosper as the originals have. Scott Merkle, a professor of forest biology at the University of Georgia, said there are many factors that contribute to a tree's age in addition to genetics: the site it's sitting on, what's interacting with it in the soil, the surrounding environment and luck.

"There's so many variables that there's certainly no guarantee that they will be able to survive and perform better than other trees that you might put out on the landscape," Merkle said. He added that the sheer age of historic trees makes them difficult to study: "There's no real way to test these hypotheses in our lifetimes. I think it's a great thing that they're doing. I just don't know how realistic it is."

(1) which of the following words can best replace the underlined one "replica" in paragraph one? A. reproduction B. version C. portrayal D. equal
(2) What does horticulturists usually do to spur growth from the samples? A. they climb the trunk of a tree and find a piece of live tissue B. they make use of a stem and a liquid full of various hormones C. they apply hormones on the tip of a tree's branch and wait D. they plant the samples in an airtight container
(3) What can we learn from comments from Scott Merkle? A. the clones will definitely thrive as the original old trees do B. it is the tree's genetics that decide the longevity of an old tree C. propagators can guarantee the survival of the clone trees by adapting variables D. it is hard for one generation to test the performance of the clone trees
(4) what does the passage mainly talk about? A. experts to store old tree's DNA by cloning B. experts to invent new ways to protect historic trees C. experts to arise intensive debates on environmental protection D. experts to promote new species by cloning
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