
Recently a growing number of foreign universities, such as the University of Cambridge, are accepting China's gaokao results as one of their admission standards. Is the Chinese college entrance exam being recognized globally? Forum readers share their opinions:

Cecilia Zhang (China)

The gaokao is a really tough exam. If possible, it can be used as one of the indicators(指标) for foreign universities, in addition to other indicators, such as how well they speak the target language. The students, who perform well in the gaokao, also have the ability to successfully adapt to Western styles of education. I believe accepting the gaokao as an indicator is a win-win for Chinese students and overseas universities.

Wchao 37 (US)

In fact gaokao is perhaps much more difficult than the SAT or ACT exams. You can get a perfect score of 1600 on the SAT but not in the gaokao, partly because the SAT is a machine-scored multiple-choice exam. Do you know anyone that has ever achieved a perfect score in the gaokao?

Harry 01 (UK)

Hundreds of students from China have entered universities in the UK using their gaokao scores, which require that their knowledge of English be above a certain level This measure has benefited specific groups of students from various backgrounds in China.

Mbursian (Canada)

In order to attend a university in an English-speaking country, a student needs to have an acceptable band score on the IELTS. Most importantly, students need an acceptable knowledge of the language spoken in any country they plan to study in. Now the Chinese gaokao is closer to meeting the requirements of different countries.

(1) Who believes accepting the Chinese gaokao benefits both native students and universities abroad? A. Cecilia Zhang. B. Wchao 37. C. Harry 01. D. Mbursian.
(2) What is most important for Chinese students planning to study abroad? A. The IELTS score. B. Enough test preparation. C. The Chinese gaokao score. D. Knowledge of the native language.
(3) What does the text intend to tell the readers? A. The gaokao will replace other tests. B. The gaokao is becoming globally accepted. C. The gaokao is the most difficult of all tests. D. The University of Cambridge made a good decision.
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Francis Kéré was named as the winner of the 2022 Pritzker prize, architecture's highest international honor. He is the first African architect to be recognized in the influential award's 43-year history. 

"Francis Kéré's entire body of work shows us the power of materiality(物质性)rooted in place," said the Pritzker jury(评委会),"His buildings, for and with communities, are directly of those communities-in their making, their materials, their programs and their unique characters. They have presence without pretense and an impact shaped by grace. "

Born in Gando in 1965, Kéré was the first in his community to attend school, sent away at the age of seven, after which he won a scholarship to study woodwork in Germany. He saw slim chances for a career in carpentry and switched to architecture at the Technical University of Berlin. For his final project he designed a primary school for his home village - and set about fundraising and mobilizing friends and family to see it built. He thought he owed a lot to his community. The project was realized in 2000, for about £20, 000. 

Kéré's Gando primary school set out the basic principles that would go on to define his work, using earth bricks made on site, topped with a perforated(有孔的)ceiling crowned by a thin "flying roof". He suspended his metal canopy(顶篷)above the classrooms to draw cool air in through the building's side windows and release hot air through the holes in the ceiling. The whole village was involved in construction, beginning a cooperative model of practice that he has continued ever since. The school won an Aga Khan award in 2004, taking Kéré to international fame and prompting him to found his practice in Berlin the following year.

One invitation after another, Kéré continues to experiment with natural alternatives to modern materials and systems, "I am constantly looking, " he said. "I am not limiting myself with a formal language. " Kéré's most ambitious buildings are still to come, despite having received the lifetime achievement of Pritzker prize.

(1) How did Kéré make it according to the Pritzker jury? A. The unique character of Francis Kéré won him the honor. B. Local materials and simple designs set Francis Kéré apart. C. His building works fit into the context of communities. D. Pretence and presence of his buildings took him to the top.
(2) Why is the construction of Gando primary school highlighted in the passage? A. To show Kéré's growing international fame. B. To display Kéré's principles in architecture. C. To demonstrate Kéré's spirit of persistence. D. To show Kéré's giving back to his nation.
(3) What is expected to happen in Kéré's career? A. He will learn more African local accents. B. He will create more styles of architecture. C. Pritzker prize will inspire him to make a fortune. D. More natural alternatives will find their way in his buildings.
(4) Which of the following best describes Francis Kéré? A. Responsible and creative. B. Committed and carefree. C. Determined and energetic. D. Modest and courageous.
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On Monday,a California company called Rocket Lab used a helicopter to clasp a huge booster section of a rocket out of the air as it fell from space. 

To launch spacecraft into space,rockets use several stages of"boosters". Booster rockets push the main spacecraft up and then fall back to Earth when their fuel is gone. 

The company SpaceX already has a system for reusing boosters. Using special engines,SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket boosters slow themselves down as they:fall to Earth,and then land in a controlled way. But Rocket Lab's rockets are far smaller and can't carry the fuel needed to return in this way. 

In the past,Rocket Lab has recovered some boosters. from the ocean,but the salty sea water can damage boosters and make them hard to reuse safely. To handle this,Rocket Lab used a flying helicopter to catch the booster as it fell back to Earth. 

After launching from New Zealand,and helping push the rocket's payload of 34 satellites into orbit,the booster reached a top height of about 50 miles(80 kilometers) above the Earth. Then it began falling,reaching speeds as fast as 5,200 mph(8,400 kph). As you might imagine,catching a 39-foot(12-meter) tube that weighs nearly 2,200 pounds(1,000 kilograms)as it falls from space is very complicated. But it worked—at least for a while. 

Once the-booster had slowed down enough,a small parachute(降落伞) was opened to slow it down even more. Then the helicopter was towing a strong cable(缆绳) with a hook at the end of it. This hook grabbed onto a cable of the parachute. Suddenly,the booster had stopped falling and was supported by the helicopter. The test wasn't a complete success,though. After a few moments,the helicopter pilots realized that the weight of the booster was pulling in a way that was unsafe. They released the booster,which was later recovered from the sea. 

Rocket Lab hopes that by learning from what happened this time,the next time the helicopter will be able to safely take the booster back to land,or to a nearby boat. 

(1) Which can best take the place of the underlined word "clasp"in paragraph 1? A. analyse. B. grab. C. encounter. D. integrate.
(2) Why did the helicopter pilots release the booster on the half-way of the test? A. To keep the speed of the booster. B. To reduce the weight of the booster. C. To get the booster from the ocean. D. To protect the safety of the helicopter.
(3) What do we know,about Rocket Lab's attempt in paragraph 6? A. It was a good trial though not successful. B. It proved the previous way was better. C. It was impossible to reuse the booster. D. It went successfully as planned.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Launching Reused Rockets to Save Cost. B. Recovering the Booster from the Ocean. C. Catching a Booster as It Falls from Space. D. Stopping a Helicopter Falling by a Booster.
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Researchers from China and the United States have found what makes ginkgo (银杏) trees live for more than 1, 000 years, according to a newspaper report. Researchers from Beijing Forestry University, the University of North Texas and some other Chinese research institutions reported in the U. S. magazine Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences that they analyzed 34 ginkgo trees and divided them into three groups according to their ages. Compared with adult trees, the ancient trees, aging from 193 to 667 years, have thinner cambium (形成层) cell layers(细胞层). Cambium cells are layers of stem cells between the inside wood and outside bark changing into other tissue.

The old trees have a higher level of IAA, a plant growth regulator and growth-stimulating hormone, and a lower level of ABA, a growth-resisting hormone. However, the average cross-sectional area of trees at breast height in the ancient trees group has been increasing with aging, which shows the continuous cambial cells division.

Little difference was found when it comes to their ability to photosynthesize(光合作用), grow leaves, grow seeds or resist disease compared to younger trees, showing that the ancient trees group are actually in a healthy and mature state.

Lin Jinxing of Beijing Forestry University and an author of the study said that trees usually die from outside stress like pests. They found disease resistance-associated genes kept high expression in old trees, along with genes associated with the synthesis(合成) of protective compounds, showing that the old trees do not lose their ability to defend against outside stressors. The researchers concluded that the longevity(寿命)of ginkgo trees is a balance between the growing and aging processes, rather than being regulated by a single gene.

(1) What are special about cambium cell layers of ancient trees? A. They are old enough. B. They are a little thinner. C. They exist in the internal wood. D. They can change into other tissues.
(2) What will happen if a tree has a high level of ABA? A. It will stop growing. B. It will have more tissues. C. It will grow slowly. D. It will die soon.
(3) Compared with young trees, ancient ginkgo trees_________. A. don't have a lot of leaves B. are not in a healthy state at all C. don't have a strong ability to fight against disease D. don't have much difference in growing seeds
(4) What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. The outside factors of most trees' death. B. The reason for ginkgo trees' long life. C. The trees' ability to defend against stressors. D. The relation between genes and trees 'life.
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